Only getting On entry for Do While Loop -

I'm frustrated that I can't figure this out. Have tried few different types of loops to display a Multiplication table. All I get it one line in the label. What am I doing wrong?
Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
Dim intNum As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim intAnswer As Integer
Dim myString As String
Integer.TryParse(txtNumber.Text, intCount)
intNum = 0
Do While intNum < 12
intNum = intNum + 1
intAnswer = intNum * intCount
lblTable.Text = " " & intNum.ToString() & " * " & intCount.ToString() & " = " & intAnswer.ToString()

From the looks of it, every time the code loops it sets the label text to the current result, while overwriting the previous result.
If you want the label to display multiple lines of data, you can try something like this:
lblTable.Text &= " " & intNum.ToString() & " * " & intCount.ToString() & " = " & intAnswer.ToString() & Environment.NewLine
The "Environment.NewLine" at the end will add the newline between each result.
The "&" before the "=" is used to append to the end of the existing text. This is simlar to doing:
lblTable.Text = lblTable.Text & "..." & Environment.NewLine
Also, just a side note. If you want multiple lines in a label, you may need to set the AutoSize property to false and configure the desired size of the label properly.

On this line:
lblTable.Text = " " & intNum.ToString() & " * " & intCount.ToString() & " = " & intAnswer.ToString()
it is only storing the last result.
You will need to pre-pend the existing results to the new results.
Label1.Text &= " " & intNum.ToString() & " * " & intCount.ToString() & " = " & intAnswer.ToString() & Environment.NewLine
I added a & before the = so that the new results will be appended to the end of the existing contents of Label1 and a NewLine on the end to make it a little neater

Firstly, you are assigning the result of your loop to the same label, so you will only have one label.
If you want to create multiple labels you should be creating them as you go:
Dim top_pos as integer = 30 ' first label's Top
Dim left_pos as integer = 30 ' first label's Left
For intNum = 1 to 12 ' Im assuming you want the table from 1 to 12
intAnswer = intNum * intCount
Dim lbl As New Label
With lbl
.text = Cstr(intNum) & " * " & Cstr(intCount) & " = " & Cstr(intAnswer)
.location = New Point(left_pos,top_pos) 'set its position
... 'and so on
End With
top_pos = top_pos + 30 ' moves the position for the next label.


VB.NET ComboBox selected item not remains effect than 2 times

I have a VB windows form application that has 02 ComboBox that provide newname input for a renaming file event. The first combobox provide prefix for new name comprise items (aa, bb, cc,... can add more through keydown button click event), the other combobox provide main name comprise items (XX, YY, ZZ,.. can also add more through keydown button click event). When I select "aa" from the first combobox, "XX" from the other then fire the rename event, the new file name should be "aa - XX", if file "aa - XX" has already existed then add "1" to the last as "aa - XX 1" and so on and if no item selected in prefix combobox the newname just be "XX" and increment. I get the old file name through a system openfiledialog. My code for rename as follows:
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim var As String, prfix As String
var = ComboBox1.Text
prfix = ComboBox2.Text
If ComboBox2.Text = Nothing Then
If File.Exists(n & "\" & var & extn) = False Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, var & extn)
Dim i As Integer = 1
Dim newfn As String = var & " " & i & extn
Dim m As String = n & "\" & newfn
While File.Exists(m)
newfn = var & " " & i & extn
m = n & "\" & newfn
i += 1
End While
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, newfn)
End If
If File.Exists(n & "\" & prfix & " - " & var & extn) = False Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, prfix & " - " & var & extn)
Dim j As Integer = 1
Dim newfn1 As String = prfix & " - " & var & " " & j & extn
Dim k As String = n & "\" & newfn1
While File.Exists(k)
newfn1 = var & " " & j & extn
k = n & "\" & newfn1
j += 1
End While
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, newfn1)
End If
End If
MessageBox.Show("Select a next file")
End Sub
My code run well 2 times. After I select "aa" and "XX" and leave it to rename, first result is "aa - XX", the second result is "aa - XX 1" but the third result is "XX", the forth is "XX 1" and then incrementing so on while the result should be "aa - XX 2" and next increment. I don't understand why combobox1 still effective but combobox2 as Nothing after no re-selecting the item in both comboboxes (2 times). I'm very new with VB so any advice should be much appreciated. Thanks.
In your lower Else block, you were incorrectly building up the file name.
You build up the first "newfn1" with:
Dim newfn1 As String = prfix & " - " & var & " " & j & extn
But then below, you used:
newfn1 = var & " " & j & extn
Notice the missing prefix and dash parts at the beginning.
Here's the full corrected version:
Dim j As Integer = 1
Dim newfn1 As String = prfix & " - " & var & " " & j & extn
Dim k As String = Path.Combine(n, newfn1)
While File.Exists(k)
j = j + 1
newfn1 = prfix & " - " & var & " " & j & extn
k = Path.Combine(n, newfn1)
End While
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, newfn1)
I'm a little confused by your explanation but if I understand correctly this should help,
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub
Private BasePath As String = "" 'TODO
Private Ext As String = "txt"
Private Sub CreateFile()
If ComboBox1.SelectedIndex < 0 OrElse
ComboBox2.SelectedIndex < 0 OrElse
ComboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString = "" OrElse
ComboBox2.SelectedItem.ToString = "" Then
'error message
Exit Sub
End If
Dim fileName As String = String.Format("{0}-{1}.{2}",
fileName = IO.Path.Combine(BasePath, fileName)
Dim ct As Integer = 1
Do While IO.File.Exists(fileName)
fileName = String.Format("{0}-{1}{3}.{2}",
fileName = IO.Path.Combine(BasePath, fileName)
ct += 1
Dim fs As IO.FileStream = IO.File.Create(fileName)
End Sub

vba macro display result of loop to msgbox

I creted a loop checking number of characters length with conditions but sadly it's not properly working,
with approriate no. of loops but not reading the next line, I want to post the result in a MsgBox,
but when I use the msgbox inside the loop I will get a msgbox for every result found or only one msgbox with one result.
What I would like is to display every result in 1 msgbox with a line vbNewLine after each result.
Below is my code:
Public Sub Rs()
Dim Text As String
Dim NumChar As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim NumRows As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Get Cell Value
Text = Range("B2").Value
'Get Char Length
NumChar = Len(Text)
NumRows = Range("B2", Range("B2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
For i = 1 To NumRows
'Character length validation
If Len(Text) <= 15 Then
MsgBox Chr(149) & " SVC_DESC " & Text & " has " & NumChar & " characters " & " and it's Valid !" & vbNewLine
MsgBox Chr(149) & " SVC_DESC " & Text & " has " & NumChar & " characters " & " and Exceeded allowable number of characters!" & vbNewLine
End If
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Assign the new text to a string variable and display the string variable outside the loop:
Option Explicit
Sub TestMe()
Dim i As Long
Dim displayText As String
For i = 1 To 3
displayText = displayText & vbCrLf & i
Next i
MsgBox displayText
End Sub
Build a string through concatenation and display the strings after exiting the loop.
Public Sub Rs()
Dim Text As String
Dim NumChar As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim NumRows As Long
dim msg1 as string, msg2 as string
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Get Cell Value
Text = Range("B2").Value
'Get Char Length
NumChar = Len(Text)
NumRows = Range("B2", Range("B2").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
For i = 1 To NumRows
'Character length validation
If Len(Text) <= 15 Then
msg1 = msg1 & Chr(149) & " SVC_DESC " & Text & " has " & NumChar & " characters " & " and it's Valid !" & vbLF
msg2 = msg2 & Chr(149) & " SVC_DESC " & Text & " has " & NumChar & " characters " & " and Exceeded allowable number of characters!" & vbLF
End If
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
if cbool(len(msg1)) then
msg1 = left(msg1, len(msg1)-1)
MsgBox msg1
end if
if cbool(len(msg2)) then
msg2 = left(msg2, len(msg2)-1)
MsgBox msg2
end if
End Sub
A MsgBox uses Chr(10) aka vbLF for new lines; vbNewLine is overkill.

Change text in a TextBox using a Loop

I need to change some lines in a TextBox using a For loop. The problem is that when I run the following code I get an IndexOfOfRangeException.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
For counter As Integer = 0 To TextBox1.Lines.Length = -1
TextBox1.Text = "some text" & "(" & """" & TextBox1.Lines(counter) & """" & ")" & vbCrLf
End Sub
For counter As Integer = 0 To TextBox1.Lines.Length = -1
should be
For counter As Integer = 0 To TextBox1.Lines.Length -1
Otherwise it evaluates the part after To as a boolean.
TextBox1.Text = "some text" & "(" & """" & TextBox1.Lines(counter) & """" & ")" & vbCrLf
you are setting the complete text of the textbox to this new string instead of just changing one line.
The easiest way to do this task would be to copy the lines of the textbox to a string array, change the strings in that array and copy it back.
Dim tempArray as String()
tempArray = TextBox1.Lines
For counter = 0 to tempArray.Length -1
tempArray(counter) = "some text" & "(" & """" & tempArray(counter) & """" & ")" & vbCrLf
TextBox1.Lines = tempArray

Crop last N lines of a string to display in userform textbox

I want to display a textlog string in a userform's textbox.
Code might look like this:
Dim public textlog as string
sub button1_click()
' do some action
textlog = textlog & event_string & vbCrLf
'event_string might exceed more than 2 line
textlog = textlog & "button1 action" & vbCrLf
userform1.textbox1.text = textlog
end sub
sub button2_click()
' do some action
textlog = textlog & event_string & vbCrLf
'event_string might exceed more than 2 line
textlog = textlog & "button2 action" & vbCrLf
userform1.textbox1.text = textlog
end sub
However, the textbox should only contain 20 lines of information, while my
the contents of my textlog will exceed 20 lines.
How can I display only the latest (last) 20 lines of the textlog in textbox1?
You can use this function to return only the last N lines of a string, and then display that in your textbox.
Note that you have to specify what the line break character is. Depending on your specific application, it could be vbCrLf, vbCr, vbLf, or even some other delimiter.
Function GetLastLines(ByVal s As String, ByVal nLinesToDisplay As Long, _
Optional ByVal lineBreakChar As String = vbCrLf)
'Split the string into an array
Dim splitString() As String
splitString = Split(s, lineBreakChar)
'How many lines are there?
Dim nLines As Long
nLines = UBound(splitString) + 1
If nLines <= nLinesToDisplay Then
'No need to remove anything. Get out.
GetLastLines = s
Exit Function
End If
'Collect last N lines in a new array
Dim lastLines() As String
ReDim lastLines(0 To nLinesToDisplay - 1)
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(lastLines)
lastLines(i) = splitString(i + nLines - nLinesToDisplay)
Next i
'Join the lines array into a single string
GetLastLines = Join(lastLines, lineBreakChar)
End Function
Example usage:
MsgBox GetLastLines( _
"line 1" & vbCrLf & "line 2" & vbCrLf & "line 3" & vbCrLf _
& "line 4" & vbCrLf & "line 5" & vbCrLf & "line 6", _
4, vbCrLf)
Only the last 4 lines are displayed:
Note that this assumes that your last line is not terminated by a line break. If it is, then you can tweak the code to deal with that.
Alternatively, you can use Excel's built-in SUBSTITUTE function, which is useful in this particular case, because it can locate a specific instance of a given character. So instead of building arrays you can use a one-liner:
Function GetLastLines2(ByVal s As String, ByVal nLinesToDisplay As Long, _
Optional ByVal lineBreakChar As String = vbCrLf)
'An arbitrary character that will never be in your input string:
Dim delim As String: delim = Chr(1)
'How many lines are there?
Dim nLines As Long
nLines = UBound(Split(s, lineBreakChar)) + 1
If nLines <= nLinesToDisplay Then
'No need to remove anything. Get out.
GetLastLines2 = s
Exit Function
End If
'Replace one line break with delim, split the string on it,
'return only second part:
GetLastLines2 = Split( _
WorksheetFunction.Substitute( _
s, lineBreakChar, delim, nLines - nLinesToDisplay), _
End Function
A = "Cat" & vbcrlf & "Tiger" & vbcrlf & "Lion" & vbcrlf & "Shark hunting florida lynxs" & vbcrlf & "Leopard" & vbcrlf & "Cheetah"
A= StrReverse(A)
NumLines = 3
For X = 1 to NumLines
i = Instr(i, A, vbcr) + 1
Msgbox StrReverse(Left(A, i - 1))
This is a program that cuts or leaves lines from top or bottom of files.
To use
filter cut {t|b} {i|x} NumOfLines
Cuts the number of lines from the top or bottom of file.
t - top of the file
b - bottom of the file
i - include n lines
x - exclude n lines
cscript //nologo filter.vbs cut t i 5 < "%systemroot%\win.ini"
The script
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
With rs
.Fields.Append "LineNumber", 4
.Fields.Append "Txt", 201, 5000
LineCount = 0
Do Until Inp.AtEndOfStream
LineCount = LineCount + 1
.Fields("LineNumber").value = LineCount
.Fields("Txt").value = Inp.readline
.Sort = "LineNumber ASC"
If LCase(Arg(1)) = "t" then
If LCase(Arg(2)) = "i" then
.filter = "LineNumber < " & LCase(Arg(3)) + 1
ElseIf LCase(Arg(2)) = "x" then
.filter = "LineNumber > " & LCase(Arg(3))
End If
ElseIf LCase(Arg(1)) = "b" then
If LCase(Arg(2)) = "i" then
.filter = "LineNumber > " & LineCount - LCase(Arg(3))
ElseIf LCase(Arg(2)) = "x" then
.filter = "LineNumber < " & LineCount - LCase(Arg(3)) + 1
End If
End If
Do While not .EOF
Outp.writeline .Fields("Txt").Value
End With

Removing duplicated lines from a textbox and getting the count of the removed lines. (VB.NET)

I am developing a bar management software, i did the most of the job but now i don't know the code to remove the same lines from a textbox and getting the number of the removed lines after they are removed.
My code till now:
For Each saveitem As ListViewItem In Form1.ListView1.Items
RichTextBox1.AppendText(saveitem.Text & vbNewLine)
TextBox3.AppendText(saveitem.SubItems(1).Text & vbNewLine)
RichTextBox1.AppendText(vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "TOTALI:" & " " & Form1.TextBoxX5.Text & vbNewLine & "TOTALI pa TVSH:" & " " & TextBox4.Text)
One possible way :
'get array of individual line of text'
Dim textLines = TextBox3.Text.Split(New String(){vbNewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim totalCount = textLines.Length
Dim noDuplicateCount = textLines.Distinct().Count()
'store number of lines removed'
Dim removedLinesCount = totalCount - noDuplicateCount
'join distinct line of texts by new line into single string'
TextBox3.Text = String.Join(vbNewLine, textLines.Distinct())