"Create App" button is missing on a verified developer profile - facebook-apps

I used to be able to create facebook apps a few months ago using my personal profile. Now I got back to development again but unable to create any apps for a simple reason that the page https://developers.facebook.com/apps does not have a Create App button any more.
My account is verified, I had activated the facebook developer app before (even though I do not see in my app list for some reason now), I am logged in as a person, not as a page admin and I have created apps before using exact the same account.
What could be wrong?

It's a known problem that looks about consistency on developer data.
The solution I posted here Facebook - Unable to create an app
go to https://developers.facebook.com/setup

I've been fighting with this issue for hours! I think it happened because I haven't created an app since facebook transitioned to the app center. Going directly to https://developers.facebook.com/setup fixed my issue!


Fabric shows project as not migrated to Firebase, but in migration screen it shows as migrated

I'm trying to migrate my app from Fabric to Firebase. In Fabric dashboard, it shows like this:
Great. I go to migration screen to migrate, but I see this (the bottom most is the same exact app:
It shows as migrated, even though it's in the list of "not migrated" apps. It says migrated by an admin, and I'm the only admin. I go to Firebase (there are 2 possible accounts that I may have migrated it in the past just in case I don't remember) in my both Google accounts, but it's not there either.
What am I doing wrong?
This is a UI discrepancy you're seeing. Your app was very likely migrated by a previous account owner, and they did not give you permission to view the app in Firebase. I recommend writing into support at support(at)fabric(dot)io and they will check your bundle ID in the backend and confirm this suspicion.

Too frequent security alert from Google due to "Unrecognised device" on Angular 7 web app

I am developer and maintainer of an Angular web app which uses Google OAuth. This works normally.
Last week the app users (me including) started receiving standard Security alert emails from Google (no-reply#accounts.google.com) on a daily basis. The Email says "Appname was granted access to your Google account". This is of course bad signal to the users.
When clicked on "Check Activity" in the Email it always says:
Unrecognised device
X hours ago
Unknown (location)
This is the case for all users tested on many different devices and IPs.
Recently I have upgraded from Angular 5 to Angular 7 if that might help.
Also recently I noticed absolutely the same behaviour when I sign-in to Dropbox using a Gmail. The application I am responsible for is not storing session data for privacy reasons so the users are asked to Sign-in with Google every time they want to use the app. I noticed this behaviour just a week ago (devices and locations not recognised) by Google.
The google group (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/oauth2-dev) redirected me to Stackoverflow. Any help is much appreciated! :)
We are sending notifications to users when they approve certain scopes. That list is expanding and more apps will see the notification.
Thanks for the feedback. Looks like the unrecognized device was an issue and we have rolled back that experiment.
Ideally an app should see the notification only once and for non basic scopes (basic scopes being email, profile etc).

Can no longer access "Apps" section

I can no longer access the Apps section of Fabric's Settings page. The Apps page is where we can upload missing dSYMs, for example.
Has the Apps functionality moved, or is there something we need to do to regain access?
Paul from Fabric here. We're looking into an intermittent glitch with the Apps button, but you should be able to still access your apps here: https://fabric.io/settings/apps.

Google hangout API console appear to be broken

I had a working hangout app until yesterday - but now now I can no longer launch the app in the developer sandbox.
In the process of diagnosing the problem I have tracked back to simply trying to launch one of the Google sample apps (https://plushangoutstarter.appspot.com/static/simpleHangoutApp.xml) in the developer sandbox.
This fails in the same way as my app: the hangout says loading app along with a lovely animation but never loads.
I have tried this from different Google accounts and OS's but the problem is the same whatever.
The js console shows the following error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < login.corp.google.com/request?s=oz-autopush-full.plus.corp.google.com:443/u….google.com/js/api.js&maxAge=1200&authLevel=2000000&rpMode=v2&keyIds=Do0:2
Interestingly I can launch the hangout apps (mine and the sample ones) outside the sandbox. For example, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/16fae425e33645b520c4b14f71adbdbba843f00d
To me it seems as if Google has deployed a breaking change but I can't believe that there would be no activity on twitter or the google plus developer group if they had.
My questions are:
1) Can anyone launch an app in the developer sandbox
2) If not, anyone got any idea what the problem is.
Thanks in advance for any help. As usual in these situations, I was planning on demoing my app to my colleagues in a couple of days to show them how cool the hangouts api is :(
There was a problem on Google's side over the weekend and has now been corrected.

Bare bones Facebook integration demo app

So I just started looking into integrating FB into my app and whipped up this little test app. I wanted to have a bare bones app without all of the bs that's in the Hackbook demo app. Basically, it's overly complicated for what I want.
The problem is that something I'm doing isn't working. My app tries to authenticate with FB, but doesn't return auth tokens. Something else that I noticed is that...
If I have the facebook app installed... it switches to it, shows a white loading screen for a second, then dismisses it and pops back to my app.
If the facebook app isn't installed... it will open in safari and actually show the app approval window, let me login and then it pops back to my app.
Both ways fail with getting and storing the auth tokens however.
What the heck am I doing wrong? Would someone mind seeing if this code works for them?
Full source here: Deleted.
Thanks for looking.
It definitely sounds like you don't have your app registered in the Facebook developer portal.
Looks like Facebook just updated their SDK which now includes some simplified example apps. Much better than just hackbook.