Set root directory on shared hosting for multiple projects - apache

Locally, I can change the root directory of apache following these instructions. What I really want is to set up a way to have multiple projects with a different root directory for each project. I did this with help from this question.
I have a shared hosting plan (Apache running on Linux Ubuntu) where I would like to test these projects in a more production-like environment. The problem I run into, is that I cannot configure a different root directory for each project because I cannot configure Apache on this shared hosting.
My question is, is there any way to 'tell' Apache I have different projects with different document roots? I'm hoping there is a solution like having a .htaccess file per project with this setting, but I am not sure if this is possible.

There are a few of "it depends", so I will address the most common setups.
1) How do you define "multiple projects"? Usually that means 1 project == 1 domain.
Your provider should allow you to setup multiple domains on your web space. Each domain is then linked to 1 directory in your web space. This incurs fees, to pay for each domain.
Ex. for 1and1 (not a publicity, it just happens have a sites on their setup): points to /example1, points to /example2, and so on. This is setup in their administration interface.
Doing it like this is equivalent to setting up multiple VirtualHost sections.
2) 1 project == 1 domain prefix
Depending how your hoster does it, you could setup points to /site1 and points to /site2.
The user never sees /site1 or /site2 in their address bar.
Again that is done in the administration interface of your provider.
3) 1 project == 1 sub-directory of one domain, you cannot edit .htaccess
If you do not mind that, each project could be a sub-directory to the 1 domain you have.,, ...
The user of your site must type in to get access to the project. It is not hidden in the configuration, the user must explicitly input the project he wants in the browser address bar.
This does not require any configuration in Apache, or at the hoster level. Simply put the different directories under the DocumentRoot directory of the entire domain.
This does not provide a "clean" separation of the sites, but it might be enough for your needs.
4) like 3), but you can edit .htaccess files
In the DocumentRoot directory create a .htaccess file
In there, use Alias to tell Apache that requests to a sub-directory in the URL corresponds to another directory on disk, somewhere OTHER than under DocumentRoot like in 3)
This scenario might be less probable since your hoster will probably only allow you to put content under the DocumentRoot anyway.
Have fun!


Rewrite with multiple symfony projects under same directory

I'm trying to make some personal projects in my development server, like some sort of intranet.
If I divide each project in a different virtualhost, I set in each computer the host file to each server name and I don't have problems with the rewrite rule and the app.php. But the problem is that I can't modify the host file in an android device so I can't access those webs.
What I have in mind is something like this:
I have three symfony projects under my home folder
Then, under the default folder of apache I make soft links to the web folder to every project:
ln -s /home/user/projects/project1/web /var/www/html/project1
ln -s /home/user/projects/project2/web /var/www/html/project2
ln -s /home/user/projects/project3/web /var/www/html/project3
So I can access them this way:
The problem is that I use those url I need to add the default app.php. I've been trying to modify the .htaccess file of each project, but I don't what to modify. I'm using the default virtualhost configuration and the default .htaccess file of each project.
I think that I need to modify the RewriteCond line, but I don't know what to do.
I've got a local development environment (it's actually running on a linux server, under my desk, but the same setup would apply to any other configuration of server).
The webserver has a local IP address, reachable from elsewhere on the local network, including from my phone over WiFi.
All the development sites have their own Vhost configured on the server, with a common DNS prefix - something like *
The DNS is configured so that and the wildcard * return (or whatever the internal, static IP address is). This is a public domain name that has an A record to a local-range IP address, but it's entirely valid.
If you don't have a domain name that you can add wildcard DNSs to, you can use a service such as - and so the vhost Servername would be something like:
... etc
You may end up regularly editing the apache vhost if you internal IP changes at all, and maybe finding alternate wildcard DNS servers (my go-to was, but that isn't diffcult to do).
You may also be able to use an internal wildcard for an Apache ServerName/serverAlias: ServerAlias mysite.*

Apache URI path recognition / mapping?

I have a website for all intents and purposes is called.
Which in my server path is /var/www/
I tried to create a new folder in /var/ called "analytics", with the hope that if I typed I could access that folder.
However that does not work because it is actually looking for /var/www/analytics instead of /var/analytics
So how can I have multiple directories mapped to a URI?
For phpmyadmin I can access with the phpadmin folder is in a completely different directory. So it must be possible.
However I tried googling but could not find any answers so I guess I do not have the right description of what this functionality is on Apache webservers.
Any help would be appreciated.
You have to create virtual directories in Apache.
If you are using Apache2, then can you go to the directories
/etc/apache2/sites-available and /etc/apache2/sites-enabled.
You have probably only the default virtual directory enabled.
You can make a copy of a virtual directory in the map /sites-available.
A virtual directory starts with specifying what the root directory is.
Then can you use the commands a2ensite and a2dissite in order to enable or disable the virtual directories respectively.
After a change in enabled/disabled virtual directories do you need to restart/reload the apache server.
If you use .htaccess file, do not forget to set AllowAccess (in the tag Directory) to at least FileInfo or .htaccess will be ignored.
If you want to make those directories different hosts, then can you make aliases in /etc/hosts.
On my home computer have I aliases for the ip addresses and
That gives me the possibility to have two different sites at the same time.

Host multiple domains with apache

I'm trying to set up an ubuntu server to act as a dns server and host a simple webpage, some git repos, and some software for issue tracking, code review, and the like. I settled on Phabricator as the issue tracking/ code review software of choice, since it seemed to be a good all-in-one solution. I've got my server hosting my webpage and git repos, so that part seems to be working ok. Now here's the issue I've run into (from Phabricator configuration instructions):
If you haven't already, set up a domain name to point to the host you're installing on. You can either install Phabricator on a subdomain (like or an entire domain, but you can not install it in some subdirectory of an existing website
I have no idea where to even begin setting up another domain name on my server. How do I set up a second domain name for Phabricator to use?
I see a lot of guides online that say to modify resolv.conf to add a dns entry, however mine looks like this:
Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)
and I'm not sure what I should change to get dns entries to show up here.
I'm assuming you have only one IP address, which means you should be using virtual name-based hosting. There are a number of tutorials for doing this, but in short:
Create a virtual host configuration file in:
For example:
nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/phabricator
a2ensite phabricator (in this example, but use the configuration file name you used above)
apache2ctl restart
The configuration file (which can be named whatever you'd like) needs to contain a number of items. A simple example would look like this:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /www/example1
DocumentRoot is the full path to the root of your site, usually where index.html, index.php, or the like is located. The default is /var/www. You could put somethig like /home/phabricator or /var/www/phabricator, but make sure you install Phabricator in the directory you specify.
ServerName is the full FQDN of your site, such as "" or "" or even "phabricator.local". Basically it's the same value as you have set in your DNS for your A record, or in your /etc/hosts file. If you don't know about /etc/hosts, then disregard that part.
You'll probably need a few more directives in your configuration file, but you can find what's available on Google. I would suggest following some tutorials to get your configuraiton right.
But overall, you just need to create a virtual host config file, enable it, then restart the server, which is what the above instructions do. Apache will respond to the web request based on the site you put into your address bar.
P.S. Just noticed your DNS part of the question. Do you have DNS set up publicly to point a domain ( or subdomain ( to your server's IP address?

Difference between ServerRoot, DocumentRoot, and Directory

While playing with Apache, I messed up the paths without making a backup httpd.config file.
The file is located at C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.config
I want to keep my web project on the D: drive as a virtual folder. This is the current non-working state. How can I fix this or revert to the xampp defaults?
ServerRoot "C:\xampp\apache"
DocumentRoot "D:\workspace"
<Directory "D:\workspace\AutionWebSite">
ServerRoot = path to the webserver executable/dir
DocumentRoot = path to your files that are delivered by the server
The <Directory> directive is used to configure settings for a specific directory. However, the <Directory> command in your question is not complete.
The default values for DocumentRoot and Directory for XAMPP is "C:\xampp\htdocs"
I would say that the most easiest way for you would be to check your xampp version, make a back up of your document root, which is probably "www" or "htdocs", your configuration files and eventually dump your database. Now install the same version of xammp again and there it is.
And at least the first rule is by playing with "config files", make backups before. The second rule is, make a backup of the whole configuration directory anyway, just for the case. And the last one is, if you are a xammp user, means you are a windows user, so you probably don't have unixoid server administration knowledges, so there is a long way for you to starting to "play" with the apache server.
The only think that you should know is, that you need to set the direction "AllowOverride All", which is necessary, if you use some content management system or other systems, which brings there own .htaccess file. So long you work on windows with xammp and not on a linux or other unixoid operating systems, you cannot understand the complete world of web servers like apache or database servers like postgresql and the sensibility of configuration files.
I understand the necessity of it for understanding of whole web applications respect. to be an full stack web programmer, but before that, i wouldn't change in the future the default server configurations, just check the row "AllowOverride All". Hope this will help your.
Server Root "/Local"
-specifies the default directory hierarchy for the Apache installation.
Document Root"/Local/WWW/apache22/data"
- the directory out of which you will serve your documents.

How to setup sub-domains like blogspot

What should do to setup a sub-domain for the users when they sign-up into my site.
What are the infrastructure required? I am using Linux servers.
You can either use a specific DNS (CNAME or A/AAAA) entry for each known subdomain, or a wild-card DNS entry that'll accept *
foo IN A
bar IN A
* IN A
The advantage of this latter is that no changes are required to either DNS or Apache configuration once the service is running. The disadvantage is that all such wildcard lookups must (by definition) end up returning the same IP address.
The Apache configuration will depend on your requirements, both for end-user control and security. Note that if the users have permission to run CGI scripts on the server then additional setup will be needed to ensure that that's done securely.
Depending on whether content is static or dynamic this will also affect your configuration:
Use mod_vhost_alias to map individual virtual hosts into their individual directories on the server.
If you really want, create a separate <VirtualHost> section for each known site, but then you'll have to restart Apache each time a new user signs up
Use a single <VirtualHost> and then look at the hostname part of the requested URL (from the $SERVER_NAME environment variable) in the scripts that render the output to figure out which user's content to display.
You can make a CNAME entry/ A Record in your DNS settings, for each subdomain
A CNAME record is a record in your
Domain Management Settings that allows
you to control a subdomain of your
To automate it along with registration, you can write a script which is executed for each user, when s/he registers.
You can refer to this link, as well, for a step-by-step process for Apache:
How to setup subdomains in apache
(since you mentioned Linux, I assume it must be APache. Please mention if it is otherwise)
Alternate Solution
You can also refer to the wildcard solution, given by Alnitak, in the same thread. I find his is an easier way. :)
infrastructure includes access the the dns server to add a wildcard entry, and rewrite rules in Apache.
Try these answers:
How to let PHP to create subdomain automatically for each user?
How to make subdomain user accounts in a webapp
or this link:
If your using Linux server's I'm assuming your using Apache as your webserver.
You'll have to setup proper DNS routing for the sub domain as well as a virtual host.
Virtual Hosts are fairly easy to setup but I'm not sure how easy it is to do them on the fly progmatically.
Most of the time it's as easy as editing your apache config file and adding the following:
Port 80
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /www/user-bob
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /www/user-sally
The VirtualHost Documention will probably of some use to you.
Apache allows you to specify any number of 'sites' based on subdomains on a single server. Creating a new 'site definition' file with the appropriate subdomain information in it, along with proper DNS wildcards, will do what you want.
In other words, the process is like this:
Setup wildcards so that * directs to the proper server.
When a new user signs up, create the proper Apache site definition file - you'll probably have a base template that you put the right subdomain information into and save.
Make Apache re-read its configuration.
IMPORTANT This is based on a Debian-style Apache configuration, where the config files are included in a directory, and the main configuration reads all the config files in that directory. This will simplify things a great deal, because adding/removing subdomains will mean adding/removing files, rather than editing a single file, and so the process will be much easier to automate.