How to make range-slider in react-native - react-native

*I want to use range-slider to compare two values.
I found a normal slider. I couldn't find good an NPM package for this*
This is what I want exactly:
npm install --save react-native-range-slider
Link :
Unfortunately Android doesn't support this :( any suggestion about this ?

use this it has . Options to customize track, touch area and provide customer markers and callbacks for touch events.


Is it possible to track background location in React Native?

Is there good libraries to track location in the background react-native?
I see this one so far
But it seems unsupported
Check this npm package react-native-background-geolocation
I hope it will be helpful.

Particles effect in react native

In the background of my react-native app, I'd want to add a particle effect
Something like this: particleJs
I can't find a package for this purpose
can anyone help?
Try this, it's not the exact same tho.
npm install react-native-particle-background

Need to show two label in Picker

I want to show two label values in one picker component is it possible to display I have attached a screen shot, please let me know if it is possible.
I recommend you to use this library : react-native-dropdown-picker
npm install react-native-dropdown-picker
here's the documentation
i also created a snack you can check it here

Floating toolbar component for ReactNative/ReactJS?

I'm figuring how to implement a floating toolbar like this.
It stays on top of the screen, but may become invisible/visible as user scrolls the screen. Is there any React Native/ReactJS component for this?
With reference to the image shared .
I think you are looking for a component to display tooltip.
You can use react-native-tooltip.
To install run below command
npm install react-native-tooltip --save
For complete implimentation you can refer link
Hope it helps you

Is there a way to build a slightly different app layout in react-native?

I need to build an app with little changes on layout like, logo, default colors, etc...
It's possible to acomplish that in react-native?
I think they call that product flavors on android world...
Yes it should be possible. A quick search turned up this article on git showing this exact functionality was worked on:
That being said, it looks as though the command is:
react-native run-android --flavor=free
Hope this helps!