Getting file upload error in dojo iframe - doc.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0].value undefined error - dojo

Getting file upload error in dojo iframe - doc.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0].value undefined error. File upload is failing intermittently when dojo(1.11.2 version) handleResponse() method is called before the response comes from the remote server .
Below is the error message i am getting
Error: HTML Upload Error:Cannot read property 'value' of undefined at
(/public/prod/dojo-1.11.2/dojox/form/FileUploader.js:18:56) at
Object.d (:244:264) at Object._error
(/public/prod/revolution-3.8.5/revit/form/FileUploader.js:12:300) at
(/public/prod/dojo-1.11.2/dojox/form/FileUploader.js:23:457) at
Object.error (:44:382) at :149:461 at g
(:163:21) at h (:162:331) at
h.Deferred.reject.errback (:164:304) at g
(:163:293) Message
I spent lot of hours in resolving this issue.But some how it is not getting resolved.Can anyone help me .


Cant edit Odoo website, i get UncaughtPromiseError > OwlError

Can someone help me with the following...
When i want to edit the website of odoo it keeps loading... when i use the pencil next to a menu item and try to edit it, i get the following errors
`UncaughtPromiseError > OwlError Uncaught Promise > An error occured
in the owl lifecycle (see this Error's "cause" property) OwlError: An
error occured in the owl lifecycle (see this Error's "cause" property)
Caused by: TypeError: can't access property "body", is null
I have replaced my real domain with for privacy
I have tried to regenerate assets in developer mode under tools hoping this would solve it...

Angular7 + XHook gives ERROR TypeError: Illegal invocation

I have a chrome plugin runnin Xhook which intercepts xhr requests.
This used to work with angular js. Now I am using an Angular 7 application And I am getting an error when I make following request
this.http.get('someurl').subscribe((data: any) => {
Which triggers xhr.send(reqBody); in the angular http.js library. The error is on the subscribe part, if I remove this the error is gone.
The error is the following:
core.js:15724 ERROR TypeError: Illegal invocation
at ZoneTask.scheduleTask [as scheduleFn] (zone.js:3238)
at ZoneDelegate.push../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.scheduleTask (zone.js:410)
at Object.onScheduleTask (zone.js:301)
at ZoneDelegate.push../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.ZoneDelegate.scheduleTask (zone.js:404)
at Zone.push../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.Zone.scheduleTask (zone.js:238)
at Zone.push../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js.Zone.scheduleMacroTask (zone.js:261)
at scheduleMacroTaskWithCurrentZone (zone.js:1245)
at zone.js:3276
at _global.<computed>.proto.<computed> [as send] (zone.js:1569)
at Observable._subscribe (http.js:1726)
I am using this library: and the error is caused by line 478 facade.send = function(body)
I am thinking that: either angular tries to run the overridden function but something is not accessible because of zone.js, or I am missing certain properties, function in the object that overrides xhr?
If anyone has any information or solution on the subject that would be dearly appreciated.

Documentum error : [DM_STORAGE_E_NOT_ACCESSIBLE]

I am trying to get the content of all the documents (current version) from a documentum source using the following code
IDfSysObject document = (IDfSysObject) session.getObject(new DfId(eachFileMetadata.get(some document id).toString()));
ByteArrayInputStream docContent = document.getContent();
I am getting the following error:
DfException:: THREAD: Thread-585; MSG: [DM_STORAGE_E_NOT_ACCESSIBLE]error: "Storage area dist_store_a_store_010 is not currently accessible. Reason: errno: 145, message: Connection timed out."; ERRORCODE: 100; NEXT: null
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.docbase.DocbaseExceptionMapper.newException(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.connection.docbase.MessageEntry.getException(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.connection.docbase.DocbaseMessageManager.getException(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.connection.docbase.netwise.NetwiseDocbaseRpcClient.checkForMessages(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.connection.docbase.netwise.NetwiseDocbaseRpcClient.applyForInt(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.connection.docbase.DocbaseConnection$6.evaluate(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.connection.docbase.DocbaseConnection.evaluateRpc(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.connection.docbase.DocbaseConnection.applyForInt(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.docbase.DocbaseApi.makePuller(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.connection.docbase.RawPuller.<init>(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.session.Session.makePuller(
at com.documentum.fc.client.impl.session.SessionHandle.makePuller(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.BlockPuller.<init>(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.PusherPullerContentAccessor.buildStreamFromContext(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.PusherPullerContentAccessor.getStream(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.ContentAccessorFactory.getStream(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.Store.getStream(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.DistributedStore___PROXY.getStream(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.Content.getStream(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.Content___PROXY.getStream(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.ContentManager.getStream(
at com.documentum.fc.client.content.impl.ContentManager.getStream(
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfSysObject.getContentEx3(
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfSysObject.getContentEx2(
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfSysObject.getContent(
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfDocument___PROXY.getContent(
the above error occured when I am trying to get the content of a document,can anyone please help me??
It seems your storage location is not accessible.
Query your dm_location for storage_01 and find out the file_system_path attribute value of this record.
If your content servers are on Unix servers, then check if the mount with file_system_path value is available using df- h command.
If your content servers are on Windows, then check if you have mapped drive available with file_system_path value.
If you see them available, I will recommend to create and access files on this file system. Sometimes there are issues with stale connection on NFS mounts..

WSO2 API Manager returning RunTime Error

I have an API in WSO2. When I try to test it in the store with valid parameters via GET, it returns the following error message:
<am:fault xmlns:am="">
<am:type>Status report</am:type>
<am:message>Runtime Error</am:message>
<am:description>Send timeout</am:description>
I have already searched and tried a lot, but with no success, always returning the same error. Don't know if helps, but the api that I try to access is a PHP file.
Any ideas?
I have identical apis to this one, changing only the response, that are working properly. Even if I erase the php file that the API is pointing, the error keep coming.
I changed the code in Management Console, in Metadata>List>APIs:
to this:
And this error message vanishes. But this new one appears:
<am:fault xmlns:am="">
<am:type>Status report</am:type>
<am:message>Runtime Error</am:message>
<am:description>Currently , Address endpoint : [ Name : admin--myapi_APIproductionEndpoint_0 ] [ State : SUSPENDED ]</am:description>
EDIT: this error message is appearing just sometimes. Most of the time the request takes long time to run and then returns nothing( no content )
Any ideas how to solve it?

Application Cache Error

I've got this error:
Application Cache Error event: Manifest fetch failed (-1)
online: NO, event: error, status: idle
This JSON String show the content of the error:
({"returnValue":true,"eventPhase":2,"timeStamp":1355923608009,"target":{"onprogress":null,"onchecking":null,"onerror":null,"onupdateready":null,"oncached":null,"ondownloading":null,"status":1,"onobsolete":null,"onnoupdate":null},"type":"error","cancelBubble":false,"cancelable":false,"defaultPrevented":false,"srcElement":{"onprogress":null,"onchecking":null,"onerror":null,"onupdateready":null,"oncached":null,"ondownloading":null,"status":1,"onobsolete":null,"onnoupdate":null},"bubbles":false,"currentTarget":{"onprogress":null,"onchecking":null,"onerror":null,"onupdateready":null,"oncached":null,"ondownloading":null,"status":1,"onobsolete":null,"onnoupdate":null}}) debug.js:34
I got it with JSON.stringify(error).
OK I have this information. But what can one understand from here???
Where is the problem? How can I solve it?
Thank you in advance.