VB.NET ComboBox selected item not remains effect than 2 times - vb.net

I have a VB windows form application that has 02 ComboBox that provide newname input for a renaming file event. The first combobox provide prefix for new name comprise items (aa, bb, cc,... can add more through keydown button click event), the other combobox provide main name comprise items (XX, YY, ZZ,.. can also add more through keydown button click event). When I select "aa" from the first combobox, "XX" from the other then fire the rename event, the new file name should be "aa - XX", if file "aa - XX" has already existed then add "1" to the last as "aa - XX 1" and so on and if no item selected in prefix combobox the newname just be "XX" and increment. I get the old file name through a system openfiledialog. My code for rename as follows:
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim var As String, prfix As String
var = ComboBox1.Text
prfix = ComboBox2.Text
If ComboBox2.Text = Nothing Then
If File.Exists(n & "\" & var & extn) = False Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, var & extn)
Dim i As Integer = 1
Dim newfn As String = var & " " & i & extn
Dim m As String = n & "\" & newfn
While File.Exists(m)
newfn = var & " " & i & extn
m = n & "\" & newfn
i += 1
End While
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, newfn)
End If
If File.Exists(n & "\" & prfix & " - " & var & extn) = False Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, prfix & " - " & var & extn)
Dim j As Integer = 1
Dim newfn1 As String = prfix & " - " & var & " " & j & extn
Dim k As String = n & "\" & newfn1
While File.Exists(k)
newfn1 = var & " " & j & extn
k = n & "\" & newfn1
j += 1
End While
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, newfn1)
End If
End If
MessageBox.Show("Select a next file")
End Sub
My code run well 2 times. After I select "aa" and "XX" and leave it to rename, first result is "aa - XX", the second result is "aa - XX 1" but the third result is "XX", the forth is "XX 1" and then incrementing so on while the result should be "aa - XX 2" and next increment. I don't understand why combobox1 still effective but combobox2 as Nothing after no re-selecting the item in both comboboxes (2 times). I'm very new with VB so any advice should be much appreciated. Thanks.

In your lower Else block, you were incorrectly building up the file name.
You build up the first "newfn1" with:
Dim newfn1 As String = prfix & " - " & var & " " & j & extn
But then below, you used:
newfn1 = var & " " & j & extn
Notice the missing prefix and dash parts at the beginning.
Here's the full corrected version:
Dim j As Integer = 1
Dim newfn1 As String = prfix & " - " & var & " " & j & extn
Dim k As String = Path.Combine(n, newfn1)
While File.Exists(k)
j = j + 1
newfn1 = prfix & " - " & var & " " & j & extn
k = Path.Combine(n, newfn1)
End While
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, newfn1)

I'm a little confused by your explanation but if I understand correctly this should help,
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub
Private BasePath As String = "" 'TODO
Private Ext As String = "txt"
Private Sub CreateFile()
If ComboBox1.SelectedIndex < 0 OrElse
ComboBox2.SelectedIndex < 0 OrElse
ComboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString = "" OrElse
ComboBox2.SelectedItem.ToString = "" Then
'error message
Exit Sub
End If
Dim fileName As String = String.Format("{0}-{1}.{2}",
fileName = IO.Path.Combine(BasePath, fileName)
Dim ct As Integer = 1
Do While IO.File.Exists(fileName)
fileName = String.Format("{0}-{1}{3}.{2}",
fileName = IO.Path.Combine(BasePath, fileName)
ct += 1
Dim fs As IO.FileStream = IO.File.Create(fileName)
End Sub


Only getting On entry for Do While Loop

I'm frustrated that I can't figure this out. Have tried few different types of loops to display a Multiplication table. All I get it one line in the label. What am I doing wrong?
Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click
Dim intNum As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim intAnswer As Integer
Dim myString As String
Integer.TryParse(txtNumber.Text, intCount)
intNum = 0
Do While intNum < 12
intNum = intNum + 1
intAnswer = intNum * intCount
lblTable.Text = " " & intNum.ToString() & " * " & intCount.ToString() & " = " & intAnswer.ToString()
From the looks of it, every time the code loops it sets the label text to the current result, while overwriting the previous result.
If you want the label to display multiple lines of data, you can try something like this:
lblTable.Text &= " " & intNum.ToString() & " * " & intCount.ToString() & " = " & intAnswer.ToString() & Environment.NewLine
The "Environment.NewLine" at the end will add the newline between each result.
The "&" before the "=" is used to append to the end of the existing text. This is simlar to doing:
lblTable.Text = lblTable.Text & "..." & Environment.NewLine
Also, just a side note. If you want multiple lines in a label, you may need to set the AutoSize property to false and configure the desired size of the label properly.
On this line:
lblTable.Text = " " & intNum.ToString() & " * " & intCount.ToString() & " = " & intAnswer.ToString()
it is only storing the last result.
You will need to pre-pend the existing results to the new results.
Label1.Text &= " " & intNum.ToString() & " * " & intCount.ToString() & " = " & intAnswer.ToString() & Environment.NewLine
I added a & before the = so that the new results will be appended to the end of the existing contents of Label1 and a NewLine on the end to make it a little neater
Firstly, you are assigning the result of your loop to the same label, so you will only have one label.
If you want to create multiple labels you should be creating them as you go:
Dim top_pos as integer = 30 ' first label's Top
Dim left_pos as integer = 30 ' first label's Left
For intNum = 1 to 12 ' Im assuming you want the table from 1 to 12
intAnswer = intNum * intCount
Dim lbl As New Label
With lbl
.text = Cstr(intNum) & " * " & Cstr(intCount) & " = " & Cstr(intAnswer)
.location = New Point(left_pos,top_pos) 'set its position
... 'and so on
End With
top_pos = top_pos + 30 ' moves the position for the next label.

Why is my Sub printing only 1 line at a time instead of 30?

I'm currently writing a GUI for xmr-stak (www.xmrgui.com)
Having some trouble getting the output from the program and basically want to grab the last 30 lines from the output text file and append them to the RichTextBox if they don't already exist. Storing the text file in memory isn't a big issue because it will be deleted every 20 min or so...at least so I think. Maybe my function is taking up too much memory or time as it is.
My only requirement is that the Sub TimerOutput_tick can process each of the 30 last lines of text from the file to run a regex on each line and that the RichTextBox does not repeat old information.
Heres my code:
Private Function getlastlines(filename As String, numberOfLines As Integer) As Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
Dim fs = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)
Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(fs)
Dim everything As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
Dim n As Integer = 1
While reader.Peek > -1
Dim line = reader.ReadLine()
If everything.ContainsKey(n) Then
everything(n) = line
n += 1
everything.Add(n, line)
n += 1
End If
End While
Dim results As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)
Dim z As Integer = 1
If n - numberOfLines > 0 Then
For x As Integer = n - numberOfLines To n - 1
'MsgBox(everything.Count - numberOfLines)
If results.ContainsKey(z) Then
results(z) = everything(x)
z += 1
results.Add(z, everything(x))
z += 1
End If
End If
Return results
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
And here is the Sub that calls the previous function:
Private Sub timeroutput_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles timeroutput.Tick
Dim lateststring = getlastlines(xmroutput, 30)
If lateststring IsNot rtlateststring Then
Dim kvp As KeyValuePair(Of Integer, String)
For Each kvp In lateststring
If lateststring.ContainsKey(kvp.Key) Then
Dim line = kvp.Value
RichTextBox1.AppendText(line & vbCrLf)
If line.Contains("Totals") Then ' Should be "Totals"
'Dim regex As Regex = New Regex("\d+?.\d+")
Dim regex As Regex = New Regex("\d{1,5}\.\d{1,1}") ' match a double
Dim ret = regex.Match(line).Value
If ret <> "" Then
Dim iSpan As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(upseconds)
Label8.Text = "Uptime - Hours: " & iSpan.Hours & " Minutes: " & iSpan.Minutes & " Seconds: " & iSpan.Seconds & " " & ret & " H/s"
NotifyIcon1.Text = "Uptime - Hours: " & iSpan.Hours & vbCrLf & " Minutes: " & iSpan.Minutes & vbCrLf & " Seconds: " & iSpan.Seconds & vbCrLf & ret & " H/s"
Dim iSpan As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(upseconds)
NotifyIcon1.Text = "Uptime - Hours: " & iSpan.Hours & vbCrLf & " Minutes: " & iSpan.Minutes & vbCrLf & " Seconds: " & iSpan.Seconds & vbCrLf & "Initializing..."
Label8.Text = "Uptime - Hours: " & iSpan.Hours & " Minutes: " & iSpan.Minutes & " Seconds: " & iSpan.Seconds & " Initializing..."
ret = "0.0"
End If
'Dim match As Match = regex.Match(lastline)
newhashrate = Convert.ToDouble(ret)
ElseIf line.Contains("NVIDIA") Then
Dim regexnv As Regex = New Regex("\d{1,5}\.\d{1,1}") ' match a double
Dim retnv = regexnv.Match(line).Value
newNVhashRate = Convert.ToDouble(retnv)
If firstNV = False Then
nvidiacard1.Title = "NIVIDIA Hashrate(H/s)"
nvidiacard1.Values = nvidiavalues
firstNV = True
End If
ElseIf line.Contains("AMD") Then
Dim regexAMD As Regex = New Regex("\d{1,5}\.\d{1,1}") ' match a double
Dim retAMD = regexAMD.Match(line).Value
newAMDhashrate = Convert.ToDouble(retAMD)
If firstAMD = False Then
AMDCard1.Title = "AMD Hashrate(H/s)"
AMDCard1.Values = AMDValues
firstAMD = True
End If
End If
' Now if a GPU exists, add a new lineseries for CPU
If firstAMD = True Or firstNV = True Then
If firstCPU = False Then
CPU1.Title = "CPU Hashrate(H/s)"
CPU1.Values = CPUValues
firstCPU = True
End If
newCPUhashrate = newhashrate - newNVhashRate - newAMDhashrate
End If
rtlateststring = lateststring
End If
RichTextBox1.SelectionStart = RichTextBox1.Text.Length
End If
End Try
End Sub
I've found a much easier solution, running the code within one function and then loading the entire text file into the richtextbox. From there its much easier to read the last ten lines individually:
Private Sub timeroutput_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles timeroutput.Tick
'Dim lateststring = getlastlines(xmroutput, 30)
Dim fs = File.Open(xmroutput, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)
Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(fs)
Dim wholefile = reader.ReadToEnd
RichTextBox1.Text = wholefile
RichTextBox1.SelectionStart = RichTextBox1.Text.Length
For x As Integer = 1 To 10
Dim line As String = RichTextBox1.Lines(RichTextBox1.Lines.Length - x)
If line.Contains("Totals") Then ' Should be "Totals"
'Dim regex As Regex = New Regex("\d+?.\d+")
Dim regex As Regex = New Regex("\d{1,5}\.\d{1,1}") ' match a double
Dim ret = regex.Match(line).Value
If ret <> "" Then
Dim iSpan As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(upseconds)
Label8.Text = "Uptime - Hours: " & iSpan.Hours & " Minutes: " & iSpan.Minutes & " Seconds: " & iSpan.Seconds & " " & ret & " H/s"
NotifyIcon1.Text = "Uptime - Hours: " & iSpan.Hours & vbCrLf & " Minutes: " & iSpan.Minutes & vbCrLf & " Seconds: " & iSpan.Seconds & vbCrLf & ret & " H/s"
Dim iSpan As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(upseconds)
NotifyIcon1.Text = "Uptime - Hours: " & iSpan.Hours & vbCrLf & " Minutes: " & iSpan.Minutes & vbCrLf & " Seconds: " & iSpan.Seconds & vbCrLf & "Initializing..."
Label8.Text = "Uptime - Hours: " & iSpan.Hours & " Minutes: " & iSpan.Minutes & " Seconds: " & iSpan.Seconds & " Initializing..."
ret = "0.0"
End If
'Dim match As Match = regex.Match(lastline)
newhashrate = Convert.ToDouble(ret)
ElseIf line.Contains("NVIDIA") Then
Dim regexnv As Regex = New Regex("\d{1,5}\.\d{1,1}") ' match a double
Dim retnv = regexnv.Match(line).Value
newNVhashRate = Convert.ToDouble(retnv)
If firstNV = False Then
nvidiacard1.Title = "NIVIDIA Hashrate(H/s)"
nvidiacard1.Values = nvidiavalues
For Each z In Chartvalues
firstNV = True
End If
ElseIf line.Contains("AMD") Then
Dim regexAMD As Regex = New Regex("\d{1,5}\.\d{1,1}") ' match a double
Dim retAMD = regexAMD.Match(line).Value
newAMDhashrate = Convert.ToDouble(retAMD)
If firstAMD = False Then
AMDCard1.Title = "AMD Hashrate(H/s)"
AMDCard1.Values = AMDValues
For Each z In Chartvalues
firstAMD = True
End If
End If
' Now if a GPU exists, add a new lineseries for CPU
If firstAMD = True Or firstNV = True Then
If firstCPU = False Then
CPU1.Title = "CPU Hashrate(H/s)"
CPU1.Values = CPUValues
For Each z In Chartvalues
firstCPU = True
End If
newCPUhashrate = newhashrate - newNVhashRate - newAMDhashrate
End If
End Try
End Sub

How to add new display in textbox without replacing the first input

Hi I am creating a chat like application. Can you kindly help me?
When I am entering a new message the initial displayed message is getting replaced :(
Please see my codes below:
Private Sub saveMessage()
FileName = Format(Now, "MMddyyyyhhmmss")
Dim RecipientFile As String
If CurrentRecipient = "Edward" Then
RecipientFile = RecipientFolder & FileName & ".txt"
ElseIf CurrentRecipient = "Criziel" Then
RecipientFile = RecipientFolder & FileName & ".txt"
ElseIf CurrentRecipient = "Jerome" Then
RecipientFile = RecipientFile & FileName & ".txt"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim Writer As IO.StreamWriter
Writer = New IO.StreamWriter(RecipientFile)
ShowtextRichTextBox.Text = (User & " : ") & MainRichTextBox.Text
End Sub
Thank you in advance ! :*
Your below code is just assigning (replacing) the latest value to the Rich TextBox,
ShowtextRichTextBox.Text = (User & " : ") & MainRichTextBox.Text
Instead, you should append the text as below,
ShowtextRichTextBox.Text &= (User & " : ") & MainRichTextBox.Text
Also, you can try the inbuild method of RichTextBox to append the text like, ShowtextRichTextBox.AppendText((User & " : ") & MainRichTextBox.Text)
Note: When appending, you should also add newline before the new text like, ShowtextRichTextBox.Text &= Environment.NewLine & (User & " : ") & MainRichTextBox.Text.
Modified code,
Private Sub saveMessage()
FileName = Format(Now, "MMddyyyyhhmmss")
Dim RecipientFile As String
If CurrentRecipient = "Edward" Then
RecipientFile = RecipientFolder & FileName & ".txt"
ElseIf CurrentRecipient = "Criziel" Then
RecipientFile = RecipientFolder & FileName & ".txt"
ElseIf CurrentRecipient = "Jerome" Then
RecipientFile = RecipientFile & FileName & ".txt"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim Writer As IO.StreamWriter
Writer = New IO.StreamWriter(RecipientFile)
ShowtextRichTextBox.Text &= Environment.NewLine & (User & " : ") & MainRichTextBox.Text
End Sub

BC30420 'Sub Main' was not found error in a Windows Form app

I've created a Windows Form application. It is my understanding that you do not have to have a Sub Main() in a Windows Form app. However I'm getting this error when I build my project:
BC30420 'Sub Main' was not found in 'LoanCalculator.Module1'.
First of all I don't know why it's saying 'LoanCalculator.Module1'. Both my form and my class are named LoanCalculator.vb. When I started the project I started writing the code in the original module. Then I added a module, named it 'LoanCalculator' and moved what code I had written to that module and finished it there. I deleted the original module. Now it builds fine with the exception of this one error. Here's my code:
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class LoanCalculator
Private Sub Calculate()
Dim str As String
Dim intLoanAmt As Integer
Dim intDown As Integer
Dim intFees As Integer
Dim intBalance As Integer
Dim dblIntsRate As Single
Dim intLoanTerm As Integer
Dim sngInterestPaid As Single
Dim intTermMonths As Integer
Dim dblMonthlyPmt As Integer
Dim intTotalPaid As Integer
Dim dblYon As Double
Dim dblXon As Double
Dim dblZon As Double
If Not CheckInput() Then
End If
intLoanAmt = Convert.ToInt32(txtLoan.Text)
intFees = Convert.ToInt32(txtFees.Text)
intDown = Convert.ToInt32(txtDown.Text)
intBalance = Convert.ToInt32(intLoanAmt - intDown + intFees)
intLoanTerm = Convert.ToInt32(txtTerm.Text)
dblIntsRate = Convert.ToDouble(txtTerm.Text)
intTermMonths = intLoanTerm * 12
dblYon = dblIntsRate / 1200
dblXon = dblYon + 1
dblZon = Math.Pow(dblXon, intTermMonths) - 1
dblMonthlyPmt = (dblYon + (dblYon / dblZon)) * intBalance
intTotalPaid = dblMonthlyPmt * intTermMonths
sngInterestPaid = intTotalPaid - intBalance
str = "Loan balance =" & Space(11) & intBalance.ToString & vbCrLf
str = str & "Loan Term =" & Space(16) & intLoanTerm.ToString & " years" & vbCrLf
str = str & "Interest paid =" & Space(17) & intTotalPaid.ToString & vbCrLf
str = str & "Monthly payment =" & Space(5) & dblMonthlyPmt.ToString
lblResults.Text = str
End Sub
Private Function CheckInput() As Boolean
Dim strErr As String = ""
If txtLoan.Text.Length = 0 Then
strErr = "Enter loan amount" & vbCrLf
End If
If txtDown.Text.Length = 0 Then
strErr = strErr & "Enter down payment" & vbCrLf
End If
If txtInterest.Text.Length = 0 Then
strErr = strErr & "Enter interest rate" & vbCrLf
End If
If txtFees.Text.Length = 0 Then
strErr = strErr & "Enter fees" & vbCrLf
End If
If txtTerm.Text.Length = 0 Then
strErr = strErr & "Enter loan term" & vbCrLf
End If
If strErr.Length > 0 Then
Return False
Return True
End If
End Function
End Class
How can I fix this?

Change text in a TextBox using a Loop

I need to change some lines in a TextBox using a For loop. The problem is that when I run the following code I get an IndexOfOfRangeException.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
For counter As Integer = 0 To TextBox1.Lines.Length = -1
TextBox1.Text = "some text" & "(" & """" & TextBox1.Lines(counter) & """" & ")" & vbCrLf
End Sub
For counter As Integer = 0 To TextBox1.Lines.Length = -1
should be
For counter As Integer = 0 To TextBox1.Lines.Length -1
Otherwise it evaluates the part after To as a boolean.
TextBox1.Text = "some text" & "(" & """" & TextBox1.Lines(counter) & """" & ")" & vbCrLf
you are setting the complete text of the textbox to this new string instead of just changing one line.
The easiest way to do this task would be to copy the lines of the textbox to a string array, change the strings in that array and copy it back.
Dim tempArray as String()
tempArray = TextBox1.Lines
For counter = 0 to tempArray.Length -1
tempArray(counter) = "some text" & "(" & """" & tempArray(counter) & """" & ")" & vbCrLf
TextBox1.Lines = tempArray