Loading Powerpoint Array from Excel with VBA - vba

I am trying to have powerpoint macro populate an array by taking data from excel file. In fact, there are two arrays. Same code, same file, but one array gets populated and the other one doesn't (or gets only partially populated). Below, FindList array is working fine and ReplaceList does not. I'd appreciate any help or suggestions for an alternative method.
Option Explicit
Sub Multi_FindReplace()
Dim FindList As Variant
Dim ReplaceList As Variant
Dim x, i, j As Long
Dim xlApp As Object
Dim xlBook As Object
Dim xlSheet As Object
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\wip\dev\DRAFT Exhibits (Client) 04-06-18.xlsm")
xlBook.Application.Visible = False
FindList = xlBook.Worksheets("FindReplace").Range("A1:A22").Value
ReplaceList = xlBook.Worksheets("FindReplace").Range("B1:B22").Value

Problem solved with using a single array to load all the data. Looks like this:
ExcelData = xlBook.Worksheets("FindReplace").Range("A1:B22").value


Can GetObject do this?

I'm currently working on developing a macro that will input various forms into an access database.
Due to the nature of the beast of this program, I've had to split my main program into two sub programs and call them, but I need to use getobject to call a file path twice now.
I use getobject to open a file, and then use myrec.fields(~column name~) = xlsht.cells(1, "a") to populate various column values. I'm unsure if there are other "efficient" ways to accomplish this.
I was wondering if it is possible to use a variable in place of the filepath with the GetObject command, instead of needing to manually replace the file path in the code.
I've tested a fair amount of different code, including the path, class functionality but I don't think I understand VBA enough to truly make the best use of that.
I can make it work using this
Dim XL As Variant
Dim XLApp As Variant
Dim XLsht As Variant
Dim XLwrkbk As Variant
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set XLwrkbk = GetObject(~file path~)
Set XLsht = XLwrkbk.Worksheets(1)
Set MyRec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("database name")
Ideally I would like it to be
Dim filename As String
Dim XL As Variant
Dim XLApp As Variant
Dim XLsht As Variant
Dim XLwrkbk As Variant
filename = " ~insert file path~ "
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set XLwrkbk = GetObject(filename)
Set XLsht = XLwrkbk.Worksheets(1)
Set MyRec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("database name")
I receive a run time error
Run-time error '5':
Invalid procedure call or argument.
Try something like this:
Dim XL As New Excel.Application, Filename As String
Filename = "~ your file ~"
XL.Workbooks.Open (Filename)
myrec.fields(~column name~) = XL.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").value

Loading data in Powerpoint array with VBA

I am trying to load data in Powerpoint VBA array from Excel. This data will be used later to perform find/replace in powerpoint. I get stuck at the last line of the code below. I accepted this code to load the array for future operations:
Dim FindList As Variant '<- this is array to be loaded with data
Dim xlApp As Object
Dim xlBook As Object
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\Boxync\findreplace.xlsx")
Set FindList = xlBook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A4").Value
You do not need Set. If you delete it, your code should work.
To make it a bit better, you can use Application.Transpose():
With xlBook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
FindList = Application.Transpose(.Range("A1:A4").Value2)
End With
Then access the array like this - FindList(1), FindList(2).

Overwrite when paste to powerpoint VBA

If i have texts(shapes) in my powerpoint. How can i modify my code NOT to create a new shape but overwrite the value inside it.
The code below creates a new shape.
Any Ideas?
Private Sub test()
Dim xlApp As Object
Dim xlWorkBook As Object
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = False
Set xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("D:\ELE_powerpoint\book1.xlsx", True, False)
With xlWorkBook.ActiveSheet
End With
Set xlApp = Nothing
Set xlWorkBook = Nothing
End Sub
lets use a variable instead of copying and pasting like this
mytext = xlWorkBook.sheets(1).Range("A2")
you can then set the text value of a shape like this
ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes("Shape name").TextFrame.Characters.Text = myText
read about how to set the name of a shape here: How to name an object within a PowerPoint slide?
You need to find the index of the shape you want to paste into. Say it is index 2
Then use

Defining a variable as a range - VB.NET

I think I'm losing my mind - how do you declare a variable as a string and then set it equal to a range in an Excel workbook in VB.NET? In VBA this was easy:
Dim SQL as string
SQL = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("MySheet").Range("SQL")
If I try do something like this in VB.NET (in Visual Studio 2015), first I can't find Activeworkbook. Second, if I try Excel.Range("SQL"), I get an error saying that 'Range' is an interface type and cannot be used as an expression. Also, it doesn't look like the Range data type exists either. Surely this functionality exists in VB.NET, right?
Thanks for the help!
To work on Excel since VB.NET, first you must add the reference to your Project :
To Add a Reference :
In Solution Explorer, right-click on the References node and choose Add Reference.
Import the Reference in your code :
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Try to use this code :
Dim AppExcel As New Excel.Application 'Create a new Excel Application
Dim workbook As Excel.Workbook = AppExcel.Workbooks.Add() 'Create a new workbook
Dim sheet As Excel.Worksheet = workbook.Sheets("Sheet1") ' Create variable a Sheet, Sheet1 must be in WorkBook
'Work with range
Dim cellRange1 As Excel.Range = sheet.Range("A1") 'Range with text address
cellRange1.Value = "Text in Cell A1"
Dim cellRange2 As Excel.Range = sheet.Cells(2, 2) 'Range("B2:B2") with index; Cells(N°Row,N°Col)
cellRange2.Value = "Text in Cell B2"
Dim tableRange3 As Excel.Range = sheet.Range("A1:F4") 'Range with text address
Dim tableRange4 As Excel.Range = sheet.Range(sheet.Cells(1, 1), sheet.Cells(4, 6)) 'Range("A1:F4") with index; Cells(N°Row,N°Col)
AppExcel.Visible = True 'To display the workbook
Code without variable sheet
Dim AppExcel as New Excel.Application
Dim workbook As Excel.Workbook = AppExcel.Workbooks.Add()
Dim cellrange1 as Excel.Range = AppExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Feuil1").Range("A1")
You would need to start from your application object. Suppose that's AppExcel:
Dim AppExcel As New Excel.Application
From there, you could do:
Dim cellrange1 as Excel.Range = AppExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("MySheet").Range("SQL")
Because you've declared cellrange1 as a Range it can't be set to Range("SQL").Value.
Value returns an object which is the value contained in that Range.
That's so wordy. To put it (maybe) more clearly, Range("SQL") returns a Range. Range("SQL").Value returns an object.
If you want to get the value, that would be cellrange1.Value, or perhaps cellrange1.Text. Assuming that the range contains some sort of SQL, I'd go with Text.
An unfortunate aspect of Excel interop programming is that many properties return objects rather than strongly-typed values. For example, the object returned by Range.Text is always going to be a string, but the property still returns an object. That means that Visual Studio intellisense will often not tell you what type a property returns. You'll need to look up properties and functions in the documentation to really know what they return.

Set xWorkb = New workbook not working, ActiveX error

I have some code below, It works like a charm but I'm curious about some things.
Why can't I make a Set xWorkb = new Workbook statement? Instead I use the Dim xWorkb as new Workbook, which works. But I've learned (hopefully correct) that using the new statement within a Dim is bad practice, and that you should create the object seperately. So why doesn't it work? I get a ActiveX component can't create object error, but the xWorkb is still being created later as an object right due to the new statement in the Dim section? Makes me confusing.
Why can't I use the excel.application.workbooks when defining variable xApp? Is it because I have to specify a workbook and can't just leave the workbooks empty like that? I get a type mismatch error when I'm trying to change excel.application to excel.application.workbooks.
Sub tester()
Dim xWorkb As New Workbook
Dim xApp As Excel.Application: Set xApp = New Excel.Application
Dim xFiles_target() As Variant
Dim file_path As String
xFiles_target = Array("Bella.xls", "Fizz.xls", "Milo.xls", "Jake.xls")
file_path = Dir("C:\Users\hans\Desktop\")
Do While Len(file_path) > 0
Debug.Print file_path
If UBound(Filter(xFiles_target, file_path)) >= 0 Then
Debug.Print "found " & file_path
Set xWorkb = xApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\hans\Desktop\" & file_path)
xApp.ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 2) = "tester"
End If
file_path = Dir
End Sub
You cannot create new workbooks with New because workbooks are coupled with Application and must be created with Workbooks.Add or Workbooks.Open.
Dim xWorkb as new Workbook does not work - it appears to work because you don't access xWorkb between declaring it and assigning it with Workbooks.Open. If you did, you would get the same ActiveX component can't create object error.
The error is because Excel.Workbook does not have any public constructors.
You cannot define a variable as excel.application.workbooks because that is not a type. It is a property named Workbooks, of type Excel.Workbooks, that belongs to an object named Application of type Excel.Application.
You can declare the variable as Excel.Workbooks, but you probably don't want to, because you will need to create an Excel.Application to use it anyway.