Count results in SQL statement additional row - sql

I am trying to get 3% of total membership which the code below does, but the results are bringing me back two rows one has the % and the other is "0" not sure why or how to get rid of it ...
sum(Diabetes_FLAG) * 100 / (select round(count(medicaid_no) * 0.03) as percent
from membership) AS PERCENT_OF_Dia
group by
Not sure why it brought back a second row I only need the % not the second row .
Not sure what I am doing wrong
1 11.1111111111111
2 0

SELECT sum(Diabetes_FLAG)*100 / (SELECT round(count(medicaid_no)*0.03) as percentt
FROM membership) AS PERCENT_OF_Dia
FROM prefinal
WHERE Diabetes_FLAG = 1
# GROUP BY Diabetes_Flag # as you're limiting by the flag in the where clause, this isn't needed.

Remove the group by if you want one row:
select sum(Diabetes_FLAG)*100/( SELECT round(count(medicaid_no)*0.03) as percentt
from membership) AS PERCENT_OF_Dia
from prefinal;
When you include group by Diabetes_FLAG, it creates a separate row for each value of Diabetes_FLAG. Based on your results, I'm guessing that it takes on the values 0 and 1.

Not sure why it brought back a second row
This is how GROUP BY query works. The group by clause group data by a given column, that is - it collects all values of this column, makes a distinct set of these values and displays one row for each individual value.
Please consider this simple demo:!9/3a38df/1
SELECT * FROM prefinal;
| Diabetes_Flag |
| 1 |
| 1 |
| 5 |
Usually GROUP BY column is listed in in SELECT clause too, in this way:
SELECT Diabetes_Flag, sum(Diabetes_Flag)
FROM prefinal
GROUP BY Diabetes_Flag;
| Diabetes_Flag | sum(Diabetes_Flag) |
| 1 | 2 |
| 5 | 5 |
As you see, GROUP BY display two rows - one row for each unique value of Diabetes_Flag column.
If you remove Diabetes_Flag colum from SELECT clause, you will get the same result as above, but without this column:
SELECT sum(Diabetes_Flag)
FROM prefinal
GROUP BY Diabetes_Flag;
| sum(Diabetes_Flag) |
| 2 |
| 5 |
So the reason that you get 2 rows is that Diabetes_Flag has 2 distict values in the table.


Counting the total number of rows with SELECT DISTINCT ON without using a subquery

I have performing some queries using PostgreSQL SELECT DISTINCT ON syntax. I would like to have the query return the total number of rows alongside with every result row.
Assume I have a table my_table like the following:
CREATE TABLE my_table(
id int,
my_field text,
id_reference bigint
I then have a couple of values:
id | my_field | id_reference
1 | a | 1
1 | b | 2
2 | a | 3
2 | c | 4
3 | x | 5
Basically my_table contains some versioned data. The id_reference is a reference to a global version of the database. Every change to the database will increase the global version number and changes will always add new rows to the tables (instead of updating/deleting values) and they will insert the new version number.
My goal is to perform a query that will only retrieve the latest values in the table, alongside with the total number of rows.
For example, in the above case I would like to retrieve the following output:
| total | id | my_field | id_reference |
| 3 | 1 | b | 2 |
| 3 | 2 | c | 4 |
| 3 | 3 | x | 5 |
My attemp is the following:
select distinct on (id)
count(*) over () as total,
from my_table
order by id, id_reference desc
This returns almost the correct output, except that total is the number of rows in my_table instead of being the number of rows of the resulting query:
total | id | my_field | id_reference
5 | 1 | b | 2
5 | 2 | c | 4
5 | 3 | x | 5
(3 rows)
As you can see it has 5 instead of the expected 3.
I can fix this by using a subquery and count as an aggregate function:
with my_values as (
select distinct on (id)
from my_table
order by id, id_reference desc
select count(*) over (), * from my_values
Which produces my expected output.
My question: is there a way to avoid using this subquery and have something similar to count(*) over () return the result I want?
You are looking at my_table 3 ways:
to find the latest id_reference for each id
to find my_field for the latest id_reference for each id
to count the distinct number of ids in the table
I therefore prefer this solution:
c.id_count as total,,
my_table a
max(id_reference) as max_id_reference
group by
) b
on = and
a.id_reference = b.max_id_reference
count(distinct id) as id_count
) c
on true;
This is a bit longer (especially the long thin way I write SQL) but it makes it clear what is happening. If you come back to it in a few months time (somebody usually does) then it will take less time to understand what is going on.
The "on true" at the end is a deliberate cartesian product because there can only ever be exactly one result from the subquery "c" and you do want a cartesian product with that.
There is nothing necessarily wrong with subqueries.

How do I apply a function to each subgroup of a table in SQL

I want to find the minimum value of a column in a certain date range of a table.
so lets say I have a table like the following,
Date | Value
01-26 | 2
01-26 | 1
01-27 | 2
01-27 | 4
01-28 | 3
01-28 | 5
How can I apply the MIN() function to the subgroup of the Value column so that the result might be
Date | MIN(Value)
01-26 | 1
01-27 | 2
01-28 | 3
I thought about GROUP BY .. or such but couldn't figure out how to get the results into a table.
Using UNION and JOIN isn't quite scalable because the query could be using a date range of a month
Group by should work:
Select date, min( value )
From table1
Group by date
Maybe too simple, but seems like this would work
Select Min(col1), datecol from yourtable group by datecol;

Access query to grab +5 or more duplicates

i have a little problem with an Access query ( dont ask me why but i cannot use a true SGBD but Access )
i have a huge table with like 920k records
i have to loop through all those data and grab the ref that occur more than 5 time on the same date
table = myTable
| id | ref | date | C_ERR_ANO |
| 1 | A12345678 | 2012/02/24 | A 4565 |
| 2 | D52245708 | 2011/05/02 | E 5246 |
| ... | ......... | ..../../.. | . .... |
so to resume it a bit, i have like 900000+ records
there is duplicates on the SAME DATE ( oh by the way there is another collumn i forgot to add that have C_ERR_ANO as name)
so i have to loop through all those row, grab each ref based on date AND errorNumber
and if there is MORE than 5 time with the same errorNumber i have to grab them and display it in the result
i ended up using this query:
COUNT(*) AS `toto`,
FROM Centre
HAVING COUNT(*) > 5) AS Centre_1
AND Centre.DATESE <> Centre_1.DATESE;
but this query isent good
i tried then
FROM Centre
FROM [Centre] AS Tmp
HAVING Count(*)>1 AND [DATESE] = [Centre].[DATESE]
AND [C_ERR_ANO] = [Centre].[C_ERR_ANO]
AND [LIBELLE] = [Centre].[LIBELLE])))
ORDER BY Centre.[REFERENCE], Centre.[DATESE], Centre.[C_ERR_ANO])
still , not working
i'm struggeling
Your group by clause needs to include all of the items in your select. Why not use:
select Centre.DATESE, Centre.C_ERR_ANO, Count (*)
Group by Centre.DATESE, Centre.C_ERR_ANO
If you need other fields then you can add them, as long as you ensure the same fields appear in the select as the group by.
No idea what is going on with the formatting here!

PostgreSQL - repeating rows from LIMIT OFFSET

I noticed some repeating rows in a paginated recordset.
When I run this query:
SELECT "students".*
FROM "students"
ORDER BY "students"."status" asc
I get:
| id | name | status |
| 1 | foo | active |
| 12 | alice | active |
| 4 | bob | active |
Next query:
SELECT "students".*
FROM "students"
ORDER BY "students"."status" asc
I get:
| id | name | status |
| 1 | foo | active |
| 6 | cindy | active |
| 2 | dylan | active |
Why does "foo" appear in both queries?
Why does "foo" appear in both queries?
Because all rows that are returned have the same value for the status column. In that case the database is free to return the rows in any order it wants.
If you want a reproducable ordering you need to add a second column to your order by statement to make it consistent. E.g. the ID column:
SELECT students.*
FROM students
ORDER BY students.status asc, asc
If two rows have the same value for the status column, they will be sorted by the id.
For more details from PostgreSQL documentation ( :
When using LIMIT, it is important to use an ORDER BY clause that constrains the result rows into a unique order. Otherwise you will get an unpredictable subset of the query's rows. You might be asking for the tenth through twentieth rows, but tenth through twentieth in what ordering? The ordering is unknown, unless you specified ORDER BY.
The query optimizer takes LIMIT into account when generating a query plan, so you are very likely to get different plans (yielding different row orders) depending on what you give for LIMIT and OFFSET. Thus, using different LIMIT/OFFSET values to select different subsets of a query result will give inconsistent results unless you enforce a predictable result ordering with ORDER BY. This is not a bug; it is an inherent consequence of the fact that SQL does not promise to deliver the results of a query in any particular order unless ORDER BY is used to constrain the order.
select * from(
Select "students".*
from "students"
order by "students"."status" asc
limit 6
) as temp limit 3 offset 0;
select * from(
Select "students".*
from "students"
order by "students"."status" asc
limit 6
) as temp limit 3 offset 3;
where 6 is the total number of records that is under examination.

How to get row count in all rows?

select id from table;
| id |
| 774 |
| 2775 |
return 2 rows
select count(id) as count, id from table;
| count | id |
| 2 | 774 |
but return 1 row
How to return all rows, but with counter in each record ?
SQL ???
| count | id |
| 2 | 774 |
| 2 | 2775 |
SELECT id, (select count(*) from table) AS TotalRows
FROM table;
Although this seems unnecessary, as the total count will not change per row.
Use a group by
select id, count(id)
from table
group by id;
(BTW, your SQL in question does not work, at least in oracle and AFAIK in MySql)
I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but if you're trying to fetch the rows and get the total count in the same query because its a resource-intensive and you don't want to repeat your joins/conditions/whatever in two queries, under MySQL you can do:
# Returns a regular results set
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS foo, bar FROM baz WHERE qux = 'corge' LIMIT 2;
# Returns the total count of found rows (without the LIMIT)
If you want the total number of rows after the LIMIT, or don't have a LIMIT at all, you can skip the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS.
However, generally speaking, counting the total number of rows doesn't scale very well. If you can, find an alternative way that doesn't require you to do that. for example, if its for paging, consider showing only 'next' / 'prev' buttons, without displaying the total number of pages. If you have 30 rows in a page, you can LIMIT 31 instead of 30, only display the first 30 rows, and check if the 31th row exists to know if a 'next' button should be displayed.
if you are useing oracle database you can use count Analytic function also for achieve this task as follow -