React Admin : How to use bootstrap instead of Material Design? - react-admin

and first of all thank you for your amazing work.
The README file indicates that it is possible to use Bootstrap instead of Material Design, but I can’t find any documentation of how to implement it.
Does anybody has already done that ? Thank you in advance :)

Unfortunately, we did not find the time to document the ra-core package properly yet, so you'll have to explore the source code for now. I doubt you'll find any example for doing this as the separation into two packages (ra-core and ra-material-ui) is quite recent.
Be aware that building a bootstrap version of react-admin will take a lot of time. You'll have to explore the ra-material-ui package and build a bootstrap version of every components.


View a 3D-Model in Vue 3

I'm looking for a way to embed my 3D-Model (.glb, .gltf, fbx. doesn't matter) onto my website, which i built in vue 3.
However, I am unable to find any package or work around to do so. The only npm-package i could find was vue-3d-model, sadly it's still not supporting vue 3, see here:
The other thing i stumbled across was model-viewer, which didn't work for me either, i added screenshots of the errors which i got, i used the code posted here.
Does anybody know a way how i could fix this? Or maybe an alternative to the two ways above?
Help would be much appreciated
Cheers, Josch

Customize user interface for n8n workflows

Is it possible to customize the user interface for n8n workflows? if possible, can someone give an idea. Thank you.
You can find the source code for all the frontend code inside their repository:
The editor-ui folder inside packages is what you are looking for.
The app is written using Vue.js ans it's very easy to understand. You can see the n8n-theme*.scss files in the mentioned folder that could be a good starting point.
Feel free to add / share ideas on what you're looking to do and I'll try to help if possible.
Also they have a very active community that can be found here:

Using DeckGL with Vue.js

I am struggling to get Deck play nice with vue. all the examples I have found till today are either quite hacked, not really my use case or out of date.
Does anyone know a good first step Source I could look at to get started?
I'm not sure if you ever found your solution or if you found other content, but I just wanted to post some info here in case you or anyone else who finds there way here needs some help on this.
There is a open source library we are working on to help bootstrap DeckGL/Mapbox implementations in Vue while providing some and soon more helpful abstractions.
Here is a couple links you may find useful:
Tutorial and documentation:
Feel free to stop by the repo and drop questions in issues if you are looking for any more help!

Is there any guide for migrating Cocos2d-x 3.8 to 3.14?

I'm trying to migrate Cocos2d-x 3.8 to 3.14.
but when I tried to find a blog or a blog that explaining how to solve the Issues, I could not found it.
I can only found Cocos2d-x 2.X to 3.X
So, I ask for help here.
Could you give me some guide for migrating Cocos2d-x? I want solve Audio Engine Issue(Ogg File now playing well).
//I apologize for my strange speech.I am not good at English.
I've been looking into this myself recently. I am seeing this (posted here on the Cocos2d-x forum) to be the best way of keeping up to date with the versions:
Just discovered that cocos gen-libs exists in version 3.8+ for making prebuilts. Instead of the engine existing in a folder/subproject in your game, it can just sit in the root cocos folder and be added to the search path.
From this, you should be able to pre-build the game engine and then use the pre-built files in your games. This could also be good if you make any alterations to the engine yourself, you could perhaps keep a fork of the engine elsewhere, and whenever you make a change to it you can prebuilt it and then bring it into your own project.
While it may not be much help now and is probably more complicated than what you were looking for, it may be the best choice moving forward.

Bigcommerce Stencil - What is Required and Help Setting Up

I just got access to the new Stencil beta and I have no idea what to do. I have reviewed all of the documentation on the BC developer website, but I don't know how to proceed. I am also not sure if I will even be able to create designs in Stencil since I don't know Handlbars or json - are those programming skills required or can we still rely on CSS and HTML for most design customization? BC told me there is no support for getting set up and to ask in this forum instead.
Normally I would look under the hood of an existing theme to see how it's built and try "learning on the job" but since I can't even get access to the files, I am at a loss. I created an account on GitHub but I have never used it so I don't know where to look for the files (I did a search but there are thousands of files there and I again couldn't figure out where to start). Can anyone point me in the right direction so I can determine if using Stencil is even feasible for my projects?
Handlebars compiles serverside as HTML. You do still have stylesheets, but we are using some SASS custom functions (documented in Stencil docs).
I'd recommend taking a look here: