i want to retrieve that info for can handle the way of the users can view or join to the chat rooms.
i've tried many differents ways, but i can't find how quickblox assign or sets the owner.
You can retrieve chat owners only if you one of them too.
I want to create a multiple chat rooms using laravel and pusher. I have created the chatroom where the user logged in can have a group chat with others who are online. But I want to create where something where a users creates a group and the only those users can chat and multiple users can create multiple groups and chat.
I have made the single chatroom from following the youtube videos from the following link:
Chat Room using Laravel & vue.js
I need some help in building as described above.
Can I create a group chat based on interests? For example in my first activity I want to list some interests such as sports, music, art etc... And user clicks one of them and joins a group chat(could be also a chat-room) to chat other users with same interest. Is this possible with quickblox? Can I use custom parameters for this purpose? http://quickblox.com/developers/Android_XMPP_Chat_Sample#Custom_parameters
Yeah quickblox offers public group chat feature.
I want to access a list of who liked a certain sound. I know that with users, you can go to their /followers JSON and retrieve info on the user's followers, 50 users at a time. Is there a way to do that with likes on a single sound?
I have a doubt about QuickBlox.
I want to use the chat functionality but I need to know if the messages exchanged between users are stored in database. because I need to retrieve them to show a list of the users I've talked to and the last message, such as facebook app in iOS and Android.
Here is info about chat history
I'm working on a Win8 metro signup flow and would like to be able to seamlessly pull, using the user-provided phone #, a photo and display name from the built-in "People" app. I'm having trouble finding documentation/code outside of ContactPicker (which isn't what I need).
Couple questions:
Is there an API to pull contact data that would be present in the "People" app?
If so, is there a way to configure capabilities to avoid interrupting the user with a modal "Ok for app xyz to access your address book"?
Confirmed that there is no API to pull contacts programmatically.
You can't pull contacts without permission, it's a security feature. You CAN interrogate the contact data users pick via the Contact Picker though.
You therefore have to ask the user to pick contacts relevant to your task, call the single / multiple contact picker then once picked, you can interrogate the contacts as much as you want. They have phone numbers, emails, locations all the data you might want hanging off those.
As far as I can tell, there's no way to maintain a persistent link to them though, so store that data while you can.