How to set the min date to the datetimepicker - datetimepicker

I am currently having a start and end datetimepicker. The condition is the start time value cannot be greater than the end value or the start value cannot be less than the end value. If any of the events happen, I need to default the date value to min value.
Here is my code
$("#endTime").on("dp.change",function (e) {
var fromDate = $("#startTime").find("input").val();
alert("fromDate" + fromDate);
var toDate = $("#endTime").find("input").val();
alert("toDate" + toDate);
if(fromDate>toDate==1 || fromDate<toDate== -1)
$('#endTime').data("DateTimePicker").minDate(new Date(toYear, toMonth, toDay, 18,00,00))
How to reset the date values to a default or min value?


Kotlin Unparseable and - NullPointerException error

What I expect: the 'for loop' brings the number of columns that will be displayed in the table, the start date, and the end date are taken by an object. the transaction date is taken by a different object. The start date variable gets the exception and the transaction date gets the value without a problem.
if(date >0){//no of dates for the selected week
for (i in 0 until date) {
val dateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
val tv_Date = TextView(this)
val transDate = SortedDateHashMap[i].transactionDate
val start = SortedExpenseDateHashMap[i]!!.weekStart
val end = SortedExpenseDateHashMap[i]!!.weekEnd
val startDate = dateFormat.parse(start)
val endDate = dateFormat.parse(end)
var transactionDat = dateFormat.parse(transDate)
if(transactionDat.before(endDate) && transactionDat.after(startDate)){
tv_Date.setPadding(10, 15, 10, 10)
tv_Date.gravity = Gravity.CENTER
tv_Date.layoutParams = params3
tv_Date.text = SortedDateHashMap[i].transactionDate
Used null safe and wrote the code in the try..catch exception. Worked

How do you compare selector attributes in Testcafe?

I'm trying to compare the date of videos on a webpage to today's date. If the difference between the two dates is more than X days, report back as false.
The videos on the webpage have a tag in them which uses the format yyyy-mm-dd
I've got a selector set up to find the videos const videoDate = Selector('OPTA-video').withAttribute('data-secondary-time')
Now how do I set a variable to today's date and compare the two? I'm completely stuck!
I was using Katalon Studio before and here's the groovy script that did the same job:
String videoDate = WebUI.getAttribute(findTestObject('OPTA-video'), 'data-secondary_time')
LocalDate todaysDate =
LocalDate videoDateParsed = LocalDate.parse(videoDate, dtf)
if (ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(videoDateParsed, todaysDate) > 1) {
KeywordUtil.markFailed('The videos are 2+ days old.')
} else {
KeywordUtil.logInfo('The videos are up to date.')
You can use the getAttribute TestCafe method to access an attribute value. Then, parse the attribute value into the JavaScript Date object:
String videoDate = Selector('OPTA-video').getAttribute('data-secondary-time');
Date videoDateParsed = Date.parse(videoDate);
Date todaysDate =
In the following thread you can find how to compare Date objects.
This is one of the scripts that I am using.
//getting your XPath test value into a string
String ann_time =
//converting time to simple date format
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat('HH:mm')
Date sdf_anntime = sdf.parse(new String(ann_time))
//getting Current time
SimpleDateFormat dateFormatGmt = new SimpleDateFormat('HH:mm')
SimpleDateFormat dateFormatLocal = new SimpleDateFormat('HH:mm')
currDate = dateFormatLocal.parse(dateFormatGmt.format(new Date()))
// time gap in long format
long duration = currDate.getTime() - sdf_anntime.getTime()
//time gap to mins
long diffInMinutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(duration)
//compare time gap with globale variable
if (diffInMinutes < GlobalVariable.News_updated_time) {
log.logInfo("system is getting updated,last updated "+ diffInMinutes + "min ago")
} else {
CustomKeywords.'errorMessage.logFailed.markStepFailed'('from 1 h, system was not updated')
log.logInfo('from '+ diffInMinutes+ 'h, system was not updated')

how to set current month as default value on simple parameter on pentaho cde?

I have a simple parameter where I should pass the first day of current month.
What should I write on property value?
You can create a custom parameter, which allows you to set it to the return value of a Javascript function:
var now = new Date();
return now.getMonth() + 1;
When you load the dashboard the parameter will be calculated and will have an integer value between 1 and 12.
If you want the parameter to have as value the date string for day 1 of this month you can instead use
var now = new Date();
var y = now.getFullYear();
var m = now.getMonth()+1;
m = (m<10 ? '0' : '') + m;
var d = '01';
return y + '-' + m + '-' + d;
This will return the date as a string in the format yyyy-MM-dd for day 1 of the current month.
As far as i know, the properties file cannot have a formula that will calculate on run time when you use the value.
What you can do instead, is in the beggining of your Job have a KTR that will set this variable for you.
You KTR should look something like this:
Set the parameter date_mois (exact same name) in your Root Job, and this variable will be passed down to subsequent KTR / JOB calls (This is default unless uncheked).

Kendo DateTimePicker: Need to return dates in UTC

In my MVC application I am storing dates in UTC. In my view I am doing this to show the dates in date time pickers in local time
<div class="datetimepicker">#(Html.Kendo().DateTimePickerFor(m => m.StartDateTime).Value(Model.StartDateTime.ToLocalTime()))</div>
The problem is that when the datetimes arereturned in the post methods back to the server they are returned in local time. Is there a way from the view to return the datetimes in UTC?
Hi datetimepicker in kendo i dono abt it,but just a thought if u can get the value from datetimepicker and pass through a function as below which converts to UTC and then send it to server , i believe ur task is complete..sry if i am wrong...
function convertToUtc(str) {
var date = new Date(str);
var year = date.getUTCFullYear();
var month = date.getUTCMonth()+1;
var dd = dategetUTCDate();
var hh = date.getUTCHours();
var mi = date.getUTCMinutes();
var sec = date.getUTCSeconds();
// 2010-11-12T13:14:15Z
theDate = year + "-" + (month [1] ? month : "0" + month [0]) + "-" +
(dd[1] ? dd : "0" + dd[0]);
theTime = (hh[1] ? hh : "0" + hh[0]) + ":" + (mi[1] ? mi : "0" + mi[0]);
return [ theDate, theTime ].join("T");
Your question is a good one and the approach that we suggest is covered in this code library article.

Difference between datepickers except sundays in infopath

How to get the no of days between two date picker controls in info path except sundays?
If It is possible let me know.
Thanks in advance.........
Using custom code you can do it easily. In this case I'm calculating the number of days (except Sundays) between a given date and today's date.
var navigator = this.MainDataSource.CreateNavigator();
string startDate = navigator.SelectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:date_start", NamespaceManager).Value;
DateTime startDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(startDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", null);
DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
int count = 0;
while (startDateTime > today)
today = today.AddDays(1);
if (today.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Sunday)
I hope it helps