GraphDB free stops working - graphdb

I'm using GraphDB Free 8.4.1 in research project and sometimes it gets stucked without any obvious reason. Process is running, but it is not possible to connect to repository, not even from workbench. It just stops responding.
I have to kill the GraphDB and then run it again.
I'm aware, that free edition allows only 2 queries in parallel, but i would not expect it would get stucked. I tried to reproduce this by making 30 parallel SPARQL queries, but everything worked ok.
There is no exception, nothing in error log, nothing in main log.
Please, where could be the problem?
Thank you very much in advance.

You can diagnose the problem by running jstack on the GraphDB process. This will give us details about the process activity.


Rundeck 3.4.5 - Run Job Later stop working

We're using Rundeck *.war version. After upgrade to 3.4.5, the "Run Job Now" stop working. The job got execute immediately after I click "Schedule Job". Anyone experience this? Any ideas what may have cause this?
As a matter of fact, it seems to be an opened issue on the project : The last message of this thread suggest to downgrade to 3.4.4 as long as it is not resolved if you really need it.

Runner got struck after running the test cases I am using 1.1.0 version [duplicate]

We have currently about 200 test features. We start to face something strange, most of the times tests are just stuck and would not proceed when we run mvn test command as the following:
mvn clean test -Dcucumber.options="--tags $tags" -Dtest=TestRunner -Dkarate.env=$env
Some tests would run as it was perfectly fine. But at some point the rest will just stuck as it it hangs.
We run the tests in parallel using 10 threads.
It stucks like this
Anybody experienced similar things? Any ideas what could possibly went wrong?
This should be fixed in 0.9.5.RC3 - it is stable to use for API testing, so I recommend you upgrade.
If anyone faces this problem for any other version of Karate, please understand that the best (and possibly only) way to troubleshoot or solve this - is to follow this process:
I actually have the same problem as you but I can't comment because of reputation, my project works with Gradle and I'm using IntelliJ IDEA and JDK1.8(at another moment before all this I tried Jetbrains SDK11 but had the same problem, I downgraded to java 8 and everything worked again) on this ocassion I did as peter said and upgraded to 0.9.5.RC4 but still when I execute some of my features they never end, for example, I'm currently working on a very simple feature that calls another feature for login, it works for many other features but for this one it appears to get to the end of its execution and never go back to the caller feature, as I was running out of options I made a new simple project copied the resources folder I store my features in and my run parallel class and tried again but it behaves in the same way, the execution never ends.
I'll upload an image with my screen while it executes as you can see it's been executing for 15 minutes

Karate Tests Stuck on Running Forever

We have currently about 200 test features. We start to face something strange, most of the times tests are just stuck and would not proceed when we run mvn test command as the following:
mvn clean test -Dcucumber.options="--tags $tags" -Dtest=TestRunner -Dkarate.env=$env
Some tests would run as it was perfectly fine. But at some point the rest will just stuck as it it hangs.
We run the tests in parallel using 10 threads.
It stucks like this
Anybody experienced similar things? Any ideas what could possibly went wrong?
This should be fixed in 0.9.5.RC3 - it is stable to use for API testing, so I recommend you upgrade.
If anyone faces this problem for any other version of Karate, please understand that the best (and possibly only) way to troubleshoot or solve this - is to follow this process:
I actually have the same problem as you but I can't comment because of reputation, my project works with Gradle and I'm using IntelliJ IDEA and JDK1.8(at another moment before all this I tried Jetbrains SDK11 but had the same problem, I downgraded to java 8 and everything worked again) on this ocassion I did as peter said and upgraded to 0.9.5.RC4 but still when I execute some of my features they never end, for example, I'm currently working on a very simple feature that calls another feature for login, it works for many other features but for this one it appears to get to the end of its execution and never go back to the caller feature, as I was running out of options I made a new simple project copied the resources folder I store my features in and my run parallel class and tried again but it behaves in the same way, the execution never ends.
I'll upload an image with my screen while it executes as you can see it's been executing for 15 minutes

azds up seems to take forever. Any way to debug?

So, I've had an Azure Dev spaces project running for a while. Up until recently, it was working fine. Now, It is stuck at "Syncronizing files".
Is there any way to debug what's going on?
Cancelling the azds up command and restarting the terminal solves the problem for me whenever I am stuck anywhere. When even that doesn't work, it is a good idea to run az login once in a while.

hive application shows running even after killing from command line

I ran a hive query on a decently large dataset and it was taking too much time for the query so I decided to kill the application with :
yarn kill -application-id
Now when I check from the CLI with:
yarn application -list
then the above mentioned application does not show up in the list.
However, when I log into the Tez view from ambari the application is showing up to be still in the running state(almost been 24 hours since I created it).
I tried killing it again from the command line but it says that the application has already finished.
I also checked in the resource manager UI and the status for that job shows that it was killed.
Because of this, whenever I am trying to run any new hive job, it is just getting queued up and I am unable to run any other jobs.
Please help!
The TEZ VIEW is an export of the application timeline server info. If you use yarn kill, hive does not properly inform the YARN Application Timeline Server that the query has been terminated. Therefore, you still see these as running in the tez view because ATS never received any update that this entered a stopped/failed state. If you are unable to run new hive jobs, it will not be related to the fact that killed applications still show as running in the tez view and you should troubleshoot that separately. The bug you described is purely cosmetic and is documented in the following places:
So the way around I found to clear the queue so that I could run other queries was to go to /hadoop/yarn/timeline, backup the files and restart YARN. The TEZ queue was cleared up and I could start running my queries from the hive view again.
I should mention, however, that this will clear all queries(for all the users).