Using an awk variable in the string substitution portion of gsub - awk

I want to use a command line variable to replace text found with a regular expression.
Something like:
awk --lint=fatal -v awk_var=XYZ '{ gsub(/^ABCD=.*$/, "ABCD=<awk_var>"); print}'
Haven't been able to figure out what the awk_var syntax should be.

Since you have not shown samples so based on your shown code and ask, could you please try following.
awk --lint=fatal -v awk_var=XYZ '{ gsub(/^ABCD=.*$/, "ABCD=" awk_var); print}'
You shouldn't give " with your variable else it will be considered as a text.


why is awk not writing variable to csv file? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I use shell variables in an awk script?
(7 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have a csv file that I need to add a number of columns at the end. The new columns are variables taken from other files.
awk -F "," '{ stnname='"$STNNAME"';stno='"$STNO"';print $0","stnname","stno }' infile
example of the output.
The stno is written fine but the stnname is blank. It seems like I can use numeric variables but not text.
any help appreciated.
You are interpolating the literal symbol SWORDS where apparently you were hoping to interpolate a quoted string. Awk has no variable named SWORDS so it resolves to an empty string.
Better hygiene and stability altogether is to avoid interpolating junk right into your Awk script. Use -v on the Awk command line to pass in values.
awk -v stnname="$STNNAME" -v stno="$STNO" 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=","}
{ print $0, stnname , stno }' infile
Tangentially, avoid upper case for your private shell variables.
It is very easy to get lost in a sea of quotes. Maybe catch the env variables using -v like this:
awk -v stnname="$STNNAME" -v stno="$STNO" -F "," '{ print $0,stnname,stno }' infile
then you can use them in the command directly without trying to piece together a string

Using awk to filter a CSV file with quotes in it

I have a text file with comma separated values.
A sample line can be something like
The " seen are part of the text and are needed when this csv gets converted back to a java object.
I want to filter out some lines from this file based on some field in the csv.
The following statement doesnt work.
awk -F "," '($2== "Bonito") {print}' filename.csv
I am guessing that this has something to do with the " appearing in the text.
I saw an example like:
awk -F "\"*,\"*"
I am not sure how this works. It looks like a regex, but the use of the last * flummoxed me.
Is there a better option than the last awk statement I wrote?
How does it work?
Since some parameters have double quotes and other not, you can filter with a quoted parameter:
awk -F, '$2 == "\"Bonito\""' filename.csv
To filter on parameter that do not have double quote, just do:
awk -F, '$3 == 7' filename.csv
Another way is to use the double quote in the regex (the command ? that make the double quote optional):
awk -F '"?,"?' '$2 == "Bonito"' filename.csv
But this has a drawback of also matching the following line:
First a bit more through test file:
$ cat file
Using regex ^\"? ie. starts with or without a double quote:
$ awk -F, '$2~/^\"?Bonito\"?$/' file

How do I set set values in multiple fields using awk?

Say I have the following data in a file (file.txt):
And I want to prefix field one ($1) with an "A" and I want to prefix field three ($3) with a "B". What would my awk script look like? I tried:
awk -F "|" -OFS='|' '
$1 = "A"$1
$3 = "B"$3
' file.txt
But this didn't work. The output was:
Aone|two|three|four|five|six B
Sorry, I'm not great awk programmer here.
Looks like I figured it out. It had to do with the output field separator (OFS). If I issue the following it works:
awk -F "|" 'BEGIN{OFS="|";}{$1="A"$1;$3="B"$3; print}' file.txt
The OFS value has to be inside the script and not passed as an parameter to awk. Not exactly sure why.
Using the flag -OFS='|' is setting the field separator to S=|. Just do
awk '...' FS=\| OFS=\| file.txt

Enclosing a single quote in Awk

I currently have this line of code, that needs to be increased by one every-time in run this script. I would like to use awk in increasing the third string (570).
'set t 570'
I currently have this to change the code, however I am missing the closing quotation mark. I would also desire that this only acts on this specific (above) line, however am unsure about where to place the syntax that awk uses to do that.
awk '/set t /{$3+=1} 1' >file.tmp && mv file.tmp
Thank you very much for your input.
Use sub() to perform a replacement on the string itself:
$ awk '/set t/ {sub($3+0,$3+1,$3)} 1' file
'set t 571'
This looks for the value in $3 and replaces it with itself +1. To avoid replacing all of $3 and making sure the quote persists in the string, we say $3+0 so that it evaluates to just the number, not the quote:
$ echo "'set t 570'" | awk '{print $3}'
$ echo "'set t 570'" | awk '{print $3+0}'
Note this would fail if the value in $3 happens more times in the same line, since it will replace all of them.

Unable to match regex in string using awk

I am trying to fetch the lines in which the second part of the line contains a pattern from the first part of the line.
$ cat file.txt
String1 is a big string|big
$ awk -F'|' ' { if ($2 ~ /$1/) { print $0 } } ' file.txt
But it is not working.
I am not able to find out what is the mistake here.
Can someone please help?
Two things: No slashes, and your numbers are backwards.
awk -F\| '$1~$2' file.txt
I guess what you meant is part of the string in the first part should be a part of the 2nd part.if this is what you want! then,
awk -F'|' '{n=split($1,a,' ');for(i=1,i<=n;i++){if($2~/a[i]/)print $0}}' your_file
There are surprisingly many things wrong with your command line:
1) You aren't using the awk condition/action syntax but instead needlessly embedding a condition within an action,
2) You aren't using the default awk action but instead needlessly hand-coding a print $0.
3) You have your RE operands reversed.
4) You are using RE comparison but it looks like you really want to match strings.
You can fix the first 3 of the above by modifying your command to:
awk -F'|' '$1~$2' file.txt
but I think what you really want is "4" which would mean you need to do this instead:
awk -F'|' 'index($1,$2)' file.txt