Change webview URL in React native - react-native

I have an app that has a WebView and a bottom navigation bar.
Back, forward and reload buttons work ok since there are goForward(), goBack() and reload() method.
But I also have a home button that should load the starting url.
I tried setting the new url with this.setState but it doesn't work.
Actually it works the first time. For example if I change the URL in the source and hot reload then it works. But if I click on any link home doesn't work anymore.
Is it possible to do this and if so what am I doing wrong?

I solved it by appending timestamp to url because it seems setting a "new" url triggers the new render() or something.
So the function now goes like this:
this.setState({ url: `${DEFAULT_URL}?t=${}` })


Is there anyway to ignore the *failure: Avoided redundant navigation to current location* error using Vue Router and just refresh the page?

I see this question has been asked a few times on here, but none of the answers have really helped me in this current situation.
I have an app I'm working on with a sidebar with tabs that link to different dashboards. Each of the SidebarLinks are a router-link with the to key being fed the route prop from the main component.
Inside one of these dashboards, the Analysis dashboard, there is another router that routes you to child routes for specific Analyses with their own ids (EX: /analysis/1).
The user clicks on a button for a specific analysis and they are routed to a page containing that information, on the same page.
The Error
When I click the Analysis SidebarLink the route in the url changes back to /analysis, but the page doesn't update/refresh.
I don't get an error in the console, but I do get the failure in the devtools.
I understand that Vue Router doesn't route back to a route you are already on, but I need it to. If you refresh the page when the url is just /analysis it routes back to it's inital state.
Is there anyway to refresh when it rereoutes to /analysis? Or a way to handle this error to work as intended?
What I've tried
I've tried changing the router-link to an <a> tag and programatically use router.push and then catch the error, but that doesn't do anything.
I've tried checking if the route.fullPath.contains("/analysis") and then just do router.back() but that doesn't seem to work either.
SidebarLink router function
function goToRoute() {
console.log(`route.fullPath → `, route.fullPath)
if (route.fullPath.match('/analysis*') as any) {
console.log('route includes /analysis')
} else {
console.log('route doesnt inclue /analysis')
path: props.route,
.catch(() => {})
Inital /analysis Page
This is what the page looks like normally
/analysis/1 Page
This is what the route to analysis/1 looks like (url changes)
/analysis/1 Page When Issue Analysis SidebarLink Clicked
This is what the route to analysis looks like when the sidebarlink is clicked (url changes, but the page stays the same)
I suspect you are fetching your data from a backend service or data files
If yes you can refetch the data everytime the route param changed by watching it.
watch: {
'$': function (id) {
this.$store.dispatch('fetchOneAnalys', id)

Is there a way to reload a screen in React-Native one time after it loads?

I have a react native screen with a joystick component I made but on first load up the joystick doesn't work as intended but works perfectly fine when page is reloaded. Is there any way to set it to reload once quickly one time when it opens?
This sounds more like a bug in your code. You should try to locate the issue and resolve it. However, you could use useEffect() to call a state update as a temporary solution:
const [reload, setReload] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
}, []) // <- no dependencies

Vue Router: does this.$router.push navigate to a new URL?

I read the documentation of vue-router (
This is the method called internally when you click a ,
so clicking is the equivalent of calling
As far as I know clicking router-link element navigates to the URL placed in "to" attribute. However, according to History API
(, history.pushState(...) only changes the history and does not navigate to a new URL.
So... how can we explain this contradiction?
I think you need to define exactly what you mean by "navigate to a new URL"; to me it can mean either reloading the page at a new URL, or simply changing the URL in the address bar without reloading the page.
history.pushState() does change the URL, but it doesn't cause the browser to perform a full page reload as is typical when you click a link. This is how "single page apps" work – they intercept <a> clicks and use history.pushState() to prevent the page from reloading.
history.pushState(...) only changes the history and does not navigate to a new URL.
Here I think "and does not navigate to a new URL" is wrong – it does, except the page doesn't reload.
There is no contradiction here. There is no reason why the Vue Router could not do a change to the url with the history api and change the component as rendered in various router-view components.
When you include a router-link in your code, this is a component like any other. Vue will render this component. The interesting part is this:
const router = this.$router
// And later
const handler = e => {
if (guardEvent(e)) {
if (this.replace) {
} else {
const on = { click: guardEvent }
if (Array.isArray(this.event)) {
this.event.forEach(e => { on[e] = handler })
} else {
on[this.event] = handler
For the history api, you can see in the source that for a this.$router.push(..) we transition, and we push the state with this pushState function. The transition itself can be found in history/base.js.

closed-Reload page in React-Native

I am working on a react-native app where I want to auto Reload a page can anyone tell me how can we do that in react-native code,
I have three component in which one component has to drop down I just want to reload the current screen this is the image of my page in which when a person changes the language i want to reload the page
use setTimeout on componentDidMount() to reload page.
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({time: true})
}, 1000)
You can use forceupdate see
forceupdate will re-render the component.
this is the guide for react native Refresh Component, usually we create function _onRefresh(), and you can callit at some specific time intervel.
Hope this answer will help you.
I'm assuming you are talking about auto-refreshing altered components in the simulator.
You would want to Enable Hot Reloading in the iOS or Android simulator.
You can pull up the developer screen in the iOS simulator showing Hot Reloading by pressing CMD + D.
Simple precise and clear!
this._subscribe = this.props.navigation.addListener('didFocus', () => {
//Put your Data loading function here instead of my this.LoadData()

webview onNavigationStateChange returns url of previous page

In react native webview, when I navigate to a page the onNavigationStateChange returns url of the previous page? I think its an issue and posted it to github react native issues.
ref={r => this.webview = r}
style = {{marginTop : 0}}
startInLoadingState = {true}
source = {{uri: '' }}
youtube_video_url: webViewState.url
When I print this youtube_video_url, it is of the previous page or previous browsed video.
Sadly, all the webview methods like onNavigationStateChange, onLoad, onLoadStart etc are not working as expected in cases of single page application websites or websites that don't trigger a window.load event.
Normaly onNavigationStateChange gets triggered in the beginning of a request with {loading: true, url: "someUrl", ...} and once after the loading of the url with {loading: false, url: "someUrl", ...}.
There is no global workaround (to my knowledge) that will work correctly for all websites and for both iOs/Android but maybe this can help in your case:
Basically you inject a custom javascript in the webview that notifies the WebView which is the loaded page. You can enhance it if you want to catch custom window.history manipulation events.