Floating toolbar component for ReactNative/ReactJS? - react-native

I'm figuring how to implement a floating toolbar like this.
It stays on top of the screen, but may become invisible/visible as user scrolls the screen. Is there any React Native/ReactJS component for this?

With reference to the image shared .
I think you are looking for a component to display tooltip.
You can use react-native-tooltip.
To install run below command
npm install react-native-tooltip --save
For complete implimentation you can refer link
Hope it helps you


Need to show two label in Picker

I want to show two label values in one picker component is it possible to display I have attached a screen shot, please let me know if it is possible.
I recommend you to use this library : react-native-dropdown-picker
npm install react-native-dropdown-picker
here's the documentation
i also created a snack you can check it here

react-native-dropdown-picker don't show the icon

I'm beginner in React Native and I need some help! :)
I'm using react-native-dropdown-picker on my project to show a list of options. The list is working, but dosen't showing the icon that indicate tha it's a list.
There is the image like I see in my simulator:
The exemple
Can some one helps me?
You need to install react-native-vector-icons and react-native link react-native-vector-icons, to render its icons.

How to make range-slider in react-native

*I want to use range-slider to compare two values.
I found a normal slider. I couldn't find good an NPM package for this*
This is what I want exactly:
npm install --save react-native-range-slider
Link :
Unfortunately Android doesn't support this :( any suggestion about this ?
use this https://github.com/ptomasroos/react-native-multi-slider it has . Options to customize track, touch area and provide customer markers and callbacks for touch events.

native base drawer wont open with native-router-flux

i have a problem with native-base and react-native-router-flux.
The Drawer wont open when i click on the menu in the top bar (on snack you see just a questionmark instead of the menu icon) and i don't know whats wrong with the code.
Could anyone help me with this or have a better example then the on on github?
Code is on Snack:
ok, i found the solution.
Look at the working Snack Example:
But i have to say that the documentation for react-native-router-flux is the worst i ever saw. Please if your read this here provide more examples and maybe with less stuff around and more comments!

Create a bidirectional repeating/looping infinite scrollView in react native

I want to create a scroll that repeats itself, again and again, i.e. when I keep scrolling to the top I reach the last row and when I scroll to the bottom I reach the first row again.
I have tried searching components for the same, but the best I could find were these -
react-native-infinite-scroll and this stackoverflow answer but both of them only tell about how can I load more data when I reach the ScrollView or ListView end.
I searched a lot for this type component but couldn't find any, so I created my own component from scratch using FlatList, and also published it to npm, so anyone can install it using
npm install react-native-infinite-looping-scroll
in your react native project directory.
The component is still in beta so don't expect very good performance from it. But the component is still pretty basic and there's a lot of scope for improvement so anyone who wants to contribute to it can submit a PR here.