closed-Reload page in React-Native - react-native

I am working on a react-native app where I want to auto Reload a page can anyone tell me how can we do that in react-native code,
I have three component in which one component has to drop down I just want to reload the current screen this is the image of my page in which when a person changes the language i want to reload the page

use setTimeout on componentDidMount() to reload page.
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({time: true})
}, 1000)

You can use forceupdate see
forceupdate will re-render the component.
this is the guide for react native Refresh Component, usually we create function _onRefresh(), and you can callit at some specific time intervel.
Hope this answer will help you.

I'm assuming you are talking about auto-refreshing altered components in the simulator.
You would want to Enable Hot Reloading in the iOS or Android simulator.
You can pull up the developer screen in the iOS simulator showing Hot Reloading by pressing CMD + D.

Simple precise and clear!
this._subscribe = this.props.navigation.addListener('didFocus', () => {
//Put your Data loading function here instead of my this.LoadData()


Is there a way to reload a screen in React-Native one time after it loads?

I have a react native screen with a joystick component I made but on first load up the joystick doesn't work as intended but works perfectly fine when page is reloaded. Is there any way to set it to reload once quickly one time when it opens?
This sounds more like a bug in your code. You should try to locate the issue and resolve it. However, you could use useEffect() to call a state update as a temporary solution:
const [reload, setReload] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
}, []) // <- no dependencies

React Native Linking eventListener crashes with deep linking

I am trying to implement deep linking/universal linking with my React Native app and it works good so far, but one thing. I have an eventListener and getInitialUrl in my app.js like so:
useEffect(() => {
Linking.addEventListener("url", (url) => handleInvite(url));
Linking.getInitialURL().then((url) => handleInvite(url));
}, []);
getInitialUrl works fine and the app opens and gets the url. This function is when the app is not active in the background. However, when the app is in the background the eventListener gets fired and the app crashes immediately. I tested it with and without and the problem is the eventListener, but I don't know why.
The app crashes immediately and I can't find any info on this problem. So any help would be much appreciated.
This is tested on iOS.
So I found the problem. Basically the addEventListener returns an array and not a string. So when using that in the function it caused the app to crash.
The right way to add the eventListener is like this:
Linking.addEventListener("url", event => handleInvite(event.url));
It is weird that no where in the docs this example is given. But it works now atleast!

How to make api calls when component is loaded multiple times

I need to fetch products each time a user navigates the products screen of a react native app being built with expo. I found out that the component lifecycle hook : componentDidMount is called just once. This is an issue because if the products are updated on the backend / API, if the componentDidMount is not called again when the user visits the product page again, they won't see latest products which defeats the purpose of the app. How may i approach this ?
Use componentDidUpdate() method. This will execute automatically before render() method gets triggered.
Please read this to know about the life cycle of react-native.
Call a function inside componentDidUpdate() like this
and then do your API call and set state in loadInitialState() function. Hope this will work
Hope it helps .feel free for doubts.
You can add a navigation listener: Subscribe to updates to navigation lifecycle
() => {
use WebSocket for realtime application

How to lock the app from exit in react native?

I'm trying to make that the costumer will not be able to leave the app, even when he press on the home button.
My app is coded with react native, and I'm looking for solution by the code and not by configuration because this feature should work only for specific users...
Do you have any idea or any guide that can help me with that?
I was looking for the solution for a long time but nothing came up.
Thank you for the help
You can do this using BackHandler events. You have to put this code in your main navigation file. When user press back button they will exit from app u can customize ur logic for that for particular user etc...
componentWillMount() {
BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', function () {
componentWillUnmount() {

Change webview URL in React native

I have an app that has a WebView and a bottom navigation bar.
Back, forward and reload buttons work ok since there are goForward(), goBack() and reload() method.
But I also have a home button that should load the starting url.
I tried setting the new url with this.setState but it doesn't work.
Actually it works the first time. For example if I change the URL in the source and hot reload then it works. But if I click on any link home doesn't work anymore.
Is it possible to do this and if so what am I doing wrong?
I solved it by appending timestamp to url because it seems setting a "new" url triggers the new render() or something.
So the function now goes like this:
this.setState({ url: `${DEFAULT_URL}?t=${}` })