Can no longer access "Apps" section - google-fabric

I can no longer access the Apps section of Fabric's Settings page. The Apps page is where we can upload missing dSYMs, for example.
Has the Apps functionality moved, or is there something we need to do to regain access?

Paul from Fabric here. We're looking into an intermittent glitch with the Apps button, but you should be able to still access your apps here:


Open page via web if app is not installed in react native

The best example that I can think of to describe this is how VSCO does this, if you click someone's VSCO profile link, from an Instagram bio or something, you get the page via web, at the bottom of the webpage it asks you if you would rather use the app, if its installed, clicking yes will open, if its not it will link to the download page. I really don't even know where to start with the development of this so really any links and terms that I can look into are helpful.
Sorry for the somewhat open-ended question but at a loss as to where to start. If it is all using the same firebase database, could I do this all in one react native code base? Or would I want a standalone web application. Thanks ahead of time.

Google Drive Android Api reset Play Services Authorization

When debugging a GDAA app, I need to re-test a "brand new account" situation. I.e. getting the dialog that asks user to allow the Drive access:
"[YourApp] would like to: View and manage Google drive files that you
have opened or created by this app"
Is there a re-set method that would get me back to ground zero?
You can reset this via the Drive "manage apps" page on the web. Disconnect the app from your drive.
Have a look at the 'Google Settings' app on your device, in the 'Connected apps' section you should be able to select and disconnect your app. At least for other kinds of permissions (e.g. contacts), allowed apps show up there.
Edit: The same can be done via the web here.

How (and where) to upload manifest file? (Google Gmail Gadget)

I'm new on this Gmail Gadget developments and I follow the instructions here:
I follow the Hello World example, replacing the variables with my owns, generating the manifest, the specs, etc.
But when it comes to upload the manifest file, it's saying to go to
and log in there. Then there is a serie of steps depending on this one.
The problem here is, what is the address I have to put there? I did register on the Google Apps (for bussiness) and register a domain. Still that domain isn't work.
I found several people with the same problem and none gave them a solution:
How to create an account on Google Apps to use Google Apps Extensions Console?
Logging into Google Apps Extension Console
Anyone knows how to create a Gmail Contextual Gadget?
Thanks in advance!
Ok, so the Gmail Contextual Gadgets doc says "Gmail contextual gadgets can be listed for sale in the Google Apps Marketplace". The Google Apps Marketplace docs say apps can be published on the Chrome Web Store but the web store seems to want some sort of .json manifest file that doesn't fit the documentation for Contextual Gadgets (read: Google's documentation is terrible).
Instead, I found a section inside the developer's console on Contextual Gadgets. It's also different from the documentation, but seems like the right spot.
Open your Google developers console
Select or create a project
Open the Google Apps Marketplace SDK page
Click "Enable API"
Click "Configuration"
Check the box marked "Gmail contextual gadget extension"
There are then options to fill out info on the Contextual Gadget.
I suggest :
Go on that link a for log in use your Google Apps for bussiness account , then create new project (gadget) and then you can upload manifet. Sorry for my English.
Hope this will help you.

Adding a Sandboxed app to Login Items

I have read through many questions here about launching my app on login. I have followed this awesome tutorial suggested many times. That tutorial does work. BUT...
The one side affect that comes from using a helper app and registering it using SMLoginItemSetEnabled is that my app does not show up inside the user's Login Items in System Preferences.
There are several apps in the App Store (such as PopClip and Dash) that do what I am trying to do. I just can't figure out how...
UPDATE: I found out from the Dash developer that Dash is actually not sandboxed. He also believes that PopClip is not either. This could explain things...
UPDATE #2: I just got confirmation from the PopClip dev that it indeed is not sandboxed as well.
With the last 2 updates, I guess the answer is clear. As of today, there is no way to accomplish this with Sandboxed apps.
Hope it's not too late.
In Apple's "Daemons and Services Programming Guide":
Adding Login Items
There are two ways to add a login item: using the Service Management framework, and using a shared file list.
Login items installed using the Service Management framework are not visible in System Preferences and can only be removed by the application that installed them.
Login items installed using a shared file list are visible in System Preferences; users have direct control over them. If you use this API, your login item can be disabled by the user, so any other application that communicates with it it should have reasonable fallback behavior in case the login item is disabled.
In sandboxed environment, only Helper applications can be installed in login items. You need to create one, stored in the Contents/Library/LoginItems folder of the main application.
Then you can used SMLoginItemSetEnabled to set the helper as login item and ask the login item to start the main application.

"Create App" button is missing on a verified developer profile

I used to be able to create facebook apps a few months ago using my personal profile. Now I got back to development again but unable to create any apps for a simple reason that the page does not have a Create App button any more.
My account is verified, I had activated the facebook developer app before (even though I do not see in my app list for some reason now), I am logged in as a person, not as a page admin and I have created apps before using exact the same account.
What could be wrong?
It's a known problem that looks about consistency on developer data.
The solution I posted here Facebook - Unable to create an app
go to
I've been fighting with this issue for hours! I think it happened because I haven't created an app since facebook transitioned to the app center. Going directly to fixed my issue!