Android: Notification not recieved when app is killed using react-native-firebase - react-native

I am using react-native-firebase in react-native project for Firebase cloud messaging. It is working fine when app is running or in background/minimised. But notification not received when app is killed or not opened after mobile restart.
I am sending the following body to
"to": "/topics/chatProperty_P00025_14",
"notification" : {
"body" : "great match!",
"content_available" : true,
"priority" : "high",
"title" : "Portugal vs. Denmark",
"data" : {
"body" : "14_P00025",
"content_available" : true,
"priority" : "high",
"title" : "Portugal vs. Denmark",
"type" : "propertyAdd",

"to":"your token",
"apn": {
"content_available": "1"
"content_available": true,
"sound": "default",
"icon": "ic_launcher",
"priority": "high",
"notification": {
"title": "Reminder Appointment",
"body": "You have appointment today with Doctor ${detailData.doctor_name} on ${appTime}"
"data": {
"id_appointment": "${detailData.book_id}",
"id_doctor": "${detailData.doctor_email}",
"id_patient": "${detailData.patient_email}",
"speciality": "${detailData.speciality}",
"speciality_id": "${detailData.speciality_id}"
if you're using react native firebase , you can try using this format on postman or insomnia by hit this endpoint (, check the structure and don't forget include the firebase key (AlzaXXXXXX)


How to send iOS push notifications through AWS Pinpoint and firebase?

I would like to know how to send iOS push notifications throught AWS Pinpoint with the GCMMessage channel.
Can anyone provide a working json payload that gets sent through FCM to an iOS device ?
It seems that the same payload for Android is used with iOS, but for sending data messages I had to add the property "content_available": "1"
payload = {
"notification": {
"title": "title",
"body": "body",
"sound": "default",
"content_available": "1",
"data": {
"key_1": "some value",
"key_2": "some value"

Have a data message for Android and normal notification for IOS in single FCM request

Currently, I have different ways to handle notifications depending on if the system is Android or IOS, for Android, I send a data-only notification and create a local notification from it.
For IOS, since data-only notifications have no guarantee that they will be retrieved if the app is closed, I send a normal notification.
What I'm trying to do is having both notifications using the same FCM API call, here is my current json:
"data": {
"d": "my_data",
"apns": {
"headers": {
"apns-priority": "10"
"payload": {
"aps": {
"alert": {
"title": "my title",
"body": "my body"
"priority": "high",
"registration_ids": [...],
So, what I expected from this request is that for android it would create a data only notification using:
"data": {
"d": "my_data",
And for IOS, it would create a normal notification using:
"notification": {
"title": "my title",
"body": "my body",
This works for Android, but I don't receive this notification as a normal notification on IOS.. Shouldn't the apns payload be used for IOS in this case?

paypal-checkout-component for vue stays in sandbox mode

I'm struggling to go live. It's weird how something works in sandbox mode but then either there is no documented way to switch to production or it just does not work.
So here is what I got:
<template lang="pug">
Spinner(:size="8" :thickness="3")
export default {
name: 'PayPal',
props: {
env: {
type: String,
default: 'sandbox',
validator: value => ['sandbox', 'production'].includes(value)
// ...
I've tried to set the env prop to production and removing it completely. I can not find any documentation on how to set the environment. I must miss something fundamental.
The error:
As I mentioned the sandbox mode works fine, but as soon as I go live (server side using PayPals production URL and client side with the corresponding env prop), I'm getting the following errors
"query": "\n mutation UpdateClientConfig(\n $orderID : String!,\n $fundingSource : ButtonFundingSourceType!,\n $integrationArtifact : IntegrationArtifactType!,\n $userExperienceFlow : UserExperienceFlowType!,\n $productFlow : ProductFlowType!,\n $buttonSessionID : String\n ) {\n updateClientConfig(\n token: $orderID,\n fundingSource: $fundingSource,\n integrationArtifact: $integrationArtifact,\n userExperienceFlow: $userExperienceFlow,\n productFlow: $productFlow,\n buttonSessionID: $buttonSessionID\n )\n }\n ",
"variables": {
"orderID": "17884710UT885974F",
"fundingSource": "paypal",
"integrationArtifact": "PAYPAL_JS_SDK",
"userExperienceFlow": "INCONTEXT",
"data": {
"updateClientConfig": null
"errors": [
"checkpoints": [
"contingency": true,
"data": {
"message": "The specified resource does not exist."
"message": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND",
"meta": {},
"path": [
"statusCode": 200
"extensions": {
"correlationId": "464b1d56d4581",
"tracing": {
"duration": 98157194,
"endTime": "2021-09-06T16:29:45.133Z",
"execution": {
"resolvers": [
"duration": 96271082,
"fieldName": "updateClientConfig",
"parentType": "Mutation",
"path": [
"returnType": "Boolean",
"startOffset": 1222180
"startTime": "2021-09-06T16:29:45.035Z",
"version": 1
There is another request to with a similar response.
As far as I can tell the request URL should not be www.sandbox.paypal...
I have also commented on an existing issue on GitHub, but I believe it will take too long to get an answer that way.
You are using a sandbox client ID.
Change to a live client ID, from an app in the "Live" tab of your Applications in

How to create a bug using zoho API via postman?

I am working on Zoho API. Using postman I want to create/issue a bug in the system. For this, I am looking into Zoho Bug API. For creating a bug below are the request parameters list in the link.
Create a Bug
POST /portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/
Creates a bug.
Request Parameters
title* String Name of the bug.
description String Description of the bug.
assignee Long Assignee for the bug.
flag String Bug flag must be Internal or External.
classification_id Long Classification ID of the project.
milestone_id Long Milestone ID of the project.
due_date String [MM-DD-YYYY] Due date of the bug.
module_id Long Module ID of the project.
severity_id Long Severity ID of the project.
reproducible_id Long Reproducible ID of the project.
affectedmile_id Long Milestone ID of the project.
bug_followers Long Follower ID of the user.
uploaddoc File The maximum size to upload a file is 128 MB.
Custom Fields
CHAR1 - CHAR12 String Any text type of custom fields with string or picklist values.
LONG1 - LONG4 Long Numeric type of custom field.
DATE1 - DATE4 String [MM -DD-YYYY] Bug custom field in date format.
Sample Response
Status: 201 Created
Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
"bugs": [{
"id": 170876000001851001,
"key": "543",
"project": {
"id": 170876000000147021
"flag": "Internal",
"title": "UI issue in Status text box",
"reporter_id": "2060758",
"reported_person": "Patricia Boyle",
"created_time": "05-27-2014 08:38 AM",
"created_time_long": 1401188920000,
"assignee_name": "Not Assigned",
"classification": {
"id": 170876000000133041,
"type": "Feature(New)"
"severity": {
"id": 170876000000065005,
"type": "Major"
"status": {
"id": 170876000001077429,
"type": "known limitation"
"closed": false,
"reproducible": {
"id": 170876000000133005,
"type": "Always"
"module": {
"id": 170876000000494013,
"name": "ERP Phase I"
"link": {
"self": {
"url": "
"timesheet": {
"url": "
What I am doing
My request param[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/
`Authorization: myKey`
`Content Type: application/json`
In body
"title": "My First Bug",
"description" :"This is my first bug",
"assignee" : "engr.usman" ,
"flag": "internal",
"classification_id": "1139168000000297069",
"milestone_id": "",
"due_date": "02-15-2018",
"module_id" : "1139168000000019372",
"severity_id" : "1139168000000007003",
"reproducible_id" : "1139168000000017069",
"status_id" :"1139168000000007045",
"resolution": "",
"affectedmile_id" : "",
"customfields": [
"column_name": "LONG1",
"label_name": "MSN#",
"value": "2999000190"
"column_name": "CHAR1",
"label_name": "Circle-Division-SubDivision",
"value": "Hyderabad - Latifabad - Tando Jam"
"column_name": "CHAR3",
"label_name": "LCD Indication",
"value": "S7"
"column_name": "CHAR2",
"label_name": "Reference #",
"value": "28371430034961U"
"uploaddoc" : [""]
"error": {
"code": 6831,
"message": "Input Parameter Missing"
Update 1
So just for testing it again. I have tried to send only mandatory and by default fields.
"title": "My First Bug",
"flag": "internal",
"classification_id": "1139168000000297069",
"module_id" : "1139168000000019372",
"severity_id" : "1139168000000007003",
"customfields": [
"column_name": "CHAR2",
"label_name": "Reference #",
"value": "28371430034961U"
But again I am getting same error Input Parameter Missing
I don't know why this error is generating. As there is no method of sending a request in the link.
Any help would be highly appreciated.

MFP 8 - error parsing JSON object when using MobileFirst Push API

I am getting the following error when I tried to used the push API to send a notification. The JSON object works in version V7.1
"code": "FPWSE0011E",
"message": "Bad Request - The JSON validation failed at 'target'.",
"productVersion": ""
Here is my JSON object
"message": {
"alert": "hello"
"settings": {
"apns": {
"badge": 1,
"iosActionKey": "Ok",
"payload": {
"messageType": "HELLO",
"detail": "Here's your message details."
"sound": "song.mp3"
"gcm": {
"payload": {},
"sound": "song.mp3"
"target": {
"consumerIds": [],
"deviceIds": ["4A1086CF-873A-4404-BE2D-200EA6BDA8AD"],
"platforms": [
I am using the admin RestAPi interface
I followed the format from the documentation
Thanks for your help
According to the v8.0 documentation only 1 property is allowed in target. In your JSON I see several properties are defined.
See example JSON here:
And as can be seen:
target" : {
// The list below is for demonstration purposes only - per the documentation only 1 target is allowed to be used at a time.
"deviceIds" : [ "MyDeviceId1", ... ],
"platforms" : [ "A,G", ... ],
"tagNames" : [ "Gold", ... ],
"userIds" : [ "MyUserId", ... ],