Is there a way to use Android Material Components with React Native? - react-native

I'm starting to learn about React Native and I'd like to know if I can use Android Material Components provided by Google with React Native.

Related integeration in react native?

Is it possible to integrate in React Native? I have seen its web view but can't find anything regarding integration with react native.
As per there feedback, they don't support React Native for now

Android Dynamic Asset Delivery in React Native

I want to use dynamic asset delivery in my react native app. But I don't know how to use this in react native. Please help me!

Should I use any React Native Component/UI Libraries?

I'm just starting to develop a mobile app using react-native. Now I would like to ask if it's recommended to use Component Libraries such as NativeBase, Material Kit React Native Paper or should I do the design/UI components manually?

Navigation from native components to React Native components

I am using react-navigation for routing within the react components in the project. But I want to implement like this:
React Native -> Android Java -> React Native Component
For the first part of navigation, I am implemented an ActivityStarterModule like this example
Can someone suggest how I navigate from Java activity to specific React Component?
It has some helpers for integration between native screens and react native screens.

Which design pattern should follow while developing react native application?

I am newbie to react native.I would like to build an application using react native,but before that I want to know which design pattern/framework does react native support?