Pentaho not starting because it tries bind to port 9092 already used by itself - pentaho

I'm trying to start Pentaho server on Debian Jessie.
Pentaho crap itself by showing the following error:
15:55:24,198 WARN [PentahoSolutionSpringApplicationContext] Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name '' defined in file [/opt/pentaho-biplatform-ce-]: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Exception opening port "H2 TCP Server (tcp://localhost:9092)" (port may be in use), cause: "timeout" [90061-131]
Error is very clear - port 9092 is used by something else. The problem is that it is actually used by Pentaho, so it's complaining about the port which is currently used by itself...
To test that I've changed the port to 9093 in the following file:
The only difference between exceptions now was that port, which was 9093 this time, so it's definitely complaining about the port it is using, very weird.
Full log can be found here:

Try to add the following attribute to the CATALINA_OPTS options in the file :
CATALINA_OPTS="... -Dh2.bindAddress=ip_of_your_machine"
It helped me to remove the Exception opening port "H2 TCP Server (tcp://localhost:9092)" (port may be in use) error.

adding as follows in CATALINA_OPTS options in the file is solving this issue:
CATALINA_OPTS="... -Dh2.bindAddress=localhost"

The root cause of the problem is that your server's hostname does not points to
Just add(edit) this line into your /etc/hosts: localhost YOUR_HOST_NAME


How to make HTTPS request from mule ESB?

How to make HTTPS request without port from HTTP component ? I can't use url with port 443 or 80 because port number just appending with url and it says invalid url.
So how to make request just with URL instead of enter port number ?
Also, If i have IP address i can use IP + Port to access the data. but Server runs behind proxy server so no way to find application server IP.
Error Message:
Message : Error sending HTTP request to
Payload : {NullPayload}
Payload Type : org.mule.transport.NullPayload
Root Exception stack trace:
at java.util.Collections$ Source)
at com.mulesoft.mule.http.request.NameResolvingRequestBuilder.nextResolvedAddresses(
at com.mulesoft.mule.http.request.NameResolvingRequestBuilder.setUrl(
at org.mule.module.http.internal.request.grizzly.GrizzlyHttpClient.createGrizzlyRequest(
at org.mule.module.http.internal.request.grizzly.GrizzlyHttpClient.sendAndWait(
at org.mule.module.http.internal.request.grizzly.GrizzlyHttpClient.send(
at com.mulesoft.mule.http.request.grizzly.EEGrizzlyHttpClient.send(
at org.mule.module.http.internal.request.DefaultHttpRequester.innerProcess(
at org.mule.module.http.internal.request.DefaultHttpRequester.processBlocking(
Please advise.
The error indicates that the host name can not be found. That should be expected given that the host name is made up. You can find this error mentioned in this KB article:
This error has nothing to do with HTTPS or the port used.
I have double checked that the host name is indeed not registered with nslookup:
Server: UnKnown
Non-authoritative answer:

Dcm4chee Connection to ldap://ldap:389 broken - reconnect error

I'm using dcm4chee docker stack with ldap and postgreSQL and have a floating error:
ldap:389; socket closed; remaining name 'cn=Devices,cn=DICOM Configuration,dc=mdw,dc=io'
2018-07-13 06:30:42,089 INFO [org.dcm4che3.conf.ldap.ReconnectDirContext] (Thread-0 (ActiveMQ-client-global-threads)) Connection to ldap://ldap:389 broken - reconnect
All three services are running on the same host. What can I do to avoid that error?
Disable the firewall. If firewall was enabled add an exception for all 3 services.

ivy intelliJ proxy connection error

I am using IvyIDEA to resolve module dependencies through ivy on IntelliJ.
But when I tried IvyIDEA -> resolve for all modules, the process is halting due to proxy setting. In the event log, I could see error like:
ERROR: Server access error at url ( Connection timed out: connect) Connection timed out: connect*
I have tested the HTTP Proxy Setting for IntelliJ, it shows "Connection successful" for check connection.
It seems the proxy setting in IntelliJ is not properly passed to IvyIDEA, so what's the issue?

SSL for Phoenix working locally but not on production

I have an Phoenix/Elixir App that works fine with https locally, however when I try to change it to use the production certificates the server does not respond and no error messages are shown.
In my dev.exs this was made with the hostname localhost
In prod.exs here are the keys. These were made with my production URL
I have tried to change the localhost to production url on local by adding host into the https portion in the config
https: [port: 443,
host: ""
keyfile: "priv/keys/domain.key",
certfile: "priv/keys/domain.crt"],
This throws an error
sudo MIX_ENV=prod mix phoenix.server
[info] Running LiteChartBe.Endpoint with Cowboy using http://localhost:80
[info] Application lite_chart_be exited: LiteChartBe.start(:normal, []) returned an error: shutdown: failed to start child: LiteChartBe.Endpoint
** (EXIT) shutdown: failed to start child: Phoenix.Endpoint.Server
** (EXIT) shutdown: failed to start child: {:ranch_listener_sup, LiteChartBe.Endpoint.HTTPS}
** (EXIT) shutdown: failed to start child: :ranch_acceptors_sup
** (EXIT) :badarg
{"Kernel pid terminated",application_controller,"{application_start_failure,lite_chart_be,{{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,'Elixir.LiteChartBe.Endpoint',{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,'Elixir.Phoenix.Endpoint.Server',{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,{ranch_listener_sup,'Elixir.LiteChartBe.Endpoint.HTTPS'},{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,ranch_acceptors_sup,badarg}}}}}}}},{'Elixir.LiteChartBe',start,[normal,[]]}}}"}
Kernel pid terminated (application_controller) ({application_start_failure,lite_chart_be,{{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,'Elixir.LiteChartBe.Endpoint',{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,'Elixir.Phoeni
If I simply forward localhost to produrl in my local hosts file, no errors are thrown and nothing connects to the server using https.
The error states that you provided a wrong argument for the configuration of your Endpoint (** (EXIT) :badarg). I suppose that is beacause you are missing a comma behind your host url.
This does probably not solve your problem, but that is supposedly the reason for the error message shown after your change.

red5 server installation error

I have installed red5 server following this guide:
I am able to access red5-server on port 5080.
But when I try to access "http://:5080/installer/" I get following error:
Trying to connect to war location
Net status: NetConnection.Connect.Failed
I have opened following network port 5080, 1935, 8081, 9998 and 9999.
I don't know what the problem is
This is a side effect of the googlecode shutdown; the fix is described here:
Change your webapps/installer/WEB-INF/ file. Change the application.repository.url parameter from: