Can we use Cropit with Angular 5? - angular5

Can I use Cropit plugin with Angular 5?

I figured that Cropit plugin is only compatible with AngularJS and not with any version >=2 of Angular


How to create Android App by using VueJs SPA (created in Laravel)?

I am using VueJS in Laravel for Frontend Development and its working properly. Can I use the same VujeJs frontend code to create Android App. If yes then what will be the steps?
I do not know how to use Native in Laravel VueJS SPA to create Android App
Simplest way would be to migrate your app towards Nuxt and use the following Ionic module:
That way, you'll be able to get SSG/SSR and also deploy it on Android thanks to the Webview wrapping thanks to Ionic.
Laravel is not really part of the plan tho. You probably need to check if you can extract the Vue part or see how to use Ionic with Laravel.

How to configure electron with vuejs and tailwindcss

I have not been able to configure a project from scratch with these technologies.
Or if I can use nuxtjs with electronjs
Its best to use a template starter such as this one:
and then configure tailwindcss following the guide here:
I hope that helps

Creating a custom framework Extension for sharepoint using vue js (vuespfx)

Creating a custom extension framework for SharePoint online using the vuespfx, scaffold can't be generated?
Using the Yeoman Generator with Vue:
npm i -g generator-vuespfx, yo vuespfx
It's may help full for you, to develop the client side extension component using react js
SharePoint Framework Extension
You may choose PnP/generator-SPFx which supports VUE framework( as I test the generator with vue framework, I didn't get erros).

MQTT in Nativescript-Vue

Im making a nativescript-vue project and I will utilize MQTT however I cant see any library related to it. However there are libraries for MQTT Nativescript for TS, JS, Angular.. Can I apply this to tns vue?
TypeScript / Angular / Vue, end of the day everything is just JavaScript. Especially when there is a feature available for NativeScript Core it should be easily accessible on the frameworks too, Angular / Vue.
Simply import the plugin in Vue and start using it, except removing the type declarations if you are using JavaScript for Vue development.
This question is solved when edusperoni officially continued the work of krislankford for nativescript-mqtt. This is the new repo of nativescript-mqtt: and works in any nativescript templates.

How to setup Typescript for Ionic v2 in IntelliJ IDEA

Ionic has recently upgraded to version 2 which is well-supported with TypeScript.
I'm now using IntelliJ IDEA to work with it, but don't know how to setup TypeScript to work with them.
So, how to set-up the ionic project in version 2 to work with TypeScript?
With the latest ionic#beta you can do ionic start myapp --v2 --ts to download the Typescript version of the starter.