Is there a limit of the number of apps an "organization" can have? - google-fabric

Like the title says.
Is there a limited number of apps that a fabric "organization" can have?

Paul from Fabric here. There's no limit on the number of apps in your organization. However, we do recommend grouping apps together in logical groups using multiple organizations.


How to architect team-based chat?

We are evaluating a chat solution for a system we are developing. Twilio Conversations is our preferred option, as we also plan to use video. Our requirement seems to be a bit atypical of most solutions, and we are trying to determine the best architecture.
The solution is for a healthcare provider. Patients will be able to chat, via a mobile app, to a number of teams in the clinic, who will converse via a web app. Clinic staff can belong to several Teams. Chats can be initiated at both sides.
We are trying to determine the best architecture for Team members. Chat responses should come from the team, not an individualand any team member should be able to continue a conversation.
So, do we have one chat user per team? This seems to make sense, except a Team member could be in several teams, so we would need to handle multiple identities.
Or do we create a group comprising each team member plus the patient? This doesn't seem the rightr approach. We would need to hide the individual user identities, keep responses in sync using horizons, and I doubt would scale well?
I'm surpised this isn't a common scenario, so was wondering if there ws a recommended architecture? Thx

Is it possible to get ad group ids like keyword ids using adwords api?

I am using google adwords api for keyword planner, I am able to get keyword ids using adwords api and I also wanna get ad group ids.
Does the actual api version support this feature?
Unlike keywords, AdGroups are designed to be organized as you create them. Reorganizing your account after you've created several campaigns and ad groups wipes out all the valuable data you've accumulated, possibly affecting how your ads perform.
This is why there doesn't seem to be a tool to get ad group ids. However certain best practices are outlined in this AdWords Help support article.
The relevant part being
A common method for organizing an AdWords account is to organize with
a category or business goal in mind. For many businesses, the way your
website is structured is a good place to start, where each ad group
representing a different page or category on your site. Ad groups can
help ensure that your ads are relevant to your keywords. For example,
for your camera campaign, you may want to create separate ads for
digital cameras and compact cameras. You can create ad groups for each
type of camera, each with its own set of focused, relevant keywords.
For your television campaign, you can also create an ad group for each
type of television you sell, such as flat screen and plasma TVs.

Geocoding API usage limits at project level or account level?

Would someone be kind enough to tell me whether the Google API usage limits specified here: are calculated set at the project level, or account level please?
I'm using one API key for several maps on our website. Total calls per day limit is no problem at all. We're occasionally clocking more than 50 requests per second in peak times though.
If I create a new project, and get a new API key in the same account, will that mean we can hit 50 requests per second on one API key, and 50 requests per second separately on another API key...or are they calculated at the account level?
Many thanks everyone!
The documentation states the following:
Most of the Google Maps APIs have a complimentary per-day quota that can be set in the Google API Console. The daily default and maximum query limits vary by API. You can increase the complimentary daily limits by enabling billing, or purchasing a Google Maps APIs Premium Plan license. Quota limits are enforced on a unique project basis, and you may not take any action to circumvent quota limits. For example, you may not create multiple projects to compound and exceed quota limits.
So, as you can see the usage quota is calculated on the per project basis. If you use two API keys from different projects each one will have its own usage limits. Also you cannot create unlimited number of project for one account. As far as I know you can create approximately 16 projects within one account.
I hope this clarifies your doubt.
The usage limits are calculated at the account level, not the project or key level. They do this to prevent people from just creating unlimited projects to get around the acceptable usage limits that they are providing.

How to implement IoT with GCP: What are the limits of both cloud projects and service accounts per project? To what number can they be increased?

In short: What are the limits of both cloud projects and service accounts per project? How can they be increased? Is the architecture a good idea at all?
I am developing an IoT application with tens of thousands of planned devices in the field, having a few devices per customer and hundreds of customers. Every device will continuously (24/7) stream measurement data directly to BigQuery with one dataset (or table) per device at sample rates of at least 100Hz.
Of course, every device needs to be authenticated and authorized to gain tightly restricted access to its cloud dataset. As stated in the Auth Guide API keys are not very secure. Therefore, the most appropriate solutions seems to have one service account per customer with one account key per device (as suggested in this GCP article). However, the FAQs of Cloud IAM state that the number of service accounts is limited to 100 per project.
This limit could be reached quickly. If so, how easily/costly is it to increase this limit towards thousands or tens of thousands of service accounts per project?
In such a scenario also the number of needed projects could easily grow to hundreds or thousands. Would this be feasible?
Is this overall concept practical or are there better approaches within GCP?

Is it possible to have multiple keys of same vendor for same service in one application?

Let me take an example, I wanted to use Google Places API in my app. But due to usage limit it only allows me to use 1000/day requests for one key. So what I did was created multiple keys from different gmail accounts. I am using these multiple keys in one app. Is it allowed to use commercially?
Google already mentions that on the documents
You can use one Developers Console project to manage all of your work, or you can create multiple projects, depending on your development and collaboration needs. Consider whether you're collaborating with a different set of people, want to track usage differently, or need to set different traffic controls for different parts of your work. If so, breaking up your work into multiple projects might make sense. That said, you cannot use multiple projects to try to exceed API usage limits.
From :Google Docs : Creating and shutting down projects
So you cant use it multiple key for project its better to use the commercial package offer by google.
Try use the Google Place for web, it haven't requests limit. I think you are developing for android, so
use this tutorial: