Apply function with arguments across Multiindex levels - pandas

I would like to apply a custom function to each level within a multiindex.
For example, I have the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(16).reshape((4,4)),
of which I want to add a column for each level 0 column, called "Value" which is the result of the following function;
def my_func(df, scale):
return df['QTY']*df['PRICE']*scale
where the user supplies the "scale" value.
Even in setting up this example, I am not sure how to show the result I want. But I know I want the final dataframe's multiindex column to be
Even if that wasn't had enough, I want to apply one "scale" value for the "OP" level 0 column and a different "scale" value to the "PK" column.

def my_func(df, scale):
#select second level of columns
df1 = df.xs('QTY', axis=1, level=1).values *df.xs('PRICE', axis=1, level=1) * scale
#create MultiIndex in columns
df1.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([df1.columns, ['val']])
#join to original
return pd.concat([df, df1], axis=1).sort_index(axis=1)
print (my_func(df, 10))
0 0 1 0 2 3 60
1 4 5 200 6 7 420
2 8 9 720 10 11 1100
3 12 13 1560 14 15 2100
For multiple by scaled values different for each level is possible use list of values:
print (my_func(df, [10, 20]))
0 0 1 0 2 3 120
1 4 5 200 6 7 840
2 8 9 720 10 11 2200
3 12 13 1560 14 15 4200

Use groupby + agg, and then concatenate the pieces together with pd.concat.
scale = 10
v = df.groupby(level=0, axis=1).agg(lambda x: * scale)
v.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([v.columns, ['value']])
pd.concat([df, v], axis=1).sort_index(axis=1, level=0)
0 0 1 0 2 3 60
1 4 5 200 6 7 420
2 8 9 720 10 11 1100
3 12 13 1560 14 15 2100


Adding extra n rows at the end of a dataframe of a certain value

I have a dataframe with currently 22 rows
index value
0 23
1 22
2 19
21 20
to this dataframe, i want to add 72 rows to make the dataframe exactly 100 rows. So i need to fill loc[22:99] but with a certain value, let's say 100.
I tried something like this
uncon_dstn_2021['balance'].loc[22:99] = 100
but did not work. Any idea?
You can do reindex
out = df.reindex(df.index.tolist() + list(range(22, 99+1)), fill_value = 100)
You can also use pd.concat:
df1 = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame({'balance': [100]*(100-len(df))})], ignore_index=True)
# Output
0 1
1 14
2 11
3 11
4 10
.. ...
96 100
97 100
98 100
99 100
[100 rows x 1 columns]

Pandas column merging on condition

This is my pandas df:
Id Protein A_Egg B_Meat C_Milk Category
A 10 10 20 0 egg
B 20 10 0 10 milk
C 20 10 10 10 meat
D 25 20 10 0 egg
I wish to merge protein column with other column based on "Category"
My output is
Id Protein_final
A 20
B 30
C 30
D 45
Ideally, I would like to show how I am approaching but, I am frankly clueless!!
EDIT: Also, How to handle is the category is blank or does meet one of the column (in that can final should be same as initial value in protein column)
Use DataFrame.lookup with some preprocessing with remove values in columns names before _ and lowercase, last add to column:
arr = df.rename(columns=lambda x: x.split('_')[-1].lower()).lookup(df.index, df['Category'])
df['Protein'] += arr
print (df)
Id Protein A_Egg B_Meat C_Milk Category
0 A 20 10 20 0 egg
1 B 30 10 0 10 milk
2 C 30 10 10 10 meat
3 D 45 20 10 0 egg
If need only 2 columns finally:
df = df[['Id','Protein']]
You can melt the dataframe, and filter for rows where category equals the variable column, and sum the final columns :
.melt(["Id", "Protein", "Category"])
.assign(variable=lambda x: x.variable.str[2:].str.lower(),
Protein_final=lambda x: x.Protein + x.value)
.query("Category == variable")
.filter(["Id", "Protein_final"])
Id Protein_final
0 A 20
3 D 45
6 C 30
9 B 30

List of Pandas Dataframes: Merging Function Outputs

I've researched previous similar questions, but couldn't find any applicable leads:
I have a dataframe, called "df" which is roughly structured as follows:
Income Income_Quantile Score_1 Score_2 Score_3
0 100000 5 75 75 100
1 97500 5 80 76 94
2 80000 5 79 99 83
3 79000 5 88 78 91
4 70000 4 55 77 80
5 66348 4 65 63 57
6 67931 4 60 65 57
7 69232 4 65 59 62
8 67948 4 64 64 60
9 50000 3 66 50 60
10 49593 3 58 51 50
11 49588 3 58 54 50
12 48995 3 59 59 60
13 35000 2 61 50 53
14 30000 2 66 35 77
15 12000 1 22 60 30
16 10000 1 15 45 12
Using the "Income_Quantile" column and the following "for-loop", I divided the dataframe into a list of 5 subset dataframes (which each contain observations from the same income quantile):
dfs = []
for level in df.Income_Quantile.unique():
df_temp = df.loc[df.Income_Quantile == level]
Now, I would like to apply the following function for calculating the spearman correlation, p-value and t-statistic to the dataframe (fyi: scipy.stats functions are used in the main function):
def create_list_of_scores(df):
df_result = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols)
df_result.loc['t-statistic'] = [ttest_ind(df['Income'], df[x])[0] for x in cols]
df_result.loc['p-value'] = [ttest_ind(df['Income'], df[x])[1] for x in cols]
df_result.loc['correlation'] = [spearmanr(df['Income'], df[x])[1] for x in cols]
return df_result
The functions that "create_list_of_scores" uses, i.e. "ttest_ind" and "ttest_ind", can be accessed from scipy.stats as follows:
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind
from scipy.stats import spearmanr
I tested the function on one subset of the dataframe:
data = dfs[1]
result = create_list_of_scores(data)
It works as expected.
However, when it comes to applying the function to the entire list of dataframes, "dfs", a lot of issues arise. If I apply it to the list of dataframes as follows:
result = pd.concat([create_list_of_scores(d) for d in dfs], axis=1)
I get the output as the columns "Score_1, Score_2, and Score_3" x 5.
I would like to:
Have just three columns "Score_1, Score_2, and Score_3".
Index the output using the t-statistic, p-value and correlations as the first level index, and; the "Income_Quantile" as the second level index.
Here is what I have in mind:
Score_1 Score_2 Score_3
t-statistic 1
p-value 1
correlation 1
Any idea on how I can merge the output of my function as requested?
I think better is use GroupBy.apply:
cols = ['Score_1','Score_2','Score_3']
def create_list_of_scores(df):
df_result = pd.DataFrame(columns=cols)
df_result.loc['t-statistic'] = [ttest_ind(df['Income'], df[x])[0] for x in cols]
df_result.loc['p-value'] = [ttest_ind(df['Income'], df[x])[1] for x in cols]
df_result.loc['correlation'] = [spearmanr(df['Income'], df[x])[1] for x in cols]
return df_result
df = df.groupby('Income_Quantile').apply(create_list_of_scores).swaplevel(0,1).sort_index()
print (df)
Score_1 Score_2 Score_3
correlation 1 NaN NaN NaN
2 NaN NaN NaN
3 6.837722e-01 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00
4 4.337662e-01 6.238377e-01 4.818230e-03
5 2.000000e-01 2.000000e-01 2.000000e-01
p-value 1 8.190692e-03 8.241377e-03 8.194933e-03
2 5.887943e-03 5.880440e-03 5.888611e-03
3 3.606128e-13 3.603267e-13 3.604996e-13
4 5.584822e-14 5.587619e-14 5.586583e-14
5 3.861801e-06 3.862192e-06 3.864736e-06
t-statistic 1 1.098143e+01 1.094719e+01 1.097856e+01
2 1.297459e+01 1.298294e+01 1.297385e+01
3 2.391611e+02 2.391927e+02 2.391736e+02
4 1.090548e+02 1.090479e+02 1.090505e+02
5 1.594605e+01 1.594577e+01 1.594399e+01

Iterate over every row and compare a column value of a dataframe

I have following dataframe. I want to iterate over every row and compare the score column, if the value is >= value present in cut_off list.
seq score status
56 CAGGTGAGA 9.22 positive
116 AAGGTATAT 7.84 positive
145 AAGGTAATA 8.49 positive
172 TGGGTAGGT 6.86 positive
204 CAGGTAGAG 7.10 positive
269 GAGGTAATG 8.73 positive
325 GCCGTAAGG 5.46 positive
356 GAGGTGAGG 8.41 positive
cut_off = range(0, 11)
The code I tried so far is:
cutoff_list_pos = []
number_list_pos = []
cut_off = range(0, int(new_df['score'].max())+1)
for co in cut_off:
for df in df_elements:
val = (df['score']>=co).value_counts()
The desired output is:
cutoff true false
0 0 12.0 0
1 1 12.0 0
and so on..
If the score is >= to the value in cut_off, it should assign the row as true else false.
You can use parameter keys in concat by values of cutoff_list_pos, then transpose and convert index to column by DataFrame.reset_index:
df = (pd.concat(number_list_pos, axis=1, keys=cutoff_list_pos, sort=False)
Another pandas implementation:
res_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['cutoff', 'true'])
for i in range(1,int(df['score'].max()+1)):
temp_df = pd.DataFrame(data={'cutoff': i, 'true': (df['score']>=i).sum()}, index=[i])
res_df = pd.concat([res_df, temp_df])
cutoff true
1 1 12
2 2 11
3 3 11
4 4 10
5 5 10
6 6 9
7 7 8
8 8 6
9 9 2
10 10 1

How to split numbers in pandas column into deciles?

I have a column in pandas dataset of random values ranging btw 100 and 500.
I need to create a new column 'deciles' out of it - like ranking, total of 20 deciles. I need to assign rank number out of 20 based on the value.
10 to 20 - is the first decile, number 1
20 to 30 - is the second decile, number 2
x = np.random.randint(100,501,size=(1000)) # column of 1000 rows with values ranging btw 100, 500.
df['credit_score'] = x
df['credit_decile_rank'] = df['credit_score'].map( lambda x: int(x/20) )
Use integer division by 10:
df = pd.DataFrame({
df['credit_decile_rank'] = df['credit_score'] // 10
print (df)
credit_score credit_decile_rank
0 4 0
1 15 1
2 24 2
3 55 5
4 77 7
5 81 8