is there any possibility to access ConfigurationAPI inside UserAuthenticationSecurityCheck extended Class - ibm-mobilefirst

adapter UserAuthenticationSecurityCheck where we have introduced some properties in the adapter.xml file outside the securityCheckDefinition. Which i am able to configure in the Adapter -> Configuration tab in the mfp console.
We are trying to access the configuartion value via ConfigurationAPI with importing
import inside the UserAuthenticationSecurityCheck extended class.
But we are getting a null pointer exception during this process. I am able to access them inside the java-adapter class via ConfigurationAPI but not inside the security UserAuthenticationSecurityCheck class.
Wanted to access the below image properties inside the UserAuthenticationSecurityCheck extended class.
public class userSecurityCheck extends UserAuthenticationSecurityCheck {
ConfigurationAPI configurationAPI;
protected boolean validateCredentials(Map<String, Object> credentials){
String instancename = credentials.get("instancename").toString();
// java null pointer exception is happening at the below line
String httpUrl = configurationAPI.getPropertyValue(instancename);

There is indeed a way to specify configurable properties on the "Security Check" flavour of adapter, and it is different from the regular type of adapter. It is documented here. I have validated that this approach works. The documentation omits a few key elements, like package names, so below is so very simple example code to demonstrate:
public class UserAuth extends UserAuthenticationSecurityCheck {
protected boolean validateCredentials(Map<String, Object> credentials) {
String test_property = ((UserAuthSecurityCheckConfig) this.config).test_property;
LOG.warning("auth test_property=" + test_property);
return true;
public SecurityCheckConfiguration createConfiguration(Properties properties) {
return new UserAuthSecurityCheckConfig(properties);
import java.util.Properties;
public class UserAuthSecurityCheckConfig extends UserAuthenticationSecurityCheckConfig {
public String test_property;
public UserAuthSecurityCheckConfig(Properties properties) {
this.test_property = this.getStringProperty("test_property", properties, "defaultValueInCode");
<securityCheckDefinition name="UserLogin" class="">
<property name="test_property" displayName="Test Property Auth" defaultValue="foo_default_in_xml" />


Resteasy and Google Guice: how to use multiple #ApplicationPath and resource with #Injection?

I created a project to test the dependency injection offered by Google Guice in my Jax-rs resources, using Resteasy.
My intentions are:
Use multiple #ApplicationPath for the versions of my API. In each class annotated with #ApplicationPath I load a set of classes for the specific version.
Each resource have a #Inject (from Google Guice) in his constructor to inject some services.
I created two classes annotated with #ApplicationPath: ApplicationV1RS and ApplicationV2RS. In both I added the same resources classes (UserResource and HelloResource), only for my test.
My Module is configured like this:
public class HelloModule implements Module
public void configure(final Binder binder)
When I call http://localhost:9095/v1/hello/world or http://localhost:9095/v2/hello/world, I receive the same error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: RESTEASY003190: Could not find constructor
for class: org.jboss.resteasy.examples.guice.hello.HelloResource
Well, as I expected, this not works. The Google Guice is not "smart" to instantiate the resource classes using the construtor for me.
But I can't find a way to work. To be really honest, I'm really confuse about how the Google Guice, Jetty and Resteasy play with each other in this scenario.
If I abandon the idea of use #ApplicationPath, my resources work with Google Guice configuring my HelloModule like this:
public class HelloModule implements Module
public void configure(final Binder binder)
But in this case, I'm passing the control to register my resources (HelloResource and UserResource) to Guice. It's not flexible for me, I can't setup my multiple #ApplicationPath.
So, what I'm missing or not understanding?
I created a project with the problemetic code. Is very easy to setup and test:
When you have getClasses method in your Application then it tries to create instance for all the registered resources using the default constructor which is missing in our Resources class. One way is to create a default constructor and Inject the dependencies through setter Injection.
And then instead of overriding getClasses in ApplicationV1RS and ApplicationV2RS you override getSingletons. Since Resources can be Singleton.
Below are the changes that I made to make it work the way you want.
public class ApplicationV1RS extends Application {
private Set<Object> singletons = new HashSet<Object>();
public ApplicationV1RS(#Context ServletContext servletContext) {
public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new HelloModule());
HelloResource helloResource = injector.getInstance(HelloResource.class);
UserResource userResource = injector.getInstance(UserResource.class);
return singletons;
public class ApplicationV2RS extends Application {
private Set<Object> singletons = new HashSet<Object>();
public ApplicationV2RS(#Context ServletContext servletContext) {
public Set<Object> getSingletons() {
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new HelloModule());
HelloResource helloResource = injector.getInstance(HelloResource.class);
UserResource userResource = injector.getInstance(UserResource.class);
return singletons;
public class HelloResource {
private IGreeterService greeter;
public HelloResource() {
public String hello(#PathParam("name") final String name) {
return greeter.greet(name);
public class UserResource {
private IUserService userService;
public UserResource() {
public String hello(#PathParam("name") final String name) {
return userService.getUser(name);
Add #Singleton to your Service Classes.
Hope it helps.
I have also pushed the code to forked repo. check it out

Using Jersey Test Framework to target APIs in other files

I have read the documentation concerning the Jersey Test framework and have successfully used JerseyTest's target method to reach a #Path annotated endpoint within my own file. Simplified code is below.
public class TestApplication extends ResourceConfig {
public TestApplication() {
protected Application configure() {
return new TestApplication();
public static class TestService {
public static Response createTestObj(final TestObj testObj) {
return Response.ok("testObj created").build();
private void ensureObjectCreated() {
JSONObject myObj = createNewObj();
final Response response = target("create/testObj").request(APPLICATION_JSON)
Assert.isEqual(response.status, 200);
Now I want to reach a #Path annotated endpoint in other files/directories. How do I do so? The problem may be that the other files are actual production code, so I cannot make the classes static. However the endpoints in the other paths are reachable.
Just register them in the resource config, either individually (depending on the scope of the test), or specify a package to scan with the packages method.
public ResourceConfig configure() {
return new ResourceConfig()
The only reason the class in the example is static is because it is an inner class that needs to be instantiated by the framework.
When you access the resource, it will not include the root application path, only the #Path value on the class, and whatever sub path, just like in your code above.

How to access I18n Bean from inside a task

I am trying to create a plugin with a task, but I have trouble getting access to an instance of I18bean for retrieving internationalized message. Does anyone has a hint on how to do it ?
Found it. You need to add a constructor with a I18nBeanFactory parameter and use this one for retrieving an I18nBean
public class CreateFileTask implements TaskType {
public I18nBeanFactory i18nBeanFactory;
public CreateFileTask(I18nBeanFactory i18nBeanFactory) {
public TaskResult execute(TaskContext taskContext) throws TaskException {
I18nBean i18nBean = i18nBeanFactory.getI18nBean();

Spring & Reslet : is it possible to map a URL path component to a method argument?

I'm new to Restlet, but I've followed the tutorial on Restlet's own website and got a basic application up and running. What I'm doing right now is that I'm setting up a basic ServerResource and expose a #Get method.
What I'd like is to be able to invoke /user/{userId} and get the user representation back. Is it possible, somehow, to hand over the mapping of {userId} to Restlet, which in turn would invoke getUser(String userId) in my ServerResource?
Such feature (binding path variables into annotated method parameters) isn't natively supported in the framework. Such mapping in the annotated method signatures is only supported with input representation.
To get the path variables of a request, you can get them from the request object (method getAttribute), as described below:
public class UserServerResource extends ServerResource {
public User getUser() {
String userId = getAttribute("userId");
User user = (...)
return user;
If you want to share this path variable across several methods, you can define it as a instance variable (notice that a new instance of the server resource is created for each request unlike to Spring REST where each controller is a singleton and such variable must be defined in method signatures). We can leverage the method doInit of the server resource, as described below:
public class UserServerResource extends ServerResource {
private String userId;
private User user;
protected void doInit() throws ResourceException {
userId = getAttribute("userId");
// for example
user = loadUser(userId);
// throws a status 404 if user can't be found
setExisting(user != null);
public User getUser() {
return user;
public User saveUser(User user) {
return user;
public void deleteUser() {
If you really want to use a mapping from request elements (like path variables, ...) to method parameters, you should use JAXRS. Restlet provides a support of this specification. Implementing a similar server resource as above but with JAXRS is described below:
public class UserResource {
public String getUser(#PathParam("userId") String userId) {
For more details, you can have a look at the corresponding documentation:
Hop it helps,

How do I load and store global variables in Jersey/Glassfish

I am creating a RESTful Web Service that wraps an antiquated vendor API. Some external configuration will be required and will be stored on the server either in a file or rdbms. I'm using Jersey 1.11.1 in Glassfish 3.1.2. This configuration data is all in String key/value format.
My first question is this - where can I store global/instance variables in Jersey so that they will be persisted between requests and available to all resources? If this was a pure Servlet application I would use the ServletContext to accomplish this.
The second part to the question is how can I load my configuration once the Jersey server has loaded? Again, my Servlet analogy would be to find the equivalent to the init() method.
#Singleton #Startup EJB matches your requirements.
#Startup // initialize at deployment time instead of first invocation
public class VendorConfiguration {
void loadConfiguration() {
// do the startup initialization here
#Lock(LockType.READ) // To allow multiple threads to invoke this method
// simultaneusly
public String getValue(String key) {
public class TheResource {
VendorConfiguration configuration;
// ...
EDIT: Added annotation as per Graham's comment
You can use a listener for init the variables and set to the context as attribute before the web application start, something like the following:
package org.paulvargas.shared;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener;
public class LoadConfigurationListener implements ServletContextListener {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
// read file or rdbms
ServletContext context = sce.getServletContext();
// set attributes
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {
ServletContext context = sce.getServletContext();
// remove attributes
This listener is configured in the web.xml.
You can use the #Context annotation for inject the ServletContext and retrieving the attribute.
package org.paulvargas.example.helloworld;
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
public class HelloWorld {
private ServletContext context;
#Produces("text/plain; charset=UTF-8")
public String getGreeting() {
// get attributes
String someVar = (String) context.getAttribute("someName")
return someVar + " says hello!";