How to create a bug using zoho API via postman? - api

I am working on Zoho API. Using postman I want to create/issue a bug in the system. For this, I am looking into Zoho Bug API. For creating a bug below are the request parameters list in the link.
Create a Bug
POST /portal/[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/
Creates a bug.
Request Parameters
title* String Name of the bug.
description String Description of the bug.
assignee Long Assignee for the bug.
flag String Bug flag must be Internal or External.
classification_id Long Classification ID of the project.
milestone_id Long Milestone ID of the project.
due_date String [MM-DD-YYYY] Due date of the bug.
module_id Long Module ID of the project.
severity_id Long Severity ID of the project.
reproducible_id Long Reproducible ID of the project.
affectedmile_id Long Milestone ID of the project.
bug_followers Long Follower ID of the user.
uploaddoc File The maximum size to upload a file is 128 MB.
Custom Fields
CHAR1 - CHAR12 String Any text type of custom fields with string or picklist values.
LONG1 - LONG4 Long Numeric type of custom field.
DATE1 - DATE4 String [MM -DD-YYYY] Bug custom field in date format.
Sample Response
Status: 201 Created
Content Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
"bugs": [{
"id": 170876000001851001,
"key": "543",
"project": {
"id": 170876000000147021
"flag": "Internal",
"title": "UI issue in Status text box",
"reporter_id": "2060758",
"reported_person": "Patricia Boyle",
"created_time": "05-27-2014 08:38 AM",
"created_time_long": 1401188920000,
"assignee_name": "Not Assigned",
"classification": {
"id": 170876000000133041,
"type": "Feature(New)"
"severity": {
"id": 170876000000065005,
"type": "Major"
"status": {
"id": 170876000001077429,
"type": "known limitation"
"closed": false,
"reproducible": {
"id": 170876000000133005,
"type": "Always"
"module": {
"id": 170876000000494013,
"name": "ERP Phase I"
"link": {
"self": {
"url": "
"timesheet": {
"url": "
What I am doing
My request param[PORTALID]/projects/[PROJECTID]/bugs/
`Authorization: myKey`
`Content Type: application/json`
In body
"title": "My First Bug",
"description" :"This is my first bug",
"assignee" : "engr.usman" ,
"flag": "internal",
"classification_id": "1139168000000297069",
"milestone_id": "",
"due_date": "02-15-2018",
"module_id" : "1139168000000019372",
"severity_id" : "1139168000000007003",
"reproducible_id" : "1139168000000017069",
"status_id" :"1139168000000007045",
"resolution": "",
"affectedmile_id" : "",
"customfields": [
"column_name": "LONG1",
"label_name": "MSN#",
"value": "2999000190"
"column_name": "CHAR1",
"label_name": "Circle-Division-SubDivision",
"value": "Hyderabad - Latifabad - Tando Jam"
"column_name": "CHAR3",
"label_name": "LCD Indication",
"value": "S7"
"column_name": "CHAR2",
"label_name": "Reference #",
"value": "28371430034961U"
"uploaddoc" : [""]
"error": {
"code": 6831,
"message": "Input Parameter Missing"
Update 1
So just for testing it again. I have tried to send only mandatory and by default fields.
"title": "My First Bug",
"flag": "internal",
"classification_id": "1139168000000297069",
"module_id" : "1139168000000019372",
"severity_id" : "1139168000000007003",
"customfields": [
"column_name": "CHAR2",
"label_name": "Reference #",
"value": "28371430034961U"
But again I am getting same error Input Parameter Missing
I don't know why this error is generating. As there is no method of sending a request in the link.
Any help would be highly appreciated.


Jmeter extracting response using JSON Path

Hi Can someone help me simulate this scenario, Example this is the response I got, I want to extract all alertId with the name parameter contains test. You response is highly appreciated. Thank you so much.
"duplicateCount": 0,
"fqdn": "qa-ubuntu14-4",
"appName": "TEST_APD_UB14",
"stateString": "OPEN",
"category": "FILESCAN",
"alkey": {
"agentId": "8470ea64-a710-3e46-ba6b-ccd37ebc4074",
"role": "AD SERVER",
"alertId": "0258a7ca-bc72-3a53-aa98-3098c87411ba",
"id": "6695a7fa-ab9f-43fa-871b-620cd1eeb75054af7770-604b-11e9-b486-8d59ab9344597cea0ea2-d897-3696-852d-5f3cb36f270e8470ea64-a710-3e46-ba6b-ccd37ebc4074/var/log/test321.txttest321.txtA",
"applicationContextId": "7cea0ea2-d897-3696-852d-5f3cb36f270e"
"properties": {
"name": "test321.txt",
"acl": ""
"duplicateCount": 0,
"fqdn": "qa-ubuntu14-4",
"appName": "TEST_APD_UB18",
"stateString": "OPEN",
"category": "FILESCAN",
"alkey": {
"agentId": "8470ea64-a710-3e46-ba6b-ccd37ebc4074",
"role": "AD SERVER",
"alertId": "0258a7ca-bc72-3a53-aa98-3098c8741CDA",
"id": "6695a7fa-ab9f-43fa-871b-620cd1eeb75054af7770-604b-11e9-b486-8d59ab9344597cea0ea2-d897-3696-852d-5f3cb36f270e8470ea64-a710-3e46-ba6b-ccd37ebc4074/var/log/test321.txttest321.txtA",
"applicationContextId": "7cea0ea2-d897-3696-852d-5f3cb36f270e"
"properties": {
"name": "test555.txt",
"acl": ""
Expected Result:
I want to extract all alertId with the name parameter contains test
You could use the following JSON query to extract the values:
[*].[?( contains 'test')]alkey.agentId
I found this reference with JSON Path Syntax is really useful.

Get all API fields definitions from Podio application

Responses from Podio API returns an JSON array of items with a fields property. Each field carries its values and its config.
For example a category field for the Gender:
"type": "category",
"field_id": 219922852,
"label": "Gender",
"values": [
"value": {
"status": "active",
"text": "Prefer not to say",
"id": 3,
"color": "F7F0C5"
"config": {
"settings": {
"multiple": true,
"options": [
"status": "active",
"text": "Male",
"id": 1,
"color": "DCEBD8"
"status": "active",
"text": "Female",
"id": 2,
"color": "F7F0C5"
"status": "active",
"text": "Prefer not to say",
"id": 3,
"color": "F7F0C5"
"display": "inline"
"mapping": null,
"label": "Gender"
"external_id": "gender"
How can I fetch the config without having to query a specific item?
Is there a way to get every field in the response? Because if the queried item does not have a field value set, Podio doesn't return it in the response.
I would like to get the field config for ALL the fields. If possible, with a single API request. In particular I am interested in all the possible values (in case of Category or Relationship fields) so that I could match them with local values I have.
This way I can use the field structure to programmatically map some local values to the format required by the Podio API; and then generate a fields payload that to update/create Podio items via an API calls.
You can request the Podio Get App method to get the app configuration.
Podio Doc Ref:

Error registering Avro schema: "string" RestClientException: Schema being registered is incompatible with an earlier schema;

I'm trying to send a message to my broker, using Avro schema, but "im always getting error:
2020-02-01 11:24:37.189 [nioEventLoopGroup-4-1] ERROR Application -
Unhandled: POST - /api/orchestration/
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Error
registering Avro schema: "string" Caused by:
Schema being registered is incompatible with an earlier schema; error
code: 409
Here my docker container:
image: confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect:5.4.0
hostname: confluentinc-connect
container_name: confluentinc-connect
- zookeeper
- broker
- schema-registry
- "8083:8083"
CONNECT_GROUP_ID: confluentinc-connect
CONNECT_CONFIG_STORAGE_TOPIC: confluentinc-connect-configs
CONNECT_OFFSET_STORAGE_TOPIC: confluentinc-connect-offsets
CONNECT_STATUS_STORAGE_TOPIC: confluentinc-connect-status
CONNECT_VALUE_CONVERTER: io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter
CONNECT_INTERNAL_KEY_CONVERTER: "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter"
CONNECT_INTERNAL_VALUE_CONVERTER: "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter"
CONNECT_LOG4J_LOGGERS: ",org.reflections=ERROR"
CONNECT_PRODUCER_INTERCEPTOR_CLASSES: "io.confluent.monitoring.clients.interceptor.MonitoringProducerInterceptor"
CONNECT_CONSUMER_INTERCEPTOR_CLASSES: "io.confluent.monitoring.clients.interceptor.MonitoringConsumerInterceptor"
CONNECT_LOG4J_LOGGERS: org.apache.zookeeper=ERROR,org.I0Itec.zkclient=ERROR,org.reflections=ERROR
CONNECT_PLUGIN_PATH: "/usr/share/java,/usr/share/extras"
My producer (written in Kolin)
val prop: HashMap<String, Any> = HashMap()
prop[BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG] = bootstrapServers
prop[SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL] = schemaUrl
prop[ACKS_CONFIG] = acks.value
prop[RETRIES_CONFIG] = retries
prop[COMPRESSION_TYPE_CONFIG] = compression.value
prop[LINGER_MS_CONFIG] = linger
prop[BATCH_SIZE_CONFIG] = batchSize.value
return KafkaProducer(prop)
My Avro Schema:
"type": "record",
"namespace": "com.rjdesenvolvimento",
"name": "create_client_value",
"doc": "Avro Schema for Kafka Command",
"fields": [
"name": "id",
"type": "string",
"logicalType": "uuid",
"doc": "UUID for indentifaction command"
"name": "status",
"type": {
"name": "status",
"type": "enum",
"symbols": [
"doc": "Can be only: Open, Closed or Processing"
"doc": "Status of the command"
"name": "message",
"type": {
"type": "record",
"name": "message",
"doc": "Avro Schema for insert new client",
"fields": [
"name": "id",
"type": "string",
"logicalType": "uuid",
"doc": "UUID for indentifaction client transaction"
"name": "active",
"type": "boolean",
"doc": "Soft delete for client"
"name": "name",
"type": "string",
"doc": "Name of the client"
"name": "email",
"type": "string",
"doc": "Email of the client"
"name": "document",
"type": "string",
"doc": "CPF or CPNJ of the client"
"name": "phones",
"doc": "A list of phone numbers",
"type": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"name": "phones",
"type": "record",
"fields": [
"name": "id",
"type": "string",
"logicalType": "uuid",
"doc": "UUID for indentifaction of phone transaction"
"name": "active",
"type": "boolean",
"doc": "Soft delete for phone number"
"name": "number",
"type": "string",
"doc": "The phone number with this regex +xx xx xxxx xxxx"
"name": "address",
"type": "string",
"logicalType": "uuid",
"doc": "Adrres is an UUID for a other address-microservice"
And my post:
"id" : "9ec818da-6ee0-4634-9ed8-c085248cae12",
"status" : "Open",
"message": {
"id" : "9ec818da-6ee0-4634-9ed8-c085248cae12",
"active" : true,
"name": "name",
"email": "email#com",
"document": "document",
"phones": [
"id" : "9ec818da-6ee0-4634-9ed8-c085248cae12",
"active" : true,
"number": "+xx xx xxxx xxxx"
"id" : "9ec818da-6ee0-4634-9ed8-c085248cae12",
"active" : true,
"number": "+xx xx xxxx xxxx"
"address": "9ec818da-6ee0-4634-9ed8-c085248cae12"
What am I doing wrong?
github project:
UPDATE =====
I'm not generating my classes using the Gradle Avro plugin.
In this example, my POST sends an Client object. And in service, it assembles a Command-type object as follows:
id: same client id
status: open
message: the POST that was sent.
So I send this to KAFKA, and in the connect (jdbc sink postgres) I put as fields.whitelist only the attributes of the message (the client) and I don't get either the command id or the status.
on github the only classes that matter to understand the code are:
2 -
3 -
5 - docker-compose.yml, insert-client-value.avsc, postgresql.json,
if i set the compatibility mode of the avro scheme to "none", i can send a message, but some unknown characters will be shown, as shown in the photo below.
I suspect that you're trying to do multiple things and you've not been cleaning up state after previous attempts. You should not get that error in a fresh installation
Schema being registered is incompatible with an earlier schema
Your data has changed in a way that the schema in the registry is not compatible with the one you're sending.
You can send an HTTP DELETE request to http://registry:8081/subjects/[name]/ to delete all versions of the schema, then you can restart your connector

Define array of different objects with max count 5 in swagger

I have completed a Node.js app using LINE APIs.I have the following request object. How can I define the array of different objects, here the messagesfield which contains different object structure for different message types. I hope swagger permits this very common scenario.
Request Body:
"to": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"text":"Hello, world1"
"type": "audio",
"originalContentUrl": "",
"duration": 240000
"type": "location",
"title": "my location",
"address": "〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2丁目21−1",
"latitude": 35.65910807942215,
"longitude": 139.70372892916203
My swagger definition for messages array.
"Messages Object": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"allOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/multicast Message Error Response"
"$ref": "#/definitions/multicast Message Error Response"
And this is the rendered messages array. It has only one entry. I want to include many different entries
"messages": [
"code": 500,
"httpCode": 400,
"name": "string",
"message": "string"

Unable to resolve raml file errors

I have been given the attached RAML file to use in Mule but I am having problems working out how to clean up the errors in the file and not even sure this raml file conforms to standards. The errors I am getting are for missing {} and another is missing block entry when I remove the version. Can't figure out how to resolve them.
Below is a cut down version of the RAML:
#%RAML 0.8
title: Databox
version: v1
protocols: [HTTPS]
baseUri: https://databox/v1/{version}
mediaType: application/json
- http-data: !include http-data.raml
resourceTypes: !include types.raml
- title: Home
content: |
Databox 1st draft
description: Stores
dataSchema: !include stores.json
The traits (http-data.raml):
description: |
The resourceType (types.raml):
- store:
description: Retrieve data for <<description>>.
is: [ http-data ]
description: Retrieve data for <<description>>.
schema: |
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"meta": {
"title": "Data",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"createdOn": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time"
"required": [
"data": {
"type": "array",
"items": <<dataSchema>>
"required": [
description: |
Success. Returns a JSON object containing all <<description>>.
The schema (stores.json):
"id": "http://localhost:8000/stores.json#",
"$schema": "",
"title": "Databox Store Schema",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"storeId": {
"type": "string"
"storeDescription": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false
RAML is valid except for that <<dataSchema>> parameter used in the json schema, not sure if that's a valid use of parameters.
I would start by replacing that <<dataSchema>> for the json in stores.json and try again.
Let me know if that works or what errors you get.
Mulesoft's anypoint portal validates your RAML with just that single change, you can see it here