What is the deep link URL to open Square POS app from within another app? - square

For example in order to open Venmo from within my app I would use Linking.openURL('venmo://') which would subsequently pop open Venmo on the device, leaving my app in the process.
What, if it exists, is the URL for the Square Point of Sale app?

Take a look at the docs for the Point of Sale APIs, they have all that is possible with link building int the app. It is only for payments, you can't link into other views.


Shopify app that can use and save camera data

I would like to build a Shopify app that can take pictures of the customer using the selfie camera, save them to a customer profile, and allow for guest checkout. I know this is partly possible because this app - https://www.esenca.app is able to achieve the camera functionality component.
Regarding the fine details, how would I create a Shopify app that can do this?
First you create a mobile App using your Flutter or React Native library (or whatever turns your mobile phone crank) with camera access. Ensure your App can take a picture and store it.
Second you would implement the Shopify oAuth pattern into your App, asking for customer permissions, so the merchant could choose to install this App in their store.
Third you would code up an extension in your App that displays this picture in the Customer account section of the App.
Fourth, clean up all the loose ends and profit from your adventure!

Configure Branch SDK with Landing page, track attribution through install

Can the Branch SDK track installs to the inviting user through an intermediate landing page?
In my Unity based game I'm setting up a social share button on the game's splash page. When the user share's the game with someone by default the branch SDK would send the invited prospect directly to the Apple app store to install the app. Instead I want to send the prospect to a Landing page so that we can A/B test content and optimize installs.
Thus I want to track install/play back to the original inviting user. Is this possible? If so, how is it configured.
You can do this by setting custom link properties when you create the share link. For example, you can set $fallback_url as a link property when creating the linkproperties object
linkProperties.controlParams.Add("$fallback_url", "http://example.com");
When you use this with sharelink the link created will navigate to the fallback_url instead of the app / play store.

How to open the apple app store internally using a modal segue

I am currently making an app that recommends other apps to download on the apple app store. I assumed that the only way for users to download these linked apps was to call the iTunes URL of the particular app -> the apple app store would then open pushing the original calling app into the background -> then the user would press the download button here as per normal.
Then I was playing with the app "App Hero" and they do something I thought wasn't possible. You can actually download another app to your device without ever leaving the "App Hero" application. I thought this was impossible due to sandboxing. They have a modal segue to what appears to be an embedded app store where you can commence installation of another app. This "embedded" app store doesn't have the usual UITabBar running along the bottom but everything else is basically the same.
Does anyone have any idea how they would have achieved this? It doesn't appear to be a UIWebView, perhaps I am wrong. And is this against any of the apple regulations?
*This is no way an advertisement for "App Hero". I am genuinely impressed/confused how they are able to do this and would love this functionality in my own app if it is allowed.
The class you are looking for is called SKStoreProductViewController. Docs here.

How to integrate facebook fan page within an iphone app?

I want to integrate facebook fan page in my game with out leaving the game. And I also want to detect If any one like that app, I mean I want to detect "like" button pressed or not.I view this tutorial http://www.raywenderlich.com/1626/how-to-post-to-a-users-wall-upload-photos-and-add-a-like-button-from-your-iphone-app But there is only instruction to add the like button,but o detection if any one tapped the button or not.
Any one help me please.Sample code or tutorial may help a lot.
Thanks in advance.
The Facebook API on iOS is meant to redirect the user on the Facebook app (or website when the app is missing) in order to grant access for the like itself. This needs to be done at least once.
In order to gather information about who is liking what you can set up whatever log or backend functionality to the Facebook app that you have to create to activate the like functionality on your iOS app.

Swap the application in Objective-C?

I'm developing iPad application I need to integrate third party project(Source code) with my code like i have a button in my code, when i click on the button it landed to third party application page then navigate around and vice verrsa. what is the best way to swap the app?
Use the url schema.
See add custom URL Schema using http://
Every Application can have customer url schemas. Like ...
To get they running you have to change your Info.plist to inform the iOS that your app is handling that url schema. See the SO post above.
When another App calls that URL your app gets opened and you get a hook on your app delegate.
check http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#featuredarticles/iPhoneURLScheme_Reference/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007899
Also look here: