Dcm4chee Connection to ldap://ldap:389 broken - reconnect error - ldap

I'm using dcm4chee docker stack with ldap and postgreSQL and have a floating error:
ldap:389; socket closed; remaining name 'cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=mdw,dc=io'
2018-07-13 06:30:42,089 INFO [org.dcm4che3.conf.ldap.ReconnectDirContext] (Thread-0 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Connection to ldap://ldap:389 broken - reconnect
All three services are running on the same host. What can I do to avoid that error?

Disable the firewall. If firewall was enabled add an exception for all 3 services.


Error while connecting sql server with visual studio 2022 in Mac Os not in window

A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 35 - An internal exception was caught)
appsetting.json connection string:
"DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost,1433;Database=Bulky;User=sa;Password=Admin#123;"
You can try below methods.
Method 1
You can add tcp: in your connection string.
Method 2
Add Polling=True
Method 3
Open 1433 port in MacOS.
I fixed it just adding TrustServerCertificate=true; to my connection string

Pentaho not starting because it tries bind to port 9092 already used by itself

I'm trying to start Pentaho server on Debian Jessie.
Pentaho crap itself by showing the following error:
15:55:24,198 WARN [PentahoSolutionSpringApplicationContext] Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'org.h2.tools.Server' defined in file [/opt/pentaho-biplatform-ce-]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Exception opening port "H2 TCP Server (tcp://localhost:9092)" (port may be in use), cause: "timeout" [90061-131]
Error is very clear - port 9092 is used by something else. The problem is that it is actually used by Pentaho, so it's complaining about the port which is currently used by itself...
To test that I've changed the port to 9093 in the following file:
The only difference between exceptions now was that port, which was 9093 this time, so it's definitely complaining about the port it is using, very weird.
Full log can be found here: http://ix.io/1ydv
Try to add the following attribute to the CATALINA_OPTS options in the start_pentaho.sh file :
CATALINA_OPTS="... -Dh2.bindAddress=ip_of_your_machine"
It helped me to remove the Exception opening port "H2 TCP Server (tcp://localhost:9092)" (port may be in use) error.
adding as follows in CATALINA_OPTS options in the start_pentaho.sh file is solving this issue:
CATALINA_OPTS="... -Dh2.bindAddress=localhost"
The root cause of the problem is that your server's hostname does not points to
Just add(edit) this line into your /etc/hosts: localhost YOUR_HOST_NAME

ActiveMQ Master/Slave on Weblogic - vm transport issue

I am trying to configure ActiveMQ master/slave setup on a single WebLogic machine. The problem is when I start Managed Server1 it successfully connects to vm transport and everything works perfectly, but when I start Managed Server2 I am receiving the following errors in broker logs
INFO 2016-September-27 10:08:00,227 ActiveMQEndpointWorker:124 - Connection attempt already in progress, ignoring connection exception
INFO 2016-September-27 10:08:01,161 TransportConnector:260 - Connector vm://localhost started
INFO 2016-September-27 10:08:30,228 TransportConnector:291 - Connector vm://localhost stopped
INFO 2016-September-27 10:08:30,229 TransportConnector:260 - Connector vm://localhost started
WARN 2016-September-27 10:08:30,228 ActiveMQManagedConnection:385 - Connection failed: javax.jms.JMSException: peer (vm://localhost#61) stopped.
WARN 2016-September-27 10:08:30,231 TransportConnection:823 - Failed to add Connection ID:ndl-wls-300.mydomain.com-52251-1474966937425-65:1 due to java.lang.NullPointerException
ERROR 2016-September-27 10:08:30,233 ActiveMQEndpointWorker:183 - Failed to connect to broker [vm://localhost?create=false]: java.lang.NullPointerException
javax.jms.JMSException: java.lang.NullPointerException
Please help, I am stuck with this.
I still don't see the reason for the slave within the same VM. I suggest you reach out to an ActiveMQ expert consultant to validate your architecture.
However, I think I can help you move a little bit closer to this issue:
There is a fundamental miss understanding here.. the vm url is broken down like this:
The first time you create vm://localhost?create=true.. you have created a broker
The second time you reference vm://localhost?create=false.. you have created a client connection to the first broker.
To get two brokers, you'd need two different vm://${brokerName}?create=true

How can I change which address Datastax agent will try to connect to?

My Cassandra instances are not listening on When I start datastax-agent I find this in logs:
# tail -n 100 /var/log/datastax-agent/agent.log
ERROR [Initialization] 2015-05-19 22:35:04,064 Can't connect to Cassandra, retrying soon.
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: / (com.datastax.driver.core.TransportException: [/] Cannot connect))
at com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection.reconnectInternal(ControlConnection.java:220)
at com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection.connect(ControlConnection.java:78)
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster$Manager.init(Cluster.java:1231)
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.init(Cluster.java:158)
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.connect(Cluster.java:246)
at clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client$connect_or_close.doInvoke(client.clj:149)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(RestFn.java:410)
at clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client$connect.invoke(client.clj:165)
at opsagent.cassandra$setup_cassandra$fn__8157.invoke(cassandra.clj:344)
at again.core$with_retries_STAR_$fn__8013.invoke(core.clj:98)
at again.core$with_retries_STAR_.invoke(core.clj:97)
at opsagent.cassandra$setup_cassandra.invoke(cassandra.clj:339)
at opsagent.opsagent$setup_cassandra.invoke(opsagent.clj:153)
at opsagent.jmx$determine_ip.invoke(jmx.clj:276)
at opsagent.jmx$setup_jmx$fn__8438.invoke(jmx.clj:293)
at clojure.lang.AFn.run(AFn.java:24)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
How can I change which address the Datastax Agent connects to? I have tried setting local_interface in the agent's address.yaml (and restarting agent), but that doesn't seem to work.
The secret was to set rpc_address to Cred to LHWizard for pointing this out.

Netty UDT examples on amazon ec2

I am not a networking guru so I am probably missing something simple.
I have built both the message echo client and msg echo server as runnable jar files using the netty 4.0.11 http://dl.bintray.com/netty/downloads/netty-4.0.11.Final.tar.bz2
I was able to load all of the correct dependencies using maven and the project builds and runs correctly locally and and on the server. I can run a server on my local host and connect to it from a client on the same (localhost , both on my local machine and on my amazon ec2 instance. Again it works connecting to itself (localhost) on both my machine, and my server computer.
THe problem is that I cannot connect to the server from outside the machine it is running, for example, I want to connect to my echo msg server (running on my ec2 instance) from the echo msg client running on my local computer.
I have setup the amazon security settings to allow UDP from the correct port and from the ip of my local machine. I run the Echo server on the ec2 instance and it correctly starts up:
DATAGRAM LISTENING bind=/ peer=null:0
But I just cannot connect from outside the local host, here is the error message I am getting from the client machine,
I have also turned off all firewalls (temporarily) on my local machine. Still, when i try to connect I get:
CONNECT(/, null)
10:11:17.000 [connect-0] DEBUG com.barchart.udt.EpollUDT - ep 1 rem [id: 0x3287e50e] DATAGRAM CONNECTING bind=/ peer=null:0
10:11:17.000 [connect-0] DEBUG com.barchart.udt.EpollUDT - ep 1 add [id: 0x3287e50e] DATAGRAM CONNECTING bind=/ peer=null:0 ERROR_WRITE
10/24/13 10:11:19 AM ===========================================================
count = 0
mean rate = 0.00 bytes/s
1-minute rate = 0.00 bytes/s
5-minute rate = 0.00 bytes/s
15-minute rate = 0.00 bytes/s
10:11:20.017 [connect-0] WARN com.barchart.udt.nio.SelectionKeyUDT - logic error :
[id: 0x3287e50e] poll=ERROR_WRITE ready=---- inter=-C-- DATAGRAM CONNECTOR CONNECTING bind=/ peer=null:0
java.lang.Exception: Unexpected error report.
at com.barchart.udt.nio.SelectionKeyUDT.logError(SelectionKeyUDT.java:436) [barchart-udt-bundle-2.3.0.jar:na]
at com.barchart.udt.nio.SelectionKeyUDT.doRead(SelectionKeyUDT.java:205) [barchart-udt-bundle-2.3.0.jar:na]
at com.barchart.udt.nio.SelectorUDT.doResultsRead(SelectorUDT.java:334) [barchart-udt-bundle-2.3.0.jar:na]
at com.barchart.udt.nio.SelectorUDT.doResults(SelectorUDT.java:309) [barchart-udt-bundle-2.3.0.jar:na]
at com.barchart.udt.nio.SelectorUDT.doEpollExclusive(SelectorUDT.java:234) [barchart-udt-bundle-2.3.0.jar:na]
at com.barchart.udt.nio.SelectorUDT.doEpollEnter(SelectorUDT.java:196) [barchart-udt-bundle-2.3.0.jar:na]
at com.barchart.udt.nio.SelectorUDT.select(SelectorUDT.java:455) [barchart-udt-bundle-2.3.0.jar:na]
at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.select(NioEventLoop.java:596) [netty-all-4.0.11.Final.jar:na]
at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:306) [netty-all-4.0.11.Final.jar:na]
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:101) [netty-all-4.0.11.Final.jar:na]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [na:1.7.0_06]
10:11:20.018 [connect-0] DEBUG com.barchart.udt.EpollUDT - ep 1 rem [id: 0x3287e50e] DATAGRAM CONNECTING bind=/ peer=null:0
10:11:20.018 [connect-0] ERROR c.barchart.udt.nio.SocketChannelUDT - connect failure : [id: 0x3287e50e] DATAGRAM CONNECTING bind=/ peer=null:0
10:11:20.018 [connect-0] INFO i.n.handler.logging.LoggingHandler - [id: 0x53f0f817] CLOSE()
Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException
at com.barchart.udt.nio.SocketChannelUDT.finishConnect(SocketChannelUDT.java:236)
at io.netty.channel.udt.nio.NioUdtMessageConnectorChannel.doFinishConnect(NioUdtMessageConnectorChannel.java:132)
at io.netty.channel.nio.AbstractNioChannel$AbstractNioUnsafe.finishConnect(AbstractNioChannel.java:228)
at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKey(NioEventLoop.java:502)
at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.processSelectedKeysPlain(NioEventLoop.java:417)
at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:348)
at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$2.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:101)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Nevermind, after doing some more trouble shooting I found the solution. I had to in addition to allowing the port in the amazon security settings, also allow the UDP port on the server firewall.