vbscript starting a specific profile connection in ibm personal communications - vba

I have been given the task of converting the slower Macro Express Pro coding for IBM Personal Communications over to a VBScript/VBA version. The Macro Express Pro coding opens a predetermined profile from a specific location.
This process can take up to 30 seconds. VBScript does this in about a third of the time for a default profile (TN3270.WS). However, when we try opening the specific link highlighted in the UNET.txt file, we get this as an error:
Run-time error '440': Automation error
Here is the VBScript code we are trying to use:
Sub Main()
Dim EName
Dim autECLConnList, objConnMgr
Set objConnMgr = CreateObject("Pcomm.autECLConnMgr")
objConnMgr.StartConnection ("profile='C:\ProgramData\IBM\Personal Communications\UNET REWORK.ws' connname=a")
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:12"))
EName = objConnMgr.autECLConnList(1).Name
End Sub
The error occurs on the objConnMgr.StartConnection ("profile='C:\ProgramData\IBM\Personal Communications\UNET REWORK.ws' connname=a") line. We know we have the correct path to the profile because it's we found its location:
IBM says that if the profile name contains blanks, it "must to be surrounded by single quotes":
Can anyone provide some advice on what we're doing wrong or what we're missing?

I found a way of doing what I need to do. I was looking too specific into starting a PCOMM session that I didn't even think of just running the .exe file and send it parameters. Here's how I did it:
Sub Main()
Dim WShell
Set WShell = CreateObject("WSCript.shell")
WShell.Run """C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Personal Communications\pcsws.exe"" ""C:\ProgramData\IBM\Personal Communications\UNET REWORK.WS"""
End Sub
I'm sure this is a duplicate answer to another question out there, but most of the answers are more than a few years old and outdated. This solution is current and recently tested, so it is a more reliable source.


Excel VBA to open Sharepoint folder and create list of hyperlinks for files within

Prior to being asked to migrate to SharePoint, I was using a collection of .xlsm files to set project teams up to manage projects. My Project Manager file included a macro that would go to a designated folder and create hyperlinks for all current project files. I've saved the collection of .xlsm files on SharePoint, but when I run the macro below (which I found here - Thank you!), I receive an error related to the "Set xFolder = xFSO.GetFolder(xPath)" line. Any help would be great. I've read several posting that may have the answer and tried several adjustments to the code, with no luck.
Sub Create_Hyperlinks_for_all_Current_Projects()
MsgBox "Once you click OK, an explorer box will appear. Select the folder
containing all the CSTPs and then click OK again. HINT: The folder
containing all the CSTPs should be in the same folder this document was in
and should be called ''CSTPs''. Links to all CSTPs will then appear in the
white box on the Manager Menu."
Dim xFSO As Object
Dim xFolder As Object
Dim xFile As Object
Dim xFiDialog As FileDialog
Dim xPath As String
Dim I As Integer
Set xFiDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
With xFiDialog
.InitialFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path
End With
If xFiDialog.Show = -1 Then
xPath = xFiDialog.SelectedItems(1)
End If
Set xFiDialog = Nothing
If xPath = "" Then Exit Sub
Set xFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set xFolder = xFSO.GetFolder(xPath)
For Each xFile In xFolder.Files
I = I + 2
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Cells(I + 6, 2), xFile.Path, , , xFile.Name
End Sub
I hope you find the following notes helpful.
They summarize the outcomes from several weeks of frustration.
If you are using SP365,
then the filesystemobject
no longer works very well, if at all.
I had hundreds of macros dependent on the FSO.
These have all worked great up until my organization migrated to SP365 :o(
Now they only work if I manually click
the Open Explorer button, in SP, first.
Opening Explorer provides Win Explorer with the required permissions to access SP.
This in turn provides the FSO with the required permissions to access SP.
But...in my case...FSO only works for a while.
For my first work around...
I rolled out a prototype app, which used a macro to automate
opening IE, opening Win Explorer and initializing permissions for the FSO
All worked great on my machine, for about an hour,
then some kind of timeout took me back to square one.
Colleagues on other machines experienced a range of FSO behaviours.
From all working ok. To having to rerun the connection macro every 30 seconds.
To nothing working at all.
I then invested time trying to update macros to connect to SP as a network drive.
Again, this is a process that I have used for years, up until migration to SP365.
Again, success connecting to SP365 seems to be very machine dependent.
In the end...with respect to my own requirements...
My work around was to create an SP view that lists all files.
Then use the Export to Excel option in SP to create an Excel data query.
Then copy the query into an Excel file that I refer to as Config.xlsx.
Then use Excel RefreshAll to update the list of files, each time a list is required.
Its not very elegant...but, it works ;o)
As I say....I hope this helps you / someone.
Feel free to connect on LinkedIn if you require any followup advice.
LinkedIn name DrPeterEHSmee

VBA Dynamic Save As, Microsoft Project to Excel

I am trying to create a macro that will export a Microsoft Project file into an excel file. Through the use of macro recording I have got a line of code that accomplishes this using the export wizard, but I want the file path and file name to be dynamic so I can use this macro on different projects. I have been searching many other threads and the Microsoft website with no luck. Is this possible?
Here is what I have:
sub formatAndSave ()
FileSaveAs Name:="C:\Users\XXXXXX\SharePoint\Projects\ProjectType\HxH\myProject.xlsx",_
FormatID:="MSProject.ACE", map:="myMap"
end sub
One idea I tried was:
Active.Workbook.SaveAs FileName:=Title
Any help would be very much appreciated!
For the sake of simplicity, let's assume for all answers below your project is located at c:\projects\myProj.mpp
I think you're after the string replace function. Something like:
Dim excelFilePath As String
excelFilePath = Replace(ActiveProject.FullName, ".mpp", ".xlsx")
Debug.Print excelFilePath
'the output would be c:\projects\myProj.xlsx
If you're unfamiliar with string manipulation in VB/VBA, just search the web for "VBA string manipulation". Microsoft has a decent article here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa903372(v=vs.71).aspx
A few other things that may be handy for you are these variables:
ActiveProject.FullName 'shows full path & name, so you'd get "c:\projects\myProj.mpp"
ActiveProject.Path 'shows just the path, so you'd get "c:\projects\"
ActiveProject.Name 'shows just the file name, so you'd get "myProj.mpp"
Finally, one caveat I've seen is that the ActiveProject.FullName and ActiveProject.Name variables may or may not provide the file extension depending on your local windows environment settings. I've observed that if Windows Explorer is configured to hide file extensions, then these variables also withhold the extension; if Explorer is configured to show them, then they are provided in the variables. Make sure your code is robust to both cases, or make sure you have control over the environment where you code will run.

Visio: DOS Sharing violation (Error 1532)

So I'm really confused right now. Out of the blue my code gets me the error "DOS Sharing violation".
It's weird because, it says that is trying to save my document, but I just want to open it.
This is my Code:
Public Sub ReadActivity()
Dim vsoDocument As Visio.Document
Dim vsoPage As Visio.Page
Set vsoDocument = Documents.Open("C:\Users\Philip\Dropbox\Test\Aktivität0.vsdx")
Set vsoPage = vsoDocument.Pages(1)
SvgExport (ActiveDocument.path & "\files_and_images\" & Left(ActiveDocument.name, (InStrRev(ActiveDocument.name, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) - 1)) & ".svg")
End Sub
So as you might see the code is simple nothing special is going on.
Before calling the method I'm using this for encoding my textfile: VBA : save a file with UTF-8 without BOM
And two things are very weird. First of all, I used this method two days in a row for coding the method "CreateCodeActivity" and I didn't have any problems. And second, if I call the method let's say three times, on the third time everything works perfectly...
Where might be the problem?
Thank you #Shmukko for the tip, it is really the windows defender that gives me the error.
For Windows 10 the solution is: Go to Settings and select Update & security -> Windows Defender. Select Exclude a file extension and enter the file type for Visio.
That's it.

Access to path is denied when trying to import from the client's desktop with SSIS

I'm creating a html page that will import an excel file in to a tracking system. On a button click event excel file is located / ssis package is fired / data imported then closed out. Thats the idea work flow. Problem is the excel file access is being denied before the package even executes
Here is the exact error :
I've tried :
excel file properties have been shared to everyone
identity impersonate set to true
hard coding the path
here is the VB code
Protected Sub bntExecute_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnExecute.Click
Dim app As Application = New Application()
Dim package As Package = Nothing
'Dim fileName As String = "C:\Users\Desktop\T. Bryant III\PTSID_Update_Template"'
Dim fileName As String = Server.MapPath(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.ToString()))
package = app.LoadPackage("#C:\Users\Desktop\T.Bryant III\KitImport", Nothing)
'excel connection from package'
package.Connections("SourceConnectionExcel").ConnectionString = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0data source =" + fileName + "Extended Properties = Excel 8.0"
'Execute the pakage'
Dim results As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult = package.Execute()
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
package = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
Thanks in advance or if there is an easier way to do this please let me know. The package when executing it in ssis works fine with its own connection manager etc.
A few things to try. If they don't work for you as permanent solutions, they should at least confirm that your code is working and you are dealing with a persmissions issue (which appears to be the case).
Move your file to the public folder (C:\Users\Public).
Run your application (or web browser) as an administrator (if applicable to your version of Windows).
If you are using a web browser, try using a different one.
If nothing else works, try pasting your code into a Windows Form Application.
If you still get the same error after trying all of this, it's time to take another look at your code. Remove the Try/Catch block to determine precisely which line is throwing the error. If you've tried hard coding, I'm guessing it's the SaveAs method. I'm not sure what class FileUpload1 is, but some SaveAs methods won't overwrite existing files unless you explicitly tell them to. Check the appropriate documentation and see if you don't need to pass a True value somewhere along with filename.
Update us with the results. At the very least, this should narrow down your problem and allow for a better diagnosis of it.

Calling an External VBA from VBScript

I am using a program called mathtype to pull some equation objects out of a word document. I've written code in VBA that works perfectly using their API, but I have to translate it to a VBScript file. I have looked all over google, but have not found any solution on how (If it is even possible) to call a VBA library from VBScript.
VBScript can't see the MathTypeSDK Objects/Functions.
If not possible, how would I encase the macro I need to run in a globally available word file and call it from the VBScript?
Edit: Got it! Unfortunately the approaches below, while helpful, did not work for my situation. I found something closer: Embedding the macro in a global file and calling it through the Word Objects Run command.
objWord.Run "Normal.NewMacros.RunMain"
Here is an approach which might work for you. I tested this simple example.
Class "clsTest" in file "Tester.docm":
Public Sub Hello()
MsgBox "Hello"
End Sub
Class "Instancing" is marked "PublicNotCreatable".
Module in "Tester.docm":
Public Function GetClass() As clsTest
Set GetClass = New clsTest
End Function
In your vbscript:
Dim fPath, fName
fPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\twilliams\Desktop\"
fName = "Tester.docm"
Dim wdApp, o
Set wdApp = CreateObject("word.application")
wdapp.documents.open fPath & fName
Set o = wdApp.Run("GetClass")
Set o=nothing
Again - I only tested this simple example: you'll have to adapt it to your situation and try it out.
Word-VBA was not made to create reusable libraries, I suppose (for usage in external programs).
One way to reuse existing Word-VBA code is, however, run Word via WScript.Shell.Run using the /m<macroname> command line switch (see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/210565/en-us for details). This, has the restriction that evertime you need to call a specific macro, a Word process is started again, running that macro, and ends afterwards. Means, if you need just one call to your Word.VBA for a specfific task, this may be ok, but if you need a lot of interprocess communication between your VBScript and your VBA macro, you should look for a different solution.