This Oracle SQL doesn't work in Oracle Apex - sql

if :p6_internal_id is null then
update table set "all columns" where id = :p6_internal_id;
end if ;
This says
ORA-00927: missing equal sign
for the update set "all columns" line.
I don't know how to fix this. How do I set the value of all the columns where id is what I enter?

Based on your comments, you just need to change that line to:
update table set account = :p6_account where id = :p6_internal_id;
You don't need to set the id column to :p6_internal_id as you know it already has that value - since you're using it in the where clause.
There is no magic value of '"all columns"' that would allow every column to be updated at once, not least because you need to supply a value that corresponds to every column anyway, and in the right order.
If you have multiple columns to set then you have to list them all explicitly, with each column/value pair separated by commas; e.g. with a few made-up columns and bind variables:
update table set account = :p6_account,
name = :p6_name,
amount := p6_amount
where id = :p6_internal_id;
You can see the required syntax in the documentation.


How can i increase (update) a cell in a SQL Table? in a query

I have a question, currently i have a table named "OrdersAndSerials".
In one of their columns is named Delivery, then i need to take a value of this Column, and and add a value.
In the green box of this row, the valor of Delivery is 123, but i need to add '10' of this cell.
The final result must be 133.
SQL Table
you can easily perform this operation using UPDATE statement.
Assuming you need to add 10 to original delivery value, and HUSerialBox is the primary key in this table.
update OrdersAndSerials set delivery = delivery + 10 where HUSerialBox = '140933vv';
Assuming that the Delivery column is of the datatype int you can use the UPDATE statement to change the value of the cell.
UPDATE OrdersAndSerials
SET Delivery = Delivery + 10 /* or whatever value you want to change it by */
WHERE HUSerialBox = '140933vv';


I am currently trying to update a column in a temporary table using Oracle 11g SQL syntax. In this column there is an Unique ID that is 12 digits long. However I need to join this table with this column holding the Unique ID but the syntax for the Unique ID of this table is slightly different than the syntax for the table that it will be joined (with Unique ID serving as the PK = FK). This may be tough to follow so I will provide what I am doing below.
UniqueID Column from TABLE xyz Syntax
UniqueID Column from TABLE zxo Syntax
You see how the numbers are identical except for the AB107 and first '3' in the zxo table? I would like to know why both these queries are not running
UPDATE temp37
Essentially I would like to replace every case of an id with AB10755555555555 to 355555555555. Thank you for any help.
You can do:

Update a table and return both the old and new values

Im writing a VB app that is scrubbing some data inside a DB2 database. In a few tables i want to update entire columns. For example an account number column. I am changing all account numbers to start at 1, and increment as I go down the list. Id like to be able to return both the old account number, and the new one so I can generate some kind of report I can reference so I dont lose the original values. Im updating columns as so:
DECLARE #accntnum INT
SET #accntnum = 0
UPDATE accounts
SET #accntnum = accntnum = #accntnum + 1
Is there a way for me to return both the original accntnum and the new one in one table?
DB2 has a really nifty feature where you can select data from a "data change statement". This was tested on DB2 for Linux/Unix/Windows, but I think that it should also work on at least DB2 for z/OS.
For your numbering, you might considering creating a sequence, as well. Then your update would be something like:
SELECT accntnum AS new_acct, old_acct
UPDATE accounts INCLUDE(old_acct INT)
SET accntnum = NEXT VALUE FOR acct_seq, old_acct = accntnum
ORDER BY old_acct;
The INCLUDE part creates a new column in the resulting table with the name and the data type specified, and then you can set the value in the update statement as you would any other field.
A possible solution is to add an additional column (let's call it oldaccntnum) and assign old values to that column as you do your update.
Then drop it when you no longer need it.
Here's what I'd do:
-- create a new table to track the changes.
- with columns identifying a unique key, old-vale, new-value, timestamp
-- create a trigger on the accounts table
to write the old and new values to the new table.
But, not knowing all the conditions, it may not be worth the trouble.

Get values based on newly inserted value using SQL

I want to make filtration on a column after selecting a specific value of another column in the same table, I tried to use #... special character followed by the column's name to get the address of this value.
My SQL statement is like the following :
If I used a specific value instead of #FIELDNAME, it will work properly but it will be static but I need it to be dynamic based on the selected value.
Create another table which will have the list of values that are in the FIELDNAME and give each record a unique id ,then retrieve the value depending on what you have selected by the name of the new table's field preceded by '#...'
I don't know if that what are you looking for, please let me know.
If no triggers are allowed, do you have any date/time column in the table? Is it possible to have that extra column anyway to see the time of a newly inserted row?
You may have to check the lastest row entered, save its field value into a variable. Then do the select based on the variable value.
Based on the vague last row id you could try the following (it's not pretty). But again, if you have date/time that's more accurate.
select attribute from table
where field = (select field from table
where rowid =(select max(rowid) from table))
Do you have the priviledge to set up your insert command as below:
insert into table (id, col1, col2,...) values (1,'something', 'something',...)
returning id into variable; -- you may either save field or id depending on your table
Then you may use this variable to select the records you want.

How to merge existing row with new data in SQLite?

I have a database full of simple note data, with columns for title, due date, priority, and details. There is also a _id column PRIMARY KEY int.
Say I have a note in the table already with some data filled and the rest null. I also have a set of data that will fill all those fields.
Is there a way that I can only write data to the fields that are NULL?
I can't overwrite existing data, but I'd like to add data to NULL columns.
I know the rowId of the target row.
If my target row had rowId of 5, I could do something like this:
UPDATE SET duedate='some date', priority='2', details='some text' WHERE _id=5
But that would overwrite all the data in that row, and I don't want to lose any data that might be there. How can I change this statement to avoid writing to non-null fields?
Suppose you start with
CREATE TABLE "t" ("a" , "b" , "c" );
INSERT INTO "t" ("a", "c") VALUES (1, 3);
update t set a = coalesce(a,9), b = coalesce(b,10), c = coalesce(c,11);
Will update only the null values, ie. only column B will be set to 10. A and C will be left alone because they contain values.
Coalesce means pick the first item in the list that is not null.
The UPDATE statement only changes the fields you specify in the SET clause. If there are fields whose value you want left unmodified, then simply don't specify those fields in the SET clause.
Put another way, UPDATE doesn't write to all fields in the table - just the fields you specify for the rows you select with the WHERE clause.
If you simply don't know if the existing data is NULL or not, you can set the values using IFNULL(CurrentValue, NewValueIfNull). E.g.
UPDATE SET due_date=IFNULL(due_date, "some date") ... etc..
This will merge your new values into the row where there NULL values, and leave non-NULL values as they were.
How about:
UPDATE SET duedate='some date' WHERE _id=5 and duedate is null;
UPDATE SET priority='2' WHERE _id=5 and priority is null;
UPDATE SET details='some text' WHERE _id=5 and priority is null;
If you use Mysql, you can lookup IF()-then you can create a one liner. I think you can do something with similar in Oracle with case...