Cannot Login at MailGun - authentication

Whenever I login in Mailgun with my Account it says "Bad email or password" eventhough the email is already activated and the password is correct. I already created a second MailGun account and when I tried to log it out, I also cannot log in back again!


Update the keycloak account temporary password from our own website once super admin creates a user account

Here I'm using keycloak for the user management of my website. I want to send a password reset email once the keycloak super admin creates a user account. The email reset password link should route to my own website reset password page (Not to keycloak reset password page).
I'm done with up to here.
The issue is when sending the password reset request, expected following values...
session_code: xxxx
client_id: client-id
tab_id: xxxxxxxx
How can I get session_code and tab_id to create a reset password request from my own website?
I tried with decoding the key that comes with the email link. but couldn't find a way.

Unable to login or reset password

I have and account with heroku but the email used to log into the account has been deleted sometime ago. I am receiving an "There was a problem with your login" when I try to log in. I can't reset the password as I can't receive the email. Any suggestions on how I can log in to that account?

How to change the email of users using verification code in AWS Amplify?

AWS - Amplify - I am using AWS Cognito and AWS Amplify library with React application (backend: NodeJS) and users are doing login with email.
I want to change the user's email using amplify from the front end.
I used this: updateUserAttributes
1. updateUserAttributes() → old email changed to new email, email_verified: false
2. Sent verification code to the new email address
3. When I click the verification code on the mailbox, change to email_verified: true
In this case, if users sent the verification code to the wrong email by mistake, the user can't use and verify the account.
Because this user's email changed on the AWS cognito user pool.
So users must continue using the old email before verifying the new email.
I want to make it like this:
1. Send verification code to the new email address
2. When I click the verification code on the mailbox, the old email change to a new email
and email_verified: true
Understand? I want to change the email after clicking the verification code.
How can you help me?

Cannot login to Philips Hue developer account

I registered an account with
verified my email
attempted to login, but it said I have incorrect password
I used the "Forgot password" to reset the password
gave a new password (which is 1 character less than the original 30 characters)
got a message that the password was successfully reset
But now when I try to login again with the new credentials, it says "Your account is awaiting e-mail verification."
I didn't any new emails for activating, and the link in the old activation email has already expired. There is no option to trigger a resend.
How do I activate my account?

customizing devise flash message after sign up

I would like to show appropriate flash message to the user after he signs up.
My app is configured so that user is logged in automatically after the registration, but he has to confirm the email (he can be logged in for 5 days without confirming the email).
With my current configuration, devise will display the following flash message to the user:
Welcome! You have signed up successfully.
I would like to tell them that they have to confirm the email:
Welcome.. You have signed up successfully. Please confirm your email address by clicking the link..
As I see, this message is already defined in the locales/devise.en.yml with the signed_up_but_unconfirmed but why its not showing up with my configuration?
How should I fix this?
Thanks for help
If you have enabled devise's confirmable module in your user model, after registration the user should be seeing the default text:
"A message with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address. Please open the link to activate your account."
The message above as defined in the devise.en.yml file with the key en:devise:registrations:signed_up_but_unconfirmed