Rundeck 3.4.5 - Run Job Later stop working - jobs

We're using Rundeck *.war version. After upgrade to 3.4.5, the "Run Job Now" stop working. The job got execute immediately after I click "Schedule Job". Anyone experience this? Any ideas what may have cause this?

As a matter of fact, it seems to be an opened issue on the project : The last message of this thread suggest to downgrade to 3.4.4 as long as it is not resolved if you really need it.


IntelliJ-How to solve this problem about Git is not installed : Cannot invoke(class=Listener, method=beforeTaskStart,topic=ProgressManagerListener)

Thank you for come in to my ask :)
I have a problem when I first installed intelliJ and tried to set path to Git executable.
intelliJ setting screenshot
**I tried to solve this problem like this
remove git and retry to install git for homebrew
retry to install git from intelliJ "Download and install"
set another path like this "/usr/bin/git" (it has same result too)
but it didn't help so I search in google but there is no about
***"Cannot invoke(class=Listener, method=beforeTaskStart,topic=ProgressManagerListener)"
This is my first question so maybe my writing is a little bit poor
I would appreciate it if you could take a good look :) Thank you
The Cannot invoke class error looks like some unhandled exception in the logic that runs git commands. There might be several reasons for that, one of which is actually a corrupted installation.
Please try doing a clean install by downloading dmg from the web site, and make sure to select the one corresponding your system Intel or Apple Silicon.
If this does not help, IDE logs might have more details on the exception, and an optimal way would be to report the error and share logs with IntelliJ Support

Karate Tests Stuck on Running Forever

We have currently about 200 test features. We start to face something strange, most of the times tests are just stuck and would not proceed when we run mvn test command as the following:
mvn clean test -Dcucumber.options="--tags $tags" -Dtest=TestRunner -Dkarate.env=$env
Some tests would run as it was perfectly fine. But at some point the rest will just stuck as it it hangs.
We run the tests in parallel using 10 threads.
It stucks like this
Anybody experienced similar things? Any ideas what could possibly went wrong?
This should be fixed in 0.9.5.RC3 - it is stable to use for API testing, so I recommend you upgrade.
If anyone faces this problem for any other version of Karate, please understand that the best (and possibly only) way to troubleshoot or solve this - is to follow this process:
I actually have the same problem as you but I can't comment because of reputation, my project works with Gradle and I'm using IntelliJ IDEA and JDK1.8(at another moment before all this I tried Jetbrains SDK11 but had the same problem, I downgraded to java 8 and everything worked again) on this ocassion I did as peter said and upgraded to 0.9.5.RC4 but still when I execute some of my features they never end, for example, I'm currently working on a very simple feature that calls another feature for login, it works for many other features but for this one it appears to get to the end of its execution and never go back to the caller feature, as I was running out of options I made a new simple project copied the resources folder I store my features in and my run parallel class and tried again but it behaves in the same way, the execution never ends.
I'll upload an image with my screen while it executes as you can see it's been executing for 15 minutes

azds up seems to take forever. Any way to debug?

So, I've had an Azure Dev spaces project running for a while. Up until recently, it was working fine. Now, It is stuck at "Syncronizing files".
Is there any way to debug what's going on?
Cancelling the azds up command and restarting the terminal solves the problem for me whenever I am stuck anywhere. When even that doesn't work, it is a good idea to run az login once in a while.

GraphDB free stops working

I'm using GraphDB Free 8.4.1 in research project and sometimes it gets stucked without any obvious reason. Process is running, but it is not possible to connect to repository, not even from workbench. It just stops responding.
I have to kill the GraphDB and then run it again.
I'm aware, that free edition allows only 2 queries in parallel, but i would not expect it would get stucked. I tried to reproduce this by making 30 parallel SPARQL queries, but everything worked ok.
There is no exception, nothing in error log, nothing in main log.
Please, where could be the problem?
Thank you very much in advance.
You can diagnose the problem by running jstack on the GraphDB process. This will give us details about the process activity.

WiX Toolset - Handling the case of running the installer again after it's been installed

I have a custom bootstrapper (C# WPF) and it works well enough. If the installer gets run from the command line after it was installed, it brings up a window allowing the user to select if they want to modify, repair or uninstall. So far so good. Modify mode starts the UI which ends up calling Bootstrapper.Plan(LaunchAction.Modify). The problem is that if I call it from the launcher UI it immediately complains that a prior install requires a reboot.
I have not found any good examples on what this should do. Even the WiX mailing list came up blank.
Any ideas?
It would be helpful with the screenshot for that reboot message - just to get a feel for where it might be coming from and to get a literal string to search for. Did you have a look in the WiX source code yourself btw? (WiX 3.111 branch)
I started writing a lot of stuff about reboots. Not good. Maybe just some questions instead:
Does this happen every time you invoke modify and is it reproducible on more than one computer? Or maybe it is just Windows Update acting up on a problem computer?
I assume you have rebooted the computer where you see the problem and you see the problem again when you re-launch the bundle?
Do you schedule any reboots inside your MSI files during the initial installation?
Either using the ScheduleReboot action or a custom action which schedules a reboot with a call to MsiSetMode (for example)?
There is a long explanation here why such reboot-constructs cause problems, but that may be besides the point. Essentially badly configured reboot-constructs can trigger spontaneous, unexpected reboots without warning when packages are run in silent mode (plus other problems).
Could you try to run the test VBScript found in this answer: WiX behaving badly on XP machine with windows update issues in order to check if the script reports a reboot being necessary?
Other than that I guess you could try to run Burn yourself in debug mode (not sure how much plumbing that would be to get running) or perhaps first try a ProcMon.exe session to see if you can see something obvious. The latter should be quick to do?
There are some registry locations you can hunt down to see if you can figure out what triggered the reboot warning. Get-PendingReboot-Query. And a similar PowerShell script.
So in the end it was user error. :-( O well. I did learn a lot about how to figure out how Windows checks for the need to reboot etc.
The issue was simple in the end. During the modify run it was uninstalling, then reinstalling a number of services. The problem is that when it runs (seeing as you have to set it to repair to get it to work) it copies all the files again and the services were still running at the start of the install. The fix was to uninstall anything that might lock a file before the actual file copy starts and that solved the issue for me.
Thanks for your help guys, all the info helped me look in different directions until I found the issue. Awesome community as always!