SELECT list expression references column user_id which is neither grouped nor aggregated at [8:5] - sql

I have 2 data sets. One of all patients who got ill (endo-2) and one of a special group of patients that also exists in endo-2 called "xp-56"
I've been trying to run this query and I'm not sure why it isn't working. I want to do counts of 3 columns in endo-2 of those patients that belong in the xp-56 table.
this is the code I've been using with the following error
SELECT list expression references column user_id which is neither grouped nor aggregated at [8:5]
how do I fix this so I never make the same mistake again!
COUNT(DISTINCT Virus_id) AS Virus_Exposure,
COUNT(EndoCrin_id) AS Medical_Delivery,
COUNT (site_id_clinic) AS Number_of_Site
AND TIMESTAMP("2018-01-10")) AS a
medical_id DESC) AS b
Why doesnt the medical_id in table a work?

Why not just do this?
SELECT e.medical_id,
COUNT(DISTINCT e.Virus_id) AS Virus_Exposure,
COUNT(e.EndoCrin_id) AS Medical_Delivery,
COUNT(e.site_id_clinic) AS Number_of_Site
FROM `endo-2` e JOIN
`xp-56` x
ON x.medical_id = e.medical_id
GROUP BY e.medical_id;


Left Join on three tables in access with Group by

I have broken my head with syntax error response from Access Jet engine.
I have three tables.
First one "tblMstItem" is the master table for Item details contains two columns "colITemID" PK and "colItemName"
Second one "tblStocks" is the table where the purchases are maintained. This table has a column "colRQty" which keeps the quantity of the particular item purchased. "colItemID" FK from "tblMstItem"
Third one "tblSales" is the table where the sales are maintained. This table has a column "colSoldQty" which keeps the quantity of the particular item sold. "colItemID" FK from "tblMstItem"
Therefore "colItemID" is common in all the three tables and has links created.
My requirement is I need all the Items listed in the "tblMstItem" table columns are "colItemID" "colItemName" and if there is any item purchased or any item sold should be shown as sum of that particular item.
I have used Left Join shown in the following select statement but it always giving me an error message.
Select statement as follows:
from tblMstItem i
left join
( select sum( colRQty ) as rqty from tblStocks group by colItemID ) s
on i.colItemID = s.colItemID
left join
( select sum( colSoldQty ) as soldqty from tblSales group by colItemID ) n
on i.colItemID=n.colItemID``
I tried the above given code with many different syntax but every time I get syntax error. It is making me to doubt do MS Access support three table joins, I am sure I am wrong.
See the error Message below
Table columns and table link shown below
I would be very thankful to get any help on this. Access sql please because this I am able to get results in SQL Server.
Thanks in Advance
MS Access has a picky syntax. For instance, joins need extra parentheses. So, try this:
select i.colItemID, i.colItemName,
s.rqty, n.soldqty
from (tblMstItem as i left join
(select colItemID, sum(colRQty ) as rqty
from tblStocks
group by colItemID
) as s
on i.colItemID = s.colItemID
) left join
(select colItemID, sum( colSoldQty ) as soldqty
from tblSales
group by colItemID
) as n
on i.colItemID = n.colItemID;
You also need to select colItemID in the subqueries.

Identifying data with different occurrences

How to find the animals with different test dates?
If you want to find animals which have 2 or more distinct dates then you can use COUNT along with DISTINCT:
SELECT animals_key, anim_ident
FROM jt3
GROUP BY animals_key, anim_ident
If you want to also include test date information, then you can join the above query to the original table.

Having an issue with selecting max rows by date

I am trying to select the max timestamped records from table 1 based on some data from table 2. I am getting the correct records based on the where limits I have put on the query, but I am still getting duplicate entries not the max time stamped entries. Any ideas on what is wrong with the query?
Basically the ID 901413368 has access to certain leveltypes and I'm trying to find out what the max dated requests were that were put in for that same person for the leveltypes that person manages.
MAX(timestamp) AS maxtime, Leveltype, assign_ID
(leveltype IN
(SELECT leveltype FROM dbo.idleveltypes WHERE (id = 901413368)))
GROUP BY timestamp, assign_ID, leveltype
HAVING (assign_ID = '901413368')
UPDATE: The issue has been resolved by WEI_DBA's response below:
Remove the timestamp column from your Group By. Also put the assign_ID in the Where Clause and remove the Having clause
The following may be what you want. It should also be a simpler way to write the query:
SELECT MAX(a.timestamp) AS maxtime, a.Leveltype, a.assign_ID
FROM dbo.q_Archive a JOIN
dbo.idleveltypes lt
ON a.leveltype = lt.leveltype AND
a.assign_ID =
WHERE assign_ID = 901413368
GROUP BY assign_ID, leveltype;
Filter on assign_ID before doing the group by. That is much more efficient.
A JOIN is the more typical way to represent the relationship between two tables.
The JOIN condition should be on all the columns needed for matching; there appear to be two.
I don't understand why the leveltype table would have a column called id, but this is your data structure.
The GROUP BY does not need timestamp.
Decide on the type for the id column that should be 901413368. Is it a number or a string? Only use single quotes for string and date constants.
Remove timestamp from GROUP BY clause due you're getting MAX(timestamp)
You shoud not add aggregated fields to GROUP BY clause.
MAX(timestamp) AS maxtime,
(leveltype IN (SELECT leveltype
FROM dbo.idleveltypes
WHERE (id = 901413368)))
GROUP assign_ID, leveltype
HAVING (assign_ID = '901413368')

SQL Query to fetch information based on one or more condition. Getting combinations instead of exact number

I have two tables. Table 1 has about 750,000 rows and table 2 has 4 million rows. Table two has an extra ID field in which I am interested, so I want to write a query that will check if the 750,000 table 1 records exist in table 2. For all those rows in table 1 that exist in table 2, I want the respective ID based on same SSN. I tried the following query:
SELECT distinct b.UID, a.*
FROM [Analysis].[dbo].[Table1] A, [Proteus_8_2].dbo.Table2 B
where a.ssn = b.ssn
Instead of getting 750,000 rows in the output, I am getting 5.4 million records. Where am i going wrong?
Please help?
You're requesting all the rows in your select if b.UID is a unique field in column two.
Also if SSN is not unique in table one you can get the higher row count than the total row count for table 2.
You need to consider what you want from table 2 again.
You can try this to return distinct combinations of ssn and uid when ssn is found in table 2 provided that ssn and uid have a cardinality of 1:1, i.e., every unique ssn has a single unique uid.
select distinct
from [Analysis].[dbo].[Table1] a
cross apply
( select top 1 [uid] from [Proteus_8_2].[dbo].[Table2] where ssn = a.ssn ) b
where b.[UID] is not null
Try with LEFT JOIN
SELECT distinct b.UID, a.*
FROM [Analysis].[dbo].[Table1] A LEFT JOIN [Proteus_8_2].dbo.Table2 B
on a.ssn = b.ssn
Since the order detail table is in a one-many relationship to the order table, that is the expected result of any join. If you want something different, you need to define for us the business rule that will tell us how to select only one record from the Order detail table. You cannot effectively write SQL code without understanding the business rules that of what you are trying to achieve. You should never just willy nilly select one record out of the many, you need to understand which one you want.

SQL Query to find if different values exist for a column

I have a temporary table with three columns
Basically i want to ensure that this table should have all the rows having same client group and same id_user if not i want to know which pay_id is the culprit and throw error to user.
Can somebody help me with a query.
When you say 'culprit,' I assume you mean the pay_id(s) that are not like the others, assuming there is a majority.
The problem is all of the pay_id's could potentially become culprits once your SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id_client_grp, id_user) returns > 1 record, if there is a relatively even distribution. It is difficult to program for this scenario, since you will need to determine what exactly a majority is.
Your best bet will be to return all distinct combinations of those 3 fields, then decide where to go from there based on your business logic.
So could this question be asked like this:
If I wanted to add a unique index on my table across the three columns: client group, id user, pay id, identify those that break the unique condition where we have non unique pay id for a client group and id user??
select a.id_client_grp, a.id_user, a.pay_id , a.count from (
/* this should return 1 row per client group and user, */
/* if the pay id is the same for all */
select id_client_grp, id_user, pay_id, count(1) as count
from table t
group by id_client_grp, id_user ) a
group by a.id_client_grp, a.id_user
/* if we have more than one row per client group and user, then we have a dupe, so report them all */
having count (1) > 1
If you want all the rows to have the same values for some set of columns (your question is not entirely clear to me as t9o what you want to be the same)
Do you know going in WHICH pay_id, id_client_grp all the rows should be? Or do you not care, as long as they are all the same?
If you know the values you are looking for, simply test for rows that are not set to those desired values
Select distinct id_user
From tempTable
Where pay_id <> #PayIdValue
Or id_client_grp <> #ClientGroupIDValue
If you don't care, and just want them all to be the same, and they're not, then you need to specify which of the more than one set of values IS the "culprit" as you said...
If you want some other question answered. please explain more clearly...
Based on yr comment, then, to determine if there is more than one id_client_grp, pay_id
Select Count(Distinct id_client_grp, pay_id)
From tempTable
If this = 1 then every record has the same values for these 2 fields.... Any other value indicates that three is more than one set of distinct values in the table.
FROM rishi_table p
INNER JOIN ( SELECT id_client_grp, id_user, COUNT(*) As 'count'
FROM rishi_table
GROUP BY id_client_grp, id_user
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ) t
ON p.id_client_grp = t.id_client_grp AND p.id_user = t.id_user
basically create a set with the dupes, and bounce that against the main table to get your offending list.
SELECT DISTINCT id_client_grp, id_user
should let you do something like
Or possibly SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id_client_grp, id_user) ...
but that's more vendor-dependent as to its availability and proper syntax.