AppCode autocomplete not showing correct results - appcode

AppCode's autocomplete is showing some strange behaviour on my side that I cant seem to figure out. There are two issues I'm currently facing:
Auto complete results are missing or incorrect, in the case below I'm trying to create a CGRect, but only get shown one constructor:
No autocomplete what so ever. In the case below it will not auto complete any functions or properties on UIView.frame. Incidentally, if I create a CGRect and try and autocomplete on that variable, it will show results :
CoreGraphics is the first framework I'm working on where this seems to be a problem. This happens whether I add an import to the top of the file of not.
Any Ideas?


wxGrid - RefreshBlock Undocumented Member Function

In order to refresh a part of the grid, i.e., when font or alignment changes, I was using the following approach:
wxRect rect1=CellToRect(TopLeft);
wxRect rect2=CellToRect(BottomRight);
wxRect r(rect1.GetTopLeft(), rect2.GetBottomRight());
This was refreshing only a part of the intended block and was not working correctly.
From the suggestions of intellisense I came across RefreshBlock function and it works correctly. I searched the docs and have not found any information on it. I wonder if it is not recommended to use RefreshBlock for some reason? What does RefreshBlock do, does it refresh a block (as the name suggests) or is it equivalent to Refresh?
I am using wxWidgets 3.2 on Win10.
Thanks in advance.
The function RefreshBlock() is indeed the best way to do what you want and it was only undocumented by mistake, i.e. we simply forgot to do it. I've added documentation for it only now, so it will only get included in 3.2.1, but you can still use it in your code, the function itself is available since 3.1.3.
It seems from the source code that, depending on the location of its parameters, RefreshBlock refreshes any of the following:
corner grid
frozen cols grid
frozen rows grid
main grid
Since the area I wanted to refresh was on the main grid the following approach works (the idea is similar to RefreshBlock's approach):
auto GridWnd = CellToGridWindow(TL);
wxRect rect = BlockToDeviceRect(TL, BR, GridWnd);
Now everything is refreshed correctly.
If only RefreshRect(rect) is called, things will NOT work as expected.
Little experiment showed that BlockToDeviceRect(TL, BR) also works, therefore eliminating the need for auto GridWnd = CellToGridWindow(TL);

Assertion property returns null

I have developed Coded UI support for my Custom Control and i have compare assert property value like below,
uIZoomResetCustom.ToolBarIconMargin, "Toolbar margin failed");
But uIZoomResetCustom.ToolBarIconMargin returns always null. How to resolve this issue. Thanks
Did you try to debug the tests and/or highlight the toolbar before reaching the assertion?
It is quite clear that framework is unable to find the toolbar. Maybe you need to tweak the search properties.

Renderer stops working when inserting specific code into function! three.js

I would like to start off by mentioning that I am very new to coding, so some things that might seem very simple to someone with intermediate experience will probably not click quite as fast with me.
Okay so with the code I am writing, I am trying to get a three.js cube object to move to the places I click, using tweening. I managed to get this to work, but when I try to create a frame using three.js lines, the code stops working. In detail: when I add
line = new THREE.Line( lineGeometry, new THREE.LineBasicMaterial() );
scene.addObject( line );
to the Init() function. What is cause of this? My guess is it has something to do with global/local variables but even if that were correct I have no idea how to fix it !
This is the jsfiddle for reference

"Mutated while being enumerated" error shows up semi-randomly in Titanium project

I'm sure you've all seen this error before in your Titanium mobile projects. I've been getting it in an app I'm working on. It is usually thrown by the same type of operation, but not all the time and not in the same place. I'm wondering if anyone has found a solution to this issue yet.
The error is usually generated when I am iterating through an array of objects, and using that data to create views. Each new view is below its previous sibling, so the new view's top property looks something like this:
top = (from_top + old_view.height + 10);
As you can see I'm using the view.height property to figure out my top property, and I assume this is part of the problem. Anyone had any luck with this, or are you using a work around to avoid using a view's height property in addition?
(This is also posted on the Appcelerator Q&A site)
Why don't you use layout: 'vertical' instead of manually specifying the heights? It isn't in the docs at the moment, but as of 1.5 you can specify layout: 'vertical' on windows and scrollviews, possibly on views as well. Works on both iOS and Android.

Problem with QSqlTableModel -- no automatic updates

After setting up a table model in Qt 4.4 like this:
QSqlTableModel *sqlmodel = new QSqlTableModel();
the content is displayed properly, but editing is not possible, error:
QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record
I can confirm that the bug exists exactly as you report it, in Qt 4.5.1, AND that the documentation, e.g. here, still gives a wrong example (i.e. one including the removeColumn call).
As a work-around I've tried to write a slot connected to the beforeUpdate signal, with the idea of checking what's wrong with the QSqlRecord that's about to be updated in the DB and possibly fixing it, but I can't get that to work -- any calls to methods of that record parameter are crashing my toy-app with a BusError.
So I've given up on that idea and switched to what's no doubt the right way to do it (visibility should be determined by the view, not by the model, right?-): lose the removeColumn and in lieu of it call tableView->setColumnHidden(0, true) instead. This way the IDs are hidden and everything works.
So I think we can confirm there's a documentation error and open an issue about it in the Qt tracker, so it can be fixed in the next round of docs, right?
It seems that the cause of this was in line
After commenting it out, everything work perfectly.
Thus, I'll have to find another way not to show ID's in the table ;-)
I've said "it seems", because in the example from "Foundations of Qt development" Johan Thelin also removed the first column. So, it would be nice if someone else also tries this and reports results.
I use Qt 4.6.1 in PyQt and the problem is still here. Removing "removeColumn(0)" solves the issue.