Training Inception V2 from scratch - diverging - tensorflow

As a learning exercise, I'm training the Inception (v2) model from scratch using the ImageNet dataset from the Kaggle competition. I've heard people say it took them a week or so of training on a GPU to converge this model in this same dataset. I'm currently training it on my MacBook Pro (single CPU), so I'm expecting it to converge in no less than a month or so.
Here's my implementation of the Inception model. Input is 224x224x3 images, with values in range [0, 1].
The learning rate was set to a static 0.01 and I'm using the stochastic gradient descent optimizer.
My question
After 48 hours of training, the training loss seems to indicate that it's learning from the training data, but the validation loss is beginning to get worse. Ordinarily, this would feel like the model is overfitting. Does it look like something might be wrong with my model or dataset, or is this perfectly expected, since I've only trained 5.8 epochs?
My training and validation loss and accuracy after 1.5 epochs.
Training and validation loss and accuracy after 5.8 epochs.
Some input images as seen by the model, as well as the output of one of the early convolution layers.


Fluctuating training loss but stable validation loss

I am training a binary classification model using SIIM-ISIC Melanoma Classification datasets.
I am using efficientnet V2M as base model
I used cosine decay schedule with 2 warm up epochs and Adam as optimizer
However, my training loss is fluctuating while my validation loss is stable.
Is there a particular reason why this would happen?
Thank in advance

Accuracy Dropped suddenly after certain epoch (Classification using EfficientNet)

So I have been training EfficientNet for a classification task. I used EfficientNet-B2 model with a batch size of 64 and a learning rate 0.0001.
I was able to get good accuracy and loss while gradually increasing batch size and decreasing the learning rate. But when I just used lr 0.0001 and let the model run, I found the accuracy dropping significantly after 26th epoch while the loss curve was following the usual curve.
I have found a good model but just wanted to know what might be the reason for the accuracy behaving like that in the graph.

when to stop training object detection tensorflow

I am training faster rcnn model on fruit dataset using a pretrained model provided in google api(faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_coco).
I made few changes to the default configuration. (number of classes : 12 fine_tune_checkpoint: path to the pretrained checkpoint model and from_detection_checkpoint: true). Total number of annotated images I have is around 12000.
After training for 9000 steps, the results I got have an accuracy percent below 1, though I was expecting it to be atleast 50% (In evaluation nothing is getting detected as accuracy is almost 0). The loss fluctuates in between 0 and 4.
What should be the number of steps I should train it for. I read an article which says to run around 800k steps but its the number of step when you train from scratch?
FC layers of the model are changed because of the different number of the classes but it should not effect those classes which are already present in the pre-trained model like 'apple'?
Any help would be much appreciated!
You shouldn't look at your training loss to determine when to stop. Instead, you should run your model through the evaluator periodically, and stop training when the evaluation mAP stops improving.

the training accuracy steadily increase, but training loss decrease and then increase

I have trained a face recognition model with tensorflow (4301 classes). The training process goes like follows(I have grab the chart of the training process):
training accuracy
training loss
The training accuracy steadily increases, However, for the training loss, it firstly decreases, then after a certain number of iterations, it weirdly increases.
I simply use softmax loss with weights regularizer. And I use AdamOptimizer to minimize the loss. For learning rate setting, the initial lr is set to 0.0001, the learning rate would decrease by half by every 7 epocs(380000 training images total, batch size is 16). And I have test on a validation set (consist 8300 face images),and get a validation accuracy about 55.0% which is far below the training accuracy.
Is it overfitting ? can overfitting leads to a final increase for the training loss?
Overfitting is when you start having a divergence in the performance on training and test data — this is not the case here since you are reporting training performance only.
Training is running a minimization algorithm on your loss. When your loss starts increasing, it means that training fails at what it is supposed to be doing. You probably want to change your minimization settings to get your training loss to eventually converge.
As for why your accuracy continues to increase long after your loss starts diverging, it is hard to tell without knowing more. An explanation could be that your loss is a sum of different terms, for example a cross-entropy term and a regularization term, and that only the later diverges.

Tensorflow: loss decreasing, but accuracy stable

My team is training a CNN in Tensorflow for binary classification of damaged/acceptable parts. We created our code by modifying the cifar10 example code. In my prior experience with Neural Networks, I always trained until the loss was very close to 0 (well below 1). However, we are now evaluating our model with a validation set during training (on a separate GPU), and it seems like the precision stopped increasing after about 6.7k steps, while the loss is still dropping steadily after over 40k steps. Is this due to overfitting? Should we expect to see another spike in accuracy once the loss is very close to zero? The current max accuracy is not acceptable. Should we kill it and keep tuning? What do you recommend? Here is our modified code and graphs of the training process.
Precision and Loss Images
A decrease in binary cross-entropy loss does not imply an increase in accuracy. Consider label 1, predictions 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 at timesteps 1, 2, 3 and classification threshold 0.5. timesteps 1 and 2 will produce a decrease in loss but no increase in accuracy.
Ensure that your model has enough capacity by overfitting the training data. If the model is overfitting the training data, avoid overfitting by using regularization techniques such as dropout, L1 and L2 regularization and data augmentation.
Last, confirm your validation data and training data come from the same distribution.
Here are my suggestions, one of the possible problems is that your network start to memorize data, yes you should increase regularization,
Here I want to mention one more problem that may cause this:
The balance ratio in the validation set is much far away from what you have in the training set. I would recommend, at first step try to understand what is your test data (real-world data, the one your model will face in inference time) descriptive look like, what is its balance ratio, and other similar characteristics. Then try to build such a train/validation set almost with the same descriptive you achieve for real data.
Well, I faced the similar situation when I used Softmax function in the last layer instead of Sigmoid for binary classification.
My validation loss and training loss were decreasing but accuracy of both remained constant. So this gave me lesson why sigmoid is used for binary classification.