Dynamic insert into temp query hangs for hours - sql

Above query is constructed from Dynamic SQL inside a stored procedure. Tables involved in joins are actually being read through variables.This query hangs for small volume of data as well.
1) If I perform SELECT based on above conditions, The query still results 0 records. For insert it hangs for hours.
2) There are no blockers on this query.
Note: Since this is dynamic query when other tables are passed to variables this query runs smooth. It has issue with specific table only. I did update stats and rebuild index on that table. No use.

This can be the classic Parameter Sniffing, you can read more here: what-is-parameter-sniffing
There's a way to improve performance with such a queries, using the OPTION (RECOMPILE) in your query
You need to incluide at the end of query
You can also use the UNKNOWN for the each variable, like this:
OPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR (#variable 1UNKNOWN, #variable2 UNKNOWN, ....))
You can read more here: improving-query-performance-with-option-recompile-constant-folding-and-avoiding-parameter-sniffing-issues/

This particular join has NULL and Spaces. It is not Unique or PK column. Hence the slowness. I have excluded them in Join by adding PRE.CID IS NOT NULL .
The query now runs fast.


Query is very slow when we put a where clause on the total selected data by query

I am running a query which is selecting data on the basis of joins between 6-7 tables. When I execute the query it is taking 3-4 seconds to complete. But when I put a where clause on the fetched data it's taking more than one minute to execute. My query is fetching large amounts of data so I can't write it here but the situation I faced is explained below:
Select Category,x,y,z
---Sample Query
) as a
it's only taking 3-4 seconds to execute. But
Select Category,x,y,z
---Sample Query
) as a
where category Like 'Spart%'
is taking more than 2-3 minutes to execute.
Why is it taking more time to execute when I use the where clause?
It's impossible to say exactly what the issue is without seeing the full query. It is likely that the optimiser is pushing the WHERE into the "Sample query" in a way that is not performant. Possibly could be resolved by updating statistics on the table, but an easier option would be to insert the whole query into a temporary table, and filter from there.
Select Category,x,y,z
INTO #temp
---Sample Query
) as a
SELECT * FROM #temp WHERE category Like 'Spart%'
This will force the optimiser to tackle it in the logical order of pulling your data together before applying the WHERE to the end result. You might like to consider indexing the temp table's category field also.
If you're using MS SQL by checking the management studio actual execution plan it may already suggest an index creation
In any case, you should add to the index used by the query the column "Category"
If you don't have an index on that table create it composed by column "Category" and all the other columns used in join or where
bear in mind by using like 'text%' clause you could end in index scan and not index seek

How to speed up this simple query

With SourceTable having > 15MM records and Bad_Phrase having > 3K records, the following query takes almost 10 hours to run on SQL Server 2005 SP4.
Update [SourceTable]
Set Bad_Count = (Select count(*)
from Bad_Phrase
where [SourceTable].Name like '%'+Bad_Phrase.PHRASE+'%')
In English, this query is counting the number of times that any phrases listed in Bad_Phrase are a substring of the column [Name] in the SourceTable and then placing that result in the column Bad_Count.
I would like some suggestions on how to have this query run considerably faster.
For a lack of a better idea, here is one:
I don't know if SQL Server natively supports parallelizing an UPDATE statement, but you can try to do it yourself manually by partitioning the work that needs to be done.
For instance, just as an example, if you can run the following 2 update statements in parallel manually or by writing a small app, I'd be curious to see if you can bring down your total processing time.
Update [SourceTable]
Set Bad_Count=(
Select count(*)
from Bad_Phrase
where [SourceTable].Name like '%'+Bad_Phrase.PHRASE+'%'
where Name < 'm'
Update [SourceTable]
Set Bad_Count=(
Select count(*)
from Bad_Phrase
where [SourceTable].Name like '%'+Bad_Phrase.PHRASE+'%'
where Name >= 'm'
So the 1st update statement takes care of updating all the rows whose names start with the letters a-l, and the 2nd query takes care of o-z.
It's just an idea, and you can try splitting this into smaller chunks and more parallel update statements, depending on the capacity of your SQL Server machine.
Sounds like your query is scanning the whole table. Does your tables have proper indexes on them. Putting an index on columns that appear in a where clause is a good place to start. You can also try and get the cost of the query in the Sql server management studio (display estimated execution cost) or if your willing to wait (display actual execution cost) are both buttons in the query window. The cost will provide insights as to what is taking forever and possibly steer you to wright faster queries.
You are updating the table using sub query with the same table, every row update will scan the whole table and that may cause too much execution time. I think is better if you will insert first all data in the #temp table and then use the #temp table in your update statement. Or you can JOIN the Source table and Temp table as well.

MS Access 2010 SQL Top N query by group performance issue (continued)

I have signficant performcance issues (up to time-out) in MS Access 2010 with the query below. The table TempTableAnalysis contains between 10'000-15'000 records. I have already received input from this forum to work with a temporary table in the top 10 query (MS Access 2010 SQL Top N query by group performance issue)
Can anyone explain how to implement the temporary table in the subquery and how to join it? I can't get it to work.
Any other suggestions to improve performance are highly appreciated.
Here is my query:
FROM TempTableAnalysis AS t2
FROM TempTableAnalysis AS t1
WHERE t1.ABCByPick = t2.ABCByPick
Optimizing Access Query Performance For Large Data Sets
Based on your posted SQL Query, you have some options available to optimize and speed up the performance.
FROM TempTableAnalysis AS t2
This is the first part where TempTableAnalysis is the multi-thousand record subquery. If you want to squeeze a little more performance out of the use of this "Temp" Table, don't use it as a dynamic query (i.e., calculated on demand each time the query is opened), try constructing a macro that pushes the output to a static table:
Appending Subquery Data to a Static Table:
Create a QUERY object and change its type to DELETE. Design it to delete the contents of your "temporary" table object. If you prefer using SQL, the command will look like:
DELETE My_Table.*
FROM My_Table;
Create a QUERY object and change its type to APPEND. Design it to query all fields from your query defined by the SQL statement of this OP. Again, the SQL version of this task has the following syntax:
INSERT INTO StaticAnalysisTable ( ID, Loc, Item, AvgOfScaledError )
SELECT t1.ID, t1.Loc, t1.Item, t1.AvgOfScaledError
FROM TempTableAnalysis as t1;
The next step is to automate the population of this static table and it is optional. It's simple however and will make it less likely that you will make the mistake of forgetting to "Refresh" and accessing your static table while it has stale data... causing inaccuracies in your results.
Create a macro with two steps. Each step will have the following definition: OPEN QUERY. When prompted for the query to open, reference the objects you created in the previous two steps in the following order (important): (1) DELETE Query: (your delete query name) then (2) APPEND Query: (your append query name).
SQL Query Comments and Suggestions
The following part of the posted SQL query could use some help:
FROM TempTableAnalysis AS t1
WHERE t1.ABCByPick = t2.ABCByPick
There is a join across the sub query that generates the TOP-10 data and the outermost query that correlates these results with the supplementing MASE table data. This isn't necessary if the TempTableAnalysis.MASE represents a key value.
in the inner most query isn't necessary unless it is intended to force some sort of selection criteria (as in when using SQL analytical functions) this doesn't look like one of those cases. Ordering records from large data sets is also a wasteful cpu and memory sink.
EDIT: Just as a counter-point argument, the ORDER BY clause used beside a TOP N query actually has a purpose, but I am still not clear if it is necessary. Just to round out the discussion, another SO thread talks about How to Select Top 10 in an Access Query.
You may be experiencing blocks in performance with very large in-list set operations. On an Oracle database server, I have discovered with other developers that there is a limitation to the number of discrete elements in an in-list query operator. That value was in the thousands... which may be further limited based on server and database resources.
Consider using a SQL JOIN operator. The place where you define TABLE objects can also be populated with SQL defined queries with aliases known as INLINE VIEWS. Since you're using ACCESS, if an inline view does not work directly, just define another ACCESS QUERY object and reference it in your final query as if it were a table...
A possible rewrite to the ending part of the original query:
FROM TempTableAnalysis AS t2,
(SELECT TOP 10 t1.MASE, t1.ABCByPick
FROM TempTableAnalysis AS t1) AS ttop
AND t2.ABCByPick = ttop.ABCByPick
You will definitely need to run through these recommendations and validate the output data for accuracy. This represents approaches to capturing some of the "low-hanging fruit" (easy items) that you can pursue to speed up your query and reporting operations.
Conclusions and Closing Comments
As a background to other readers, the database object TempTableAnalysis is not a static table. It is the result of a sub query presented in another SO post requesting help with a Access TOP N Query. The query comes from multiple tables approaching 10,000 records in size (each?).
Tip: A query result in Access ALSO has potential table-like behaviors. You can push the output to a table for joining (as described above) or just join to the query object itself (careful though, especially when you get to "chaining" multiple query operations...)
The strategy of this solution was:
To minimize the number of trips through one or more instances of this very large table.
To pre-process and index optimize any data that would otherwise be "static" for the duration of its analysis.
To audit and review the SQL code used to obtain the final results.
Definitely look into Access MACROS. Coupled with identifying static data in your data sets, you can offload processing of your complex background analytic queries to improve the user experience when they view and query through the final results. Good Luck!

SQL Server 2008: Optimize Query Performance with known empty result

I have an application in which a user has a mask which runs sql statements against a SQL Server 2008 database. In addition the user can set parameters in the mask. Consider a mask with one parameter, which is a Dropdown with 2 selections: "Planes" and "Cars".
When the User selects "Cars" and hits the "Execute" button, the following SQL statement which I configured before in the mask hits the database.
SELECT cars.id, cars.name
FROM cars
WHERE 'Cars' = 'Cars'
SELECT planes.id, planes.name
FROM planes
WHERE 'Planes' = 'Cars'
(This a quite made up example, as the queries in my Application are far more complex with lots of JOINS and so on...)
Even if I take the second part and paste it into the SQL Server Management studio, set some parameters and hit execute, the query will take several seconds to complete... with an empty result.
My question now: How can I optimize the second part, so the SQL Server recognizes that in the second SELECT statement, there really is nothing to do?
The reason why my second ("dead") query executes for some time is the following: Inside the query there are JOINS, along with a Sub-SELECT in the WHERE clause. Let's say
SELECT planes.id, planes.name
FROM planes
INNER JOIN very_complex_colour_view colours
ON colours.id = planes.colour.id
WHERE 'Planes' = 'Cars'
In fact even the "planes" table is a complex view itself.
Depending on parameter it is selecting records from respective table.
So no need of using UNION ALL.
Use IF ELSE construct -
DECLARE #Input VARCHAR(20) = 'Cars'
IF (#Input = 'Cars')
SELECT cars.id, cars.name
FROM cars
ELSE IF (#Input = 'Planes')
SELECT planes.id, planes.name
FROM planes
This would also help SQL Optimizer to use Parameter Sniffing technique and use best execution plan which would improve your query performance.
More on Parameter Sniffing -
Parameter Sniffing
Parameter Sniffing (or Spoofing) in SQL Server
When I run the following query on my system:
select *
from <really big table that is not in the cache>
where 'planes' = 'cars'
The results returned in about 1 second the first time and subsequent times immediately.
I suspect that your actual query is more complicated than this example. And, the simplification is eliminating the problem. Even when I try the above with a join, there is basically no performance hit.
Based on the execution plans I'm seeing, SQL Server recognizes that the constant is always false. The following query:
select *
from Published_prev2..table1 sv join
Published_prev2..table2 sl
on sv.id= sl.id
where 'planes' = 'cars'
Produces a constant scan for the execution plan. The same query with 'cars = cars' produces a more complex plan that has joins and so on.

SQL "WITH" Performance and Temp Table (possible "Query Hint" to simplify)

Given the example queries below (Simplified examples only)
DECLARE #DT int; SET #DT=20110717; -- yes this is an INT
WITH LargeData AS (
SELECT * -- This is a MASSIVE table indexed on dt field
FROM mydata
), Ordered AS (
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY valuefield DESC) AS Rank_Number
FROM LargeData
and ...
DECLARE #DT int; SET #DT=20110717;
BEGIN TRY DROP TABLE #LargeData END TRY BEGIN CATCH END CATCH; -- dump any possible table.
SELECT * -- This is a MASSIVE table indexed on dt field
INTO #LargeData -- put smaller results into temp
FROM mydata
WITH Ordered AS (
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY valuefield DESC) AS Rank_Number
FROM #LargeData
Both produce the same results, which is a limited and ranked list of values from a list based on a fields data.
When these queries get considerably more complicated (many more tables, lots of criteria, multiple levels of "with" table alaises, etc...) the bottom query executes MUCH faster then the top one. Sometimes in the order of 20x-100x faster.
The Question is...
Is there some kind of query HINT or other SQL option that would tell the SQL Server to perform the same kind of optimization automatically, or other formats of this that would involve a cleaner aproach (trying to keep the format as much like query 1 as possible) ?
Note that the "Ranking" or secondary queries is just fluff for this example, the actual operations performed really don't matter too much.
This is sort of what I was hoping for (or similar but the idea is clear I hope). Remember this query below does not actually work.
DECLARE #DT int; SET #DT=20110717;
WITH LargeData AS (
SELECT * -- This is a MASSIVE table indexed on dt field
FROM mydata
), Ordered AS (
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY valuefield DESC) AS Rank_Number
FROM LargeData
EDIT: Important follow up information!
If in your sub query you add
TOP 999999999 -- improves speed dramatically
Your query will behave in a similar fashion to using a temp table in a previous query. I found the execution times improved in almost the exact same fashion. WHICH IS FAR SIMPLIER then using a temp table and is basically what I was looking for.
TOP 100 PERCENT -- does NOT improve speed
Does NOT perform in the same fashion (you must use the static Number style TOP 999999999 )
From what I can tell from the actual execution plan of the query in both formats (original one with normal CTE's and one with each sub query having TOP 99999999)
The normal query joins everything together as if all the tables are in one massive query, which is what is expected. The filtering criteria is applied almost at the join points in the plan, which means many more rows are being evaluated and joined together all at once.
In the version with TOP 999999999, the actual execution plan clearly separates the sub querys from the main query in order to apply the TOP statements action, thus forcing creation of an in memory "Bitmap" of the sub query that is then joined to the main query. This appears to actually do exactly what I wanted, and in fact it may even be more efficient since servers with large ammounts of RAM will be able to do the query execution entirely in MEMORY without any disk IO. In my case we have 280 GB of RAM so well more then could ever really be used.
Not only can you use indexes on temp tables but they allow the use of statistics and the use of hints. I can find no refernce to being able to use the statistics in the documentation on CTEs and it says specifically you cann't use hints.
Temp tables are often the most performant way to go when you have a large data set when the choice is between temp tables and table variables even when you don't use indexes (possobly because it will use statistics to develop the plan) and I might suspect the implementation of the CTE is more like the table varaible than the temp table.
I think the best thing to do though is see how the excutionplans are different to determine if it is something that can be fixed.
What exactly is your objection to using the temp table when you know it performs better?
The problem is that in the first query SQL Server query optimizer is able to generate a query plan. In the second query a good query plan isn't able to be generated because you're inserting the values into a new temporary table. My guess is there is a full table scan going on somewhere that you're not seeing.
What you may want to do in the second query is insert the values into the #LargeData temporary table like you already do and then create a non-clustered index on the "valuefield" column. This might help to improve your performance.
It is quite possible that SQL is optimizing for the wrong value of the parameters.
There are a couple of options
Try using option(RECOMPILE). There is a cost to this as it recompiles the query every time but if different plans are needed it might be worth it.
You could also try using OPTION(OPTIMIZE FOR #DT=SomeRepresentatvieValue) The problem with this is you pick the wrong value.
See I Smell a Parameter! from The SQL Server Query Optimization Team blog