VBA office 2016 windows7/10 difference: Set IXMLDOMNodeList = DOMDocument60.childNodes - vba

I've got an issue with a piece of VBA code that runs fine on a windows 7 machine, but doesn't work on windows 10. My VBA skills aren't good enough to figure this one out.
This part of the code in run in a Excel class and is used to load a xml file and return the xml as a class.
Public Function GetDomNodeList(ByRef log As Logger) As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim domdocument As New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
'Open file for handling
domdocument.async = False
domdocument.Load (strThisFilePath)
'Call the helper sub to do the actual work:
Set GetDomNodeList = domdocument.childNodes
End Function
When debugging it tells me there is a type mismatch. I've tried to debug the issue, but I'm running short on knowledge here. My main question is why this works on windows 7 and why not on windows 10 running the same office version (2016) VBA7.1

After a lot of trials I found a solution. Export the class, remove it and import the class again and all magically works again. I'm baffled by this.


vbscript starting a specific profile connection in ibm personal communications

I have been given the task of converting the slower Macro Express Pro coding for IBM Personal Communications over to a VBScript/VBA version. The Macro Express Pro coding opens a predetermined profile from a specific location.
This process can take up to 30 seconds. VBScript does this in about a third of the time for a default profile (TN3270.WS). However, when we try opening the specific link highlighted in the UNET.txt file, we get this as an error:
Run-time error '440': Automation error
Here is the VBScript code we are trying to use:
Sub Main()
Dim EName
Dim autECLConnList, objConnMgr
Set objConnMgr = CreateObject("Pcomm.autECLConnMgr")
objConnMgr.StartConnection ("profile='C:\ProgramData\IBM\Personal Communications\UNET REWORK.ws' connname=a")
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:12"))
EName = objConnMgr.autECLConnList(1).Name
End Sub
The error occurs on the objConnMgr.StartConnection ("profile='C:\ProgramData\IBM\Personal Communications\UNET REWORK.ws' connname=a") line. We know we have the correct path to the profile because it's we found its location:
IBM says that if the profile name contains blanks, it "must to be surrounded by single quotes":
Can anyone provide some advice on what we're doing wrong or what we're missing?
I found a way of doing what I need to do. I was looking too specific into starting a PCOMM session that I didn't even think of just running the .exe file and send it parameters. Here's how I did it:
Sub Main()
Dim WShell
Set WShell = CreateObject("WSCript.shell")
WShell.Run """C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Personal Communications\pcsws.exe"" ""C:\ProgramData\IBM\Personal Communications\UNET REWORK.WS"""
End Sub
I'm sure this is a duplicate answer to another question out there, but most of the answers are more than a few years old and outdated. This solution is current and recently tested, so it is a more reliable source.

Access to path is denied when trying to import from the client's desktop with SSIS

I'm creating a html page that will import an excel file in to a tracking system. On a button click event excel file is located / ssis package is fired / data imported then closed out. Thats the idea work flow. Problem is the excel file access is being denied before the package even executes
Here is the exact error :
I've tried :
excel file properties have been shared to everyone
identity impersonate set to true
hard coding the path
here is the VB code
Protected Sub bntExecute_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExecute.Click
Dim app As Application = New Application()
Dim package As Package = Nothing
'Dim fileName As String = "C:\Users\Desktop\T. Bryant III\PTSID_Update_Template"'
Dim fileName As String = Server.MapPath(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.ToString()))
package = app.LoadPackage("#C:\Users\Desktop\T.Bryant III\KitImport", Nothing)
'excel connection from package'
package.Connections("SourceConnectionExcel").ConnectionString = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0data source =" + fileName + "Extended Properties = Excel 8.0"
'Execute the pakage'
Dim results As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult = package.Execute()
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
package = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
Thanks in advance or if there is an easier way to do this please let me know. The package when executing it in ssis works fine with its own connection manager etc.
A few things to try. If they don't work for you as permanent solutions, they should at least confirm that your code is working and you are dealing with a persmissions issue (which appears to be the case).
Move your file to the public folder (C:\Users\Public).
Run your application (or web browser) as an administrator (if applicable to your version of Windows).
If you are using a web browser, try using a different one.
If nothing else works, try pasting your code into a Windows Form Application.
If you still get the same error after trying all of this, it's time to take another look at your code. Remove the Try/Catch block to determine precisely which line is throwing the error. If you've tried hard coding, I'm guessing it's the SaveAs method. I'm not sure what class FileUpload1 is, but some SaveAs methods won't overwrite existing files unless you explicitly tell them to. Check the appropriate documentation and see if you don't need to pass a True value somewhere along with filename.
Update us with the results. At the very least, this should narrow down your problem and allow for a better diagnosis of it.

Why doesn't code work in VB.net, but works in VBA; GetObject

VBA code works great:
Sub testVBA()
Dim wb As Object ' Lotus123.Document
Set wb = GetObject("S:\Temp\T\0375D.WK3", "Lotus123.Workbook")
End Sub
VB.net code fails:
Sub TestVBNet()
Dim wb As Object ' Lotus123.Document
wb = GetObject("S:\Temp\T\0375D.WK3", "Lotus123.Workbook")
End Sub
In VB.net I get a FileNotFoundException: "File name or class name not found during Automation operation."
As I can run it from VBA that means the file exists and that the class name exists. So why doesn't it work and how can I fix it in VB.net.
EDIT: I guess I'm not sure how to start diagnosing this: Obviously the class exists on my computer but somehow VB.net doesn't manage to find it. Maybe VB.net uses a different method to activate the class. Maybe a registry entry is missing. I am glad for any suggestions.
Edit 2: I also tried using CreateObject and got this error: "Cannot create ActiveX component." Not unexpected.
For some reason VB.net cannot find the class name "Lotus123.Workbook" so I tried getting the file without the class name and it works fine in XP.
Dim wb As Object ' Lotus123.Document
wb = GetObject("S:\Temp\T\0375D.WK3")
EDIT: In Win8 64bit the above doesn't work; just hangs.
The code below works in XP 32 bit as well as in Win8 64 bit. I checked with process monitor what is happening under the hood. CreateObject checks for the CLSID in the registry using the given object. Then it looks up the necessary info using the CLSID.
Public Shared Function GetLotusWB(ByVal sFile As String) As Object
'HKCU takes precedence if exists
'normally this is used because Lotus123 doesn't create HKCU entries
'HKCR\Lotus123.Workbook\CLSID = {29130007-2EED-1069-BF5D-00DD011186B7}
'HKCR\CLSID\{29130007-2EED-1069-BF5D-00DD011186B7}\InprocHandler32 = ole32.dll
'HKCR\CLSID\{29130007-2EED-1069-BF5D-00DD011186B7}\LocalServer32 = C:\Lotus\123\123w.exe
'using object as that sometimes works better
Dim LotusObj As Object = CreateObject("Lotus123.Workbook")
'get application
'need a reference to Lotus 123 else declare as Object
Dim LotusApp As Lotus123.Application = LotusObj.Application
'FAILS: LotusApp.Visible = True
'open file; also works fine As Lotus123.Document
Dim ldoc As Object = LotusApp.OpenDocument(sFile)
'visible and activate (must declare as Object else gives exception)
Dim appObject As Object = ldoc.Application
appObject.Visible = True
Return ldoc
End Function
This works great because it creates the "Lotus123.Workbook" which is used to get the application object.
Load the file into an Excel workbook. It should be able to convert the lotus123 workbook on the fly.
First of all, check to make sure your inclusions (I think under Tools menu, includes or references or something like that) include the library that references Lotus123.Document. Chances are it's in the "Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Library" or similar.
I've heard it said that VB is not VBA!

Error 438 from using Filesystemobject.OpentTextFile but not on my computer

Note: I'm new to using Visual Studio and writing code outside of VB6 and VBA. Also, I've resolved my problem by using IO.File.
However, I really want to learn why this wouldn't work:
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim FSOts As TextStream
FSOts = FSO.OpenTextFile(filepath1, IOMode.ForReading, True)
While FSOts.AtEndOfStream = False
temp = FSOts.ReadLine()
End While
It works on my computer, but for some reason it won't on others. I've used this object in a vb script before but in that situation the 2nd argument was 'ForReading' and was written in a different IDE (FEMAP) which referenced the 32bit scrrun.dll. In Visual Studio I noticed the scripting library is pointing to syswow64; I'm not sure if that makes any difference. All distributed sites run 64 bit OS and have this library. In any case I get an error 438 when I try to use:
FSOts = FSO.OpenTextFile(filepath1, IOMode.ForReading, True)
VS will not let me compile it with just 'ForReading'.
Again, I've used this object before in vb6 but the 2nd argument was not iomode.forreading but 'ForReading'. In that situation it worked fine on the same machines that are giving me problems (except for mine of course!).

Cannot instanciate a NotesUIWorkspace from VBA (Word)

The source situation: I have an Notes Application which uses MS Office 2000 under Windows XP. The new situation has to be MS Office 2010 under Windows 7. IBM Notes is 8.5.3FP3.
The old one uses a VBA template to communicate with Notes which works properly. At one time a Notes.NotesUiWorkSpace object is created to open a document, navigate to a richtext item, select all the content (formatted) and copy to the clipboard. Then the clipboard content ist pasted into the Word document via VBA. That works fine.
The same code in the second environment doesn't work anymore. I noticed that the Notes.NotesUIWorkSpace object cannot be instanciated in VBA. No errors, no hints. Only the runtime error when I reference the workspace-object later.
Here is a code excerpt:
' this is a profile document which is filled correctly
Call prof.Save(True, True)
Call prof.replaceItemValue("Form", "Profile")
' setting up the ui
dim WS as Object
set WS = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUiWorkSpace")
Set uiprof = WS.EditDocument(True, prof)
' Set uiprof = WS.currentDocument
If uiprof.editMode Then Call uiprof.gotofield("RT")
Call uiprof.SelectAll
Call uiprof.Copy
Call uiprof.Close
' later on the clipboard will be pasted into the word document
Any ideas what could be the cause here? I am setting up an environment with XP, MS Office 2010 and Notes tonight to check it out that it is not caused by Windows 7.
If the Windows 7 machine is 64 bit, take a look at the answers here. Note that those refer to the COM classes (lotus.), and you are using the OLE classes (notes.), but I believe the 64/32 bit issue applies to both.