selenium send key for xpath not working - selenium

I want make automation for this web site
in this web site 3 text box are here check image
1st text box x path is /html[1]/body[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/searchbar[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/form[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/input[1]
here is my code
driver.findElement(By.xpath("/html[1]/body[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/searchbar[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/form[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/input[1]")).sendKeys("rio salon");
when I run this code I got this error
Exception in thread "main"
org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotInteractableException: Element is not reachable by keyboard
How can i fix it? I hope my xpath is correct.

The field has aria-hidden=true attribute, so you get ElementNotInteractableException. You need to click on the dropdown first to change the attribute to true
WebElement dropdown = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='search-form']/div/div[1]/div/div[1]/span"));;
WebElement textField = dropdown.findElement(By.xpath("./parent::div/following-sibling::input[contains(#class, 'ui-select-search')]"));
textField.sendKeys("rio salon");

You can click in an input field with a div or span tag, but you cannot type in the field. So, your XPath must be written with an input tag if you want to sendkeys or type in an input field. For example:


Selenium Webscraping - Print element that is not visible on the site but its on Inspect

enter image description here
I'm trying to print this 91040 from the site but I can't seem to do it and I think the reason is that 91040 is not visible on the site but only on inspect.
element = driver.find_element(By.XPATH,'//div[#class="code-container"]//span[2]')
When I paste this XPATH in the find bar on Inspect it locates the item but when I'm trying to print the element nothing gets printed. I tried these options.
So I'm thinking that the problem is that 91040 is not an actual visible text.
For anyone having the same problem I found the answer
hidden_text = element.get_attribute("textContent")

How to add text in pop up window in selenium

I am trying to test a website using selenium(with java). On my website, there is an option to add a new class. When we click on the add new option button, a pop-up window will come and we can enter our new class name. But using selenium I cannot enter alphabets into the pop-up window. I can only enter numbers in that field. The field accept both alphabets and numbers when we enter the data manually. How can I add alphabets to the pop window in selenium?
Here I attach my code below :
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 20);
screenshot of the field - Class_field_screenshot
As mentioned above you are not able to add alphabets in textfield using sendkeys function. I haven't heard this type of issue before please confirm that either that field accept alphabets or not. if that feild accept alphabets then try using another way like javascript executor to send text as mentioned below
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
Can you try Clipboard class for copy and paste string value in class field ? Make sure you click first in class text field and then use paste code. As you say by keyboard you are able to enter alphabet so try to use keys class too.In both cases your keyboard is going to use so may be it helps.

Tosca: How to scan Dropdown textbox which disapper upon opening xScan

I have a problem in scanning a drop-down menu which disappears upon opening the xScan. I need to get the module id of the dropdown menu to verify some test steps.
Do you have any solution with this if it is not really possible to get the module id of the dropdown menu?
Open developer tools in your browser of choice (F12), navigate to the console and input the following code:
var fulldoc='';
var scrollX=0;
var scrollY=0;
if(event.key=='q' && event.altKey){
if(event.key=='w' && event.altKey){
When the window looks the way you would want to scan, press 'Alt + Q', then press 'Alt + W'.
Now your window will freeze and then you can scan your page.
To steer the objects you need to refresh your browser.
You can resolve the issue with below 2 steps
1 - Add some text in textbox which will populate the dropdown below it .
2 - Use Send Keys Module to scroll down and select the value.
I had a similar issue where we had a popup that only appeared when clicking on a text box. The solution we received from the Tricentis trainer was as follows:
Part One
1. Open your application in Chrome
2. Right click the inspect
3. In the inspector window, on the Elements tab, navigate to your html element where it should be (you can do that by clicking on the element and check that you can see the html in the element)
4. Use the debugger to add a break point there, this should pause it and you should be able to see the elements you need to steer it.
5. Once you found the element, you will need the type of element (e.g. div, span, etc), and the class name
Part two
1. Rescan your module and select any element that matches the criteria of your element selected in Part One #5
2. Identify it by only it's class name property and tag
3. Save and close
4. Edit the element in the module view by changing the class name. This should help you steer it
Note: if the element class name is not unique, you might need to use Explicit name.
Good luck

Get text associated with check box in selenium where html code does not have value or name property

I have a Radcombobox in my application which has several check boxes in the combo box. What I wish to do is to fetch the text associated with the check box. I searched on internet and came to know that text can be fetched from name or value property in HTML code, but problem is that my HTML code does not have such properties.
HTML code:
input class="rcbCheckAllItemsCheckBox" type="checkbox"
Check All
What i wish to do is to fetch value "Check All".
Using code x = driver.findElement(By.xpath("/html/body/form/div[1]/div/div/div/input")).getText();, value returned is blank.
You can get the text through JavaScript API of Rad Controls. You can check the official documentation-
Basically, you first locate the element in JS and then use the official control method, in your case get value method. You can also perform several other useful operations if you need to.
You can execute JS in WebDriver with the following code:
IWebDriver driver;
IJavaScriptExecutor js = driver as IJavaScriptExecutor;
string title = (string)js.ExecuteScript("return document.title");

Selenium WebDriver and xpath locating inside WebElement

I have a page containing multiple forms with their own submit buttons and other elements. While testing the page, I locate the second form
WebElement form = getDriver().findElement("form2"));
and then field and submit button
form.findElement("text")).sendKeys("Adding some text here");
However these xpath locations take effect on the first form. Is it really so that the xpath doesn't work inside a specified element?
Try a relative path:
In fact Selenium works with the first found by xpath element. If you know exact order number you can add such a number to your xpath //input[#type='submit'][2]. Please note that numbering in xpath starts from 1 but not 0. So given xpath will found for you the second input with #type='submit'.