How to initilaze react-native on the view of window manager from android - react-native

I'm searching the way to implement running react-native application on both of activity and service in single package.
Running RN app on activity is usual, but can't find the right way to execute another react-native application on the service. The latter app should be run on the foreground service and view on the window manager.
My code roughly looks like:
// ReactNativeWindowService.kt
fun startNewReactWindow(
reactContext: ReactContext,
jsMainModuleName: String?,
bundleAssetName: String?,
module: String
) {
Toast.makeText(reactContext, "START()", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
val headLayout = createHeadLayout(reactContext)
launch(UI) {
reactInstanceManager = createReactInstanceManager(reactContext, jsMainModuleName, bundleAssetName)
reactRootView = ReactRootView(reactContext)
reactRootView?.startReactApplication(reactInstanceManager, module, null)
headsManager.addHeadView(bubbleLayout.apply { addView(reactRootView) })
But, this code produce:
07-10 01:05:07.662 26269-26380/Sample E/ReactNativeJS: Error while starting app: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'NativeReactModule.startApp')
07-10 01:05:07.674 26269-26380/Sample I/ReactNativeJS: Running application "index" with appParams: {"rootTag":21}. __DEV__ === true, development-level warning are ON, performance optimizations are OFF
07-10 01:05:07.674 26269-26380/Sample E/ReactNativeJS: Application index has not been registered.
Hint: This error often happens when you're running the packager (local dev server) from a wrong folder. For example you have multiple apps and the packager is still running for the app you were working on before.
If this is the case, simply kill the old packager instance (e.g. close the packager terminal window) and start the packager in the correct app folder (e.g. cd into app folder and run 'npm start').
This error can also happen due to a require() error during initialization or failure to call AppRegistry.registerComponent.
I'm sure that code passed right parameters such as jsMainModuleName to create ReactInstanceManager. (I got same parameters as activity's params)
What do I miss in my code? or any other reference/docs/advice that would be helpful to me. Thanks in advance. :)

You have to make sure that your file has a function
protected String getMainComponentName() {
return "your file name for example abc";
But in your file you register other component
AppRegistry.registerComponent('123', () => 143);
Where it must be like this e.g.
AppRegistry.registerComponent('abc', () => abc);
Try to fix it.


VueJS and ElectronJS | VueJS stops rendering completely when I import ipcRenderer in a component

So I am coding a VueJS and ElectronJS template which can be found here:
My code works something like this,
Inside of my Vue component I access a global pre constructed class called MainProcessInterface and when it's constructed it first checks if vue is compiled for running in a development server. If it's in a dev server it will connect to the dev socket which electrons main process will host if electron is in dev mode and not compiled. This method seems to be working great, I had to use a socket because vue dev server is being loaded into electron via loadURL and so vue has no clue what ipcRenderer is. Inside the main process interface, if vue is compiled it will instead use the ipcRenderer.send() method. This is were the problem was born.
As soon as Vue runs thought the TS code, it sees ipcRenderer.send and freaks out while printing an error to the electron window console saying fs.existsSync does not exist or is defined.
I can't find a way around this. I though maybe i'll split MainProcessInterface into 2 peices, one for ipc and the other for websockets. Although it isn't a very good way, so before implementing it, I would like to know if there is a better more proper way of doing such.
I had a similar issue with React. Are you importing the ipcRenderer object somewhere in your build process? You might want to make sure it references the correct variable. I tried to drop this in as a comment but it wouldn't fit:
//index.html (index.ejs) for me... This is in the main HTML entry point
var IPC = null;
try {
IPC = require('electron').ipcRenderer;
console.log('IPC IS: ' + IPC)
} catch (err) {
IPC = null;
Then I initialize off that context in React with a startup here:
console.log('----------------HACK FIRED POST REHYDRATE')
(dispatch, getState) => {
const _state = getState()
if(window.IPC) {
if(_state.osc && _state.osc.on) {
dispatch( reconnectToEos() )
} else {
dispatch( updateStatus('[OSC Startup: DISCONNECTED]', ))
} else {
//Shut off OSC
dispatch( updateOscKey('on', false) )
dispatch( updateStatus('[WebApp, OSC disabled]', ))
}, 1000)
Basically I'm using a global variable (window.IPC) to initialize my app so I don't import a bad variable in my build process. I have a fair number of Electron APIs where this alleviates the issues with building via Webpack.
I hope this helps!

I'm trying to use react-call-detection to detect a missed call number but something is not working

Hey there to everyone!
I'm posting my first question so I'll try to be as clear as possible!
I'm building a native android app using react-native(0.61.5), I'm using setState hook instead of the classic state and I want to use the react-native-call-detection library(1.8.2).
What is the problem?
function startListenerTapped() {
callDetector = new CallDetectorManager((event, number) => {
console.log('inside call detector');
if (event === 'Missed') {
() => { console.error('access denied') },
title: 'Phone State Permission',
message: 'This app needs access to your phone state in order to react and/or to adapt to incoming calls.'
I run this function when my component mounts, callDetector is set as undefined, I get the 'start' log but when I simulate a call on my AVD nothing happens.
From what I understood the CallDetectorManager works like an event listener, right?
Or do I need to start it every time a call happens?
Another thing I've had a problem with was when I was trying to run a build for the app. I have Gradle 6.0 and I had an error with the react-native-call-detection:
Attribute application#allowBackup value=(false) from AndroidManifest.xml:13:7-34
is also present at [:react-native-call-detection] AndroidManifest.xml:21:9-35 value=(true).
Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:allowBackup"' to <application> element at
AndroidManifest.xml:7:5-117 to override.
I couldn't really understand what this meant, and the only thing that I've found that solved it was to create a react-native.config.js file with this line of code in it:
module.exports = { dependencies: { 'react-native-call-detection': { platforms: { android: null, }, }, }, };
Another thing that I've only noticed now is that I have a problem with the module of the library.
Could not find a declaration file for module 'react-native-call-detection'.
'c:/folders/projectName/node_modules/react-native-call-detection/index.js' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Try `npm install #types/react-native-call-detection` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module 'react-native-call-detection';`
Does anybody knows what that means?!
I think I start to think that it means that I need to find an alternative to this library... AHAHA!
Any kind of help or solution would be more than welcome!
Thanks in advance for everything!

LockModule.init undefined error in auth0 react-android getting started

I'm following the instructions to get auth0 running in react-native android
And I am getting the following error
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'LockModule.init') show auth0-lock.js:33
The error implies that the LockModule variable is undefined; by checking the code for auth0-lock.js we can see that the variable is being initialized by the following logic:
var { NativeModules, Platform } = require('react-native');
var LockModule = NativeModules.Auth0LockModule;
According to react-native documentation in order to use a module implemented as a native module you need to register it.
The package needs to be provided in the getPackages method of the file. This file exists under the android folder in your react-native application directory.
You should have something similar to:
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new LockReactPackage()
If this is not the root cause of the issue you'll need to update your question with more details.
I ran into this issue while trying to get Auth0 working on iOS. Our fix is here (react-native run-ios to see more detailed messages for the issue; correct header search paths; update podfile with OneSignal; add OneSignal library)

Using react native with Optimizely

I try to follow documentation in Optimizely to get my react native app (#22.2) working but getting such bug. error: cannot find symbol
Optimizely.startOptimizelyWithApiToken("xxxxxx", getApplication());
symbol: method startOptimizelyWithApiToken(String,Application)
location: class Optimizely
1 error
What is wrong and how can I debug . I try
adb logcat ReactNative:V ReactNativeJS:V
but it's not giving me any information
I an on the engineering team at Optimizely and we've released a brand new product called FullStack that is more geared towards developers. As part of the product we now offer a JavaScript SDK for running experiments in all JavaScript clients, including React Native.
To use you would install our SDK:
npm install optimizely-client-sdk
And then you can split traffic using our activate and track methods.
Here is an example:
var optimizely = require('optimizely-client-sdk');
// Initialize an Optimizely client
var optimizelyClientInstance = optimizely.createInstance({ datafile: datafile });
// ALTERNATIVELY, if you don't use CommonJS or npm, you can install the minified snippet and use the globally exported varible as follows:
var optimizelyClientInstance = window.optimizelyClient.createInstance({ datafile: datafile });
// Activate user in an experiment
var variation = optimizelyClientInstance.activate("my_experiment", userId);
if (variation === 'control') {
// Execute code for variation A
} else if (variation === 'treatment') {
// Execute code for variation B
} else {
// Execute default code
// Track conversion event
optimizelyClientInstance.track("my_conversion", userId);
For more information please checkout our developer docs:
i sorted problem is more about reading docs and using legacy:
compile ('com.optimizely:optimizely-legacy:+#aar') {
transitive = true
and then:
Optimizely.startOptimizely("xxxx", getApplication());

Ember.JS : 'serializer.get is not a function'

So i'm learning EMBER JS from codeschool and i sometime like to save my current progress into my computer. Everything went nice and smoothly until we started to see Array Controller ( and by nice and smoothly i mean everything was working fine, as it does on codeschool ). Since then i got this error :
Error while processing route: index serializer.get is not a function TypeError: serializer.get is not a function
at ember$data$lib$system$store$serializer$response$$normalizeResponseHelper (http://localhost:63342/Cours/EmberJS/Flint/js/vendors/ember-data.js:5696:24)
at http://localhost:63342/Cours/EmberJS/Flint/js/vendors/ember-data.js:7450:31
at (http://localhost:63342/Cours/EmberJS/Flint/js/vendors/ember.js:222:25)
at ember$data$lib$system$store$$Service.extend._adapterRun (http://localhost:63342/Cours/EmberJS/Flint/js/vendors/ember-data.js:13030:37)
at http://localhost:63342/Cours/EmberJS/Flint/js/vendors/ember-data.js:7449:19
at tryCatch (http://localhost:63342/Cours/EmberJS/Flint/js/vendors/ember.js:54770:14)
at invokeCallback (http://localhost:63342/Cours/EmberJS/Flint/js/vendors/ember.js:54785:15)
at publish (http://localhost:63342/Cours/EmberJS/Flint/js/vendors/ember.js:54753:9)
at http://localhost:63342/Cours/EmberJS/Flint/js/vendors/ember.js:31568:7
at Queue.invoke (http://localhost:63342/Cours/EmberJS/Flint/js/vendors/ember.js:901:16)
So i thought, somehow, my ember.js or ember-data.js was the culprit but nay, it's not ( im up-to-date ). I think the bug is somewhere located in the way i initialize my Route ( eventho i copy/pasted the content of my local files from those on codeschool who works perfectly ) and according to the error message, i think the index route is responsible so here is my router map : {
this.route('credits', { path: '/thanks' });
this.resource('products', function() {
this.resource('product', { path: '/:product_id' });
this.resource('contacts', function() {
this.resource('contact', { path: '/:contact_id' });
And here's my route ( they're all made like this one, except that i sometime search in 'contact' rather than 'product' )
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function(){
We also use the fixture adapter so it might come from this too :
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.FixtureAdapter.extend({});
Does anybody ever got this bug about the serializer ? Thank you'all in advance !
I believe this is due to the removal of the Fixture Adapter in a recent ember-data release. I'm just learning ember myself, but I was finally able to get rid of this error using a combination of reverting to a slightly older ember-data version and installing the replacement Fixture Adapter addon.
In your application dir, update the ember-data line in both bower.json and package.json to:
"ember-data": "1.0.0-beta.19.2",
and in package.json add this line after the ember-data one:
"ember-data-fixture-adapter": "^1.0.0",
Delete the bower_components and node_modules dirs in your application, and then run npm install and bower install from your application's home dir.