Laravel Multiple Group Chat room using pusher - vue.js

I want to create a multiple chat rooms using laravel and pusher. I have created the chatroom where the user logged in can have a group chat with others who are online. But I want to create where something where a users creates a group and the only those users can chat and multiple users can create multiple groups and chat.
I have made the single chatroom from following the youtube videos from the following link:
Chat Room using Laravel & vue.js
I need some help in building as described above.


How can I send information about user who is trying to book tickets of Eventbrite?

I am trying to implement checkout flow with Eventbrite in my mobile app.
I already know the user's first name, last name, and email.
Is it possible to send this information to Eventbrite during checkout, so users do not have to enter them again while purchasing tickets?
We are building an app that will run on Android and iOS.
Using ReactNative / Heroku / PosgreSQL database

quickblox group chat in Android

Can I create a group chat based on interests? For example in my first activity I want to list some interests such as sports, music, art etc... And user clicks one of them and joins a group chat(could be also a chat-room) to chat other users with same interest. Is this possible with quickblox? Can I use custom parameters for this purpose?
Yeah quickblox offers public group chat feature.

How to get a chat room owner in quickblox?

i want to retrieve that info for can handle the way of the users can view or join to the chat rooms.
i've tried many differents ways, but i can't find how quickblox assign or sets the owner.
You can retrieve chat owners only if you one of them too.

QuickBlox Chat - Are messages stored?

I have a doubt about QuickBlox.
I want to use the chat functionality but I need to know if the messages exchanged between users are stored in database. because I need to retrieve them to show a list of the users I've talked to and the last message, such as facebook app in iOS and Android.
Here is info about chat history

Live chat on website using QuickBlox API

We want to develop website live chat widget using QuickBlox Chaa API.
1) In such widget user need not to login and just start chatting. Can we create one generic user that can be used for all chat sessions ?
2) Second requirement is store chat conversation , is there a way to store chat session there a way to get chat session text. Can we hook into it ?
Please tell us if its possible or not.
1) You have to register on After that, create your project for an your application. Get tokens and keys to access your application. And you will have one primary user to work with QB and its modules.
2) You do not have to ask the user registration. Just give them names for a chat. If you want to use the source code of the widget ChattAR, just remove the registration code. Allow the user to enter a user name by which he enters.
3) Keep the message history you can in a module "Custom objects". This module is a flexible tool, you can create any number of data fields, and select one for each type of data you need.
Also, you can save any files (text etc.) in "Content" module for getting chat session text.