How do I set set values in multiple fields using awk? - awk

Say I have the following data in a file (file.txt):
And I want to prefix field one ($1) with an "A" and I want to prefix field three ($3) with a "B". What would my awk script look like? I tried:
awk -F "|" -OFS='|' '
$1 = "A"$1
$3 = "B"$3
' file.txt
But this didn't work. The output was:
Aone|two|three|four|five|six B
Sorry, I'm not great awk programmer here.

Looks like I figured it out. It had to do with the output field separator (OFS). If I issue the following it works:
awk -F "|" 'BEGIN{OFS="|";}{$1="A"$1;$3="B"$3; print}' file.txt
The OFS value has to be inside the script and not passed as an parameter to awk. Not exactly sure why.

Using the flag -OFS='|' is setting the field separator to S=|. Just do
awk '...' FS=\| OFS=\| file.txt


How to find and match an exact string in a column using AWK?

I'm having trouble on matching an exact string that I want to find in a file using awk.
I have the file called "sup_groups.txt" that contains:
(the structure is: "group_name:pw:group_id:user1<,user2>...")
now, I want to extract the records that have in the user list the user "adm1" and print the first column (the group name), but you can see that there is a user called "adm12", so when i do this:
awk -F: '$4 ~ "adm1" {print $1}' sup_groups.txt
the output is:
the command of course also prints those records that contain the string "adm12", but I don't want these lines because I'm interested only on the user "adm1".
So, How can I change this command so that it just prints the lines 1 and 6 (excluding 2 and 5)?
thank you so much and sorry for my bad English
EDIT: thank you for the answers, u gave me inspiration for the solution, i think this might work as well as your solutions but more simplified:
awk -F: '$4 ~ "adm,|adm1$|:adm1," {print $1}' sup_groups.txt
basically I'm using ORs covering all the cases and excluding the "adm12"
let me know if you think this is correct
1st solution: Using split function of awk. With your shown samples, please try following awk code.
awk -F':' '
' Input_file
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.
awk -F':' ' ##Starting awk program from here setting field separator as : here.
num=split($4,arr,",") ##Using split to split 4th field into array arr with delimiter of ,
for(i=1;i<=num;i++){ ##Running for loop till value of num(total elements of array arr).
if(arr[i]=="adm1"){ ##Checking condition if arr[i] value is equal to adm1 then do following.
print ##printing current line here.
' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.
2nd solution: Using regex and conditions in awk.
awk -F':' '$4~/^adm1,/ || $4~/,adm1,/ || $4~/,adm1$/' Input_file
OR if 4th field doesn't have comma at all then try following:
awk -F':' '$4~/^adm1,/ || $4~/,adm1,/ || $4~/,adm1$/ || $4=="adm1"' Input_file
Explanation: Making field separator as : and checking condition if 4th field is either equal to ^adm1,(starting adm1,) OR its equal to ,adm1, OR its equal to ,adm1$(ending with ,adm1) then print that line.
This should do the trick:
$ awk -F: '"," $4 "," ~ ",adm1," { print $1 }' file
The idea behind this is the encapsulate both the group field between commas such that each group entry is encapsulated by commas. So instead of searching for adm1 you search for ,adm1,
So if your list looks like:
and, by adding commas, you convert it too:
you can always search for ,adm1, and find the perfect match .
once u setup FS per task requirements, then main body becomes barely just :
NF = !_ < NF
or even more straight forward :
{m,n,g}awk —- --NF
{m,g}awk 'NF=!_<NF' OFS= FS=':[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*[^[:alpha:]]?adm[0-9]+.*$'

How to append string with special characters to each line using AWK

I have a csv and for each line in the csv, I need to add new columns. One of the columns is a timestamp and it seems to be breaking the operation.
1,2,3,01-01-2020 01:01:01,name,class
4,5,7,01-01-2020 01:01:01,name,class
I used How to add new column with header to csv with awk
for reference.
values="01-01-2020 01:01:01,name,class"
awk -v d=$values -F"," 'BEGIN {OFS = ","} {printf("%s%s",$0,FNR>1?d RS:"col4,col5,col6" RS)}' $ORIG_FILE > $NEW_FILE
I am very new to using bash and I am trying to figure this out.
Any help greatly appreciated.
values='01-01-2020 01:01:01,name,class'
awk -v d="$values" 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} { print $0, (NR>1 ? d : "col4,col5,col6") }' "$orig_file" > "$new_file"
Always quote your shell variables and don't use all upper case for non-exported shell variable names.

Issue with field separator in AWK script

Having a very large file where two lines shown below and having two fields name and revision having colon delimiter. I need to print only the second column.
Ram:8.[6:6]_rev[2:4] h_ack[2:6]
I tried this code:
awk -F: '{print $2}'
Output should be:
8.[6:6]_rev[2:4] h_ack[2:6]
What went wrong in my code.
The problem in your awk expression is that you are splitting on all :.
Instead, you want to split only on the first : from the start.
$ awk -F'^[^:]+:' '{print $2}' file
The regex pattern matches the start of the string ^, any character other than a :, and finally a :.
If you specify field separator as :, it's normal behavior of awk to output this, ex:
7.[0, because you need the other columns after $2.
cut here, better suits the requirement:
cut -d: -f2- file
Could you please try following.
awk '
print substr($0,RSTART+1,RLENGTH-1)
' Input_file

awk to parse field if specific value is in another

In the awk below I am trying to parse $2 using the _ only if $3 is a specific valus (ID). I am reading that parsed value into an array and going to use it as a key in a lookup. The awk does execute but the entire line 2 or line with ID in $3 prints not just the desired. The print statement is only to see what results (for testing only) and will not be part of the script. Thank you :).
awk -F'\t' '$3=="ID"
f="$(echo $2|cut -d_ -f1,1)"
print $f
}' file
file tab-delimited
R_Index locus type
17 chr20:31022959 NON
18 chr11:118353210-chr9:20354877_KMT2A-MLLT3.K8M9 ID
$f = chr11:118353210-chr9:20354877
Not completely clear, could you please try following.
awk '{split($2,array,"_");if(array[2]=="KMT2A-MLLT3.K8M9"){print array[1]}}' Input_file
Or if you want top change 2nd field's value along with printing all lines then try following once.
awk '{split($2,array,"_");if(array[2]=="KMT2A-MLLT3.K8M9"){$2=array[1]}} 1' Input_file

Unable to match regex in string using awk

I am trying to fetch the lines in which the second part of the line contains a pattern from the first part of the line.
$ cat file.txt
String1 is a big string|big
$ awk -F'|' ' { if ($2 ~ /$1/) { print $0 } } ' file.txt
But it is not working.
I am not able to find out what is the mistake here.
Can someone please help?
Two things: No slashes, and your numbers are backwards.
awk -F\| '$1~$2' file.txt
I guess what you meant is part of the string in the first part should be a part of the 2nd part.if this is what you want! then,
awk -F'|' '{n=split($1,a,' ');for(i=1,i<=n;i++){if($2~/a[i]/)print $0}}' your_file
There are surprisingly many things wrong with your command line:
1) You aren't using the awk condition/action syntax but instead needlessly embedding a condition within an action,
2) You aren't using the default awk action but instead needlessly hand-coding a print $0.
3) You have your RE operands reversed.
4) You are using RE comparison but it looks like you really want to match strings.
You can fix the first 3 of the above by modifying your command to:
awk -F'|' '$1~$2' file.txt
but I think what you really want is "4" which would mean you need to do this instead:
awk -F'|' 'index($1,$2)' file.txt