Moq class with constructors ILogger and options netcore 2.1 vs2017 getting error -

I need to mock a class that has parameters in the constructor by I cannot figure out how you do it using moq. It crashes
Constructor arguments cannot be passed for interface mocks.
See my attempt below:
public async Task MyTest()
var mySettings= GetMySettings();
var mySettingsOptions = Options.Create(mySettings);
var mockLogger = Mock.Of<ILogger<MyClass>>();
var mock=new Mock<IMyClass>(mySettings,mockLogger);
public class MyClass : IMyClass
private readonly ILogger<MyClass> logger;
private readonly MySettings mySettings;
public MyClass(IOptions<MySettings> settings,ILogger<MyClass>logger)
this.logger = logger;
this.mySettings = settings.Value;
public string DoSomething(string myarg)
How do you do it? many thanks
In order to mock repository and test the behaviour i also need to mock the other classes that have constructors in it. Hope makes sense
public class MyService:IMyService
private MyClass myclass;
private OtherClass otherClass;
private Repository repository;
public MyService(IRepository repository,IMyClass myclass,IMyOtherClass otherClass)
public void DoStuff()
bool valid1=myclass.Validate(); //mock myclass
var valid2=otherClass.Validate(); //mock otherClass
if(Valid1 && valid2)
repository.GetSomething();//this is really what I am mocking

It doesn't matter if your class constructor has parameters or not, because you're working with its mock object.
var mock = new Mock<IMyClass>();
Then you can use this mock to your repository constructor:
var myService = new MyService(repositoryMock.Object, mock.Object, otherClassMock.Object);

You are getting this error because you are trying to create a mock of an interface (IMyClass in this case) with constructor values. It seems like you are trying to test the method in the class MyClass, therefore you should be creating a moq of this class.
To clarify change
var mock=new Mock<IMyClass>(mySettings,mockLogger); to var mock=new Mock<MyClass>(mySettings,mockLogger);


How can I get HttpContext inside an abstract class in ASPNETCore

I have the following Repository:
public class TestRepository : WebCaller<Data>, ITestRepository
string connString = this.GetConnectionString();
.... some code here
In my Repository I can do Dependency Injection to the constructor without a problem.
In my abstract class WebCaller I need to get access to HttpContext somehow, I was reading that you can Inject IHttpContextAccessor to get access to the context, but because this is an Abstract class, that also lives outside the Web project, I can't have a constructor.
I was trying to do this:
public abstract class WebCaller<T> : WebRequest, IDisposable
public ITestRepository TestRepo
return this.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<ITestRepository >();
..... more code here
Was trying to use Inject attribute but was reading that is no longer available, so should be other way to pass HttContext to the abstract class.
You can have a constructor on your abstract class. Just inject IHttpContextAccessor to it. Then any derived class will also take IHttpContextAccessor and pass it to its base constructor (your abstract class constructor). You can make the abstract class constructor protected.
public abstract class WebCaller<T> : WebRequest, IDisposable
protected WebCaller(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
public class TestRepository : WebCaller<Data>, ITestRepository
public TestRepository(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor) : base(contextAccessor)
string connString = this.GetConnectionString();
.... some code here

Ninject request scope and callback

I have a problem with Ninject in a MVC project using Owin.
I have a generic class for UnitOfWork that is not specific to my project :
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork
public UnitOfWork(DbContext context)
I define two repositories using my custom DbContext :
public UserRepository : IUserRepository
public UserRepository(MyEntities context)
public OrderRepository : IOrderRepository
public OrderRepository(MyEntities context)
Then I have a ApiController which use the unit of work and the repositories.
public OrderController : ApiController
public OrderController(IUnitOfWork uow, IUserRepository userRepository, IOrderRepository orderRepository)
I configure my Ninject kernel within a module. My bindings are with a request scope.
public class MyModule : Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule
public override void Load()
// Bind all the repositories
this.Bind(x =>
.Configure(c => c.InRequestScope()));
// Bind the DbContext of the application
// To bind the UnitOfWork, I need to specify the real DbContext to use. For that I use a callback which provide argument to constructor :
.WithConstructorArgument("context", GetContext);
private Object GetContext(IContext context, ITarget target)
IResolutionRoot resolver;
ActivationBlock scope;
scope = context.Request.GetScope() as ActivationBlock;
resolver = scope ?? (IResolutionRoot)context.Kernel;
var o = resolver.Get<MyEntities>();
var o2 = resolver.Get<MyEntities>();
var same = Object.ReferenceEquals(o, o2);
return o;
Then I activate Ninject with Owin like this in the Startup class :
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
var config = new HttpConfiguration();
private static IKernel CreateKernel()
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
kernel.Load(new MyModule());
return kernel;
It seems good but there is a big problem. The repositories share the same DbContext, but the DbContext in the UnitOfWork is a different instance.
In the function GetContext, the scope is always null, so the MyContext instance is retrieved from the kernel. The boolean variable same is always false. The problem is here. The Get function of the kernel return a new instance, instead of the instance of the request scope.
Not sure if you still need this... but you can bind the dbcontext to self and then ask for it when you want to use it.
Bind<IUserStoreGuid<User>>().To<UserStoreGuid<User>>().WithConstructorArgument("context", Kernel.GetService(typeof(ApplicationDbContext)));
Although the connection string in the app is called "DefautConnection", you need to use "context" because that is how it is called in the constructor argument. I got this from here

check that property setter was called

I have a class I am unit testing and all I want to do is to verify that the public setter gets called on the property. Any ideas on how to do this?
I don't want to check that a value was set to prove that it was called. I only want to ensure that the constructor is using the public setter . Note that this property data type is a primitive string
This is not the sort of scenario that mocking is designed for because you are trying to test an implementation detail. Now if this property was on a different class that the original class accessed via an interface, you would mock that interface and set an expectation with the IgnoreArguments syntax:
public interface IMyInterface
string MyString { get; set; }
public class MyClass
public MyClass(IMyInterface argument)
argument.MyString = "foo";
public class Tests
public void Test()
var mock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IMyInterface>();
mock.Expect(m => m.MyString = "anything").IgnoreArguments();
new MyClass(mock);
There are 2 problems with what you are trying to do. The first is that you are trying to mock a concrete class, so you can only set expectations if the properties are virtual.
The second problem is the fact that the event that you want to test occurs in the constructor, and therefore occurs when you create the mock, and so occurs before you can set any expectations.
If the class is not sealed, and the property is virtual, you can test this without mocks by creating your own derived class to test with such as this:
public class RealClass
public virtual string RealString { get; set; }
public RealClass()
RealString = "blah";
public class Tests
private class MockClass : RealClass
public bool WasStringSet;
public override string RealString
set { WasStringSet = true; }
public void Test()
MockClass mockClass = new MockClass();

Castle windsor wire generic irepository with 2 types

Hi I am trying to change a code example found here
In his example he uses structure map, when I converted it to windsor I can get it to work with the one repository using the following.
But what I really want to do is to map all the irepository based interfacees to thier implementation.
Here is the IRepository, T is the entity, K is the prmiary key type
public interface IRepository<T, K> where T : class
Its implementation Is
public abstract class Repository<T> : IRepository<T, int>, IDisposable where T : DomainEntity<int>
My controller has the interface IPeopleRepository as a constructor paramerter.
public interface IPeopleRepository : IRepository<Person, int>
public class PeopleRepository : Repository<Person>, IPeopleRepository
I want to have one register to register all repositories, something like this, but it wont match and i get the error Service 'Spaanjaars.ContactManager45.Model.Repositories.IPeopleRepository' which was not registered
What am i missing in regards to this? is it because my irepository has 2 generic types?
In order to map all the IRepository based interfaces to their implementations .WithService.AllInterfaces() should be used.
This registration should solve your issue.
There are some tests to test it. I claim they are green.
public class InstallerTest
private IWindsorContainer container;
public void Init()
container = new WindsorContainer().Install(new Installer());
public void ResilveTest_ResolvesViaIRepository()
// act
var repository = container.Resolve<IRepository<Person, int>>();
// assert
public void ResilveTest_ResolvesViaIPeopleRepository()
// act
var repository = container.Resolve<IPeopleRepository>();
// assert
public class Installer : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)

How to do Setup of mocks with Ninject's MockingKernel (moq)

I'm having a really hard time trying to figure how I can do .SetupXXX() calls on the underlying Mock<T> that has been generated inside the MockingKernel. Anyone who can shed some light on how it is supposed to work?
You need to call the GetMock<T> method on the MoqMockingKernel which will return the generated Mock<T> on which you can call your .SetupXXX()/VerifyXXX() methods.
Here is an example unit test which demonstrates the GetMock<T> usage:
public void Test()
var mockingKernel = new MoqMockingKernel();
var serviceMock = mockingKernel.GetMock<IService>();
serviceMock.Setup(m => m.GetGreetings()).Returns("World");
var sut = mockingKernel.Get<MyClass>();
Assert.AreEqual("Hello World", sut.SayHello());
Where the involved types are the following:
public interface IService { string GetGreetings(); }
public class MyClass
private readonly IService service;
public MyClass(IService service) { this.service = service; }
public string SayHello()
return string.Format("Hello {0}", service.GetGreetings());
Note that you can access the generated Moq.MockRepository (if you prefer it over the SetupXXX methods) with the MoqMockingKernel.MockRepository property.