Vba email generator, subject from excel spreadsheet - vba

I have a vba code that generates an email. I would like the subject to be the data from the first and last cells in my list. The thing is, my list isnt of a set length, sometimes it contains 5 pieces of data sometimes 8 etc. How do i tell vba to pick the first and last cell no matter the length of the list?

For me, best practice is to just have cells on your sheet that calculate the first and last row (different ways you can do that), then give those cells a range name such as FirstRow and LastRow. In your vba then you refer to these cells to make your code dynamic.
firstRow = Range("FirstRow)
lastRow = Range("lastRow")
test = range(cells(firstRow,lastRow))
-- Note I have not written VBA in many many years so am writing the above from memory so it may be not be exact.
Of course you can do it all entirely in VBA using the xlDown method mentioned previously but I prefer the transparency of it being on the main page so that easily spot if something breaks.

Where the cell is where you want to start and the End part moves all the way to the end


Loop and Add Range in a place holder

First of all, thanks for everyone who's helped me with my previous concern. I have another loop issue though. What I'm trying to do is store a certain range on a place holder and use for Charts. My code loops through column A to check cells that contain Product/URL and if found, will offset to the next column and will store the range highlighted on a place holder.
What I was able to do so far is to just select the cell with content in-line with cell with Product/URL. Here's my code so far.
Dim ProdCell as Range
For Each ProdCell in [A:A].SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
If Not IsEmpty(Prodcell) and Prodcell.Cells.Value = [A1] Then
End if
Next ProdCell
I believe that if I can find a way to highlight the range using VBA coding, I will be able to loop through it. Please help.

VBA - Possibility of saying that SheetChange in specific Range is "something like True"?

First, I must admit that I am completely newbie here and in VBA mostly too. Thank you for this forum! :)
I have program that reacts on SheetChange to save the data. However, if there is formula added by macro, it doesn't cause the SheetChange. Copying and inserting as values isn't possible - there are 7k rows and the program acts on every SheetChange (colors and other stuff) - the time is not bearable.
Is there any possibility to have EnableEvents = False (to turn of getting SheetChange), then specify the Range of the changed cells (always rather the whole column - there are 2 columns only that interest me) and then let the program save data. The coloring of the cells and so on would remain (this coloring and so on has to stay in the program)
Is it even possible that it would work? If it could, how should I tell the macro that specific Range has SheetChange?
Apologies if the question is totally stupid.
Thank you very much for reading at least.
In the sheet change event, just specify that it should only save when Target is within the specified range. For the formulas, use the Calculate event and repeat essentially the same code.
So, if you only want it to save when the changed cell is in the first column and only within a certain row range (for example), add If Target.Column = 1 And Target.Row > 5 And Target.Row <= 10 Then to your change event.
For the Formula issue, add the following routine
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
'your code here
End Sub

Find/replace conditionally formatted cells

I've been using a conditional format formula =OR(B2=B1,B2=B3) to highlight consecutive duplicates. I then use format painter to copy the formula to all columns in my excel table.
I have set up a button that will, amongst other things, copy a workbook into a new workbook. I now want to include the above formula in this macro. My final objective is to replace all of the cells found with this formula with an asterisk (*).
I first tried to just pop the formula into the macro as a starting point -
For Each sh In Destwb.Worksheets
With sh.UsedRange.FormatConditions _
.Add(Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=OR(B2=B1,B2=B3)")
.Interior.Color = RGB(198, 239, 206)
End With
Next sh
But this just makes a mess of seemingly randomly highlighted cells. I'm not sure where I've gone wrong. Even column B highlights are all wrong. Could the header in B1 affect this? It doesn't when I use the CF normally. How can I expand the CF into all columns uniquely?
Finally, how do I go about working a replacement of formatted cells into this formula? Or is there a quicker/easier way to meet this end-goal?
I didn't realise I could add custom text in that way. That's moved me a good couple of steps forward.
Taking Balinti's suggestion into consideration I've tried a workaround. I was making a couple of assumptions that turned out to be wrong. I have been able to enter the CF into the Array of data that I have in my original workbook. It's not as simple as putting it into a table, but by manually selecting the range in each column and inputting the CF I have made it work.
I also wasn't sure if the formatting would carry through to the new worksheet as I have used the Paste Special command to convert the array formula to values in the new sheet. It does, however, carry the formatting across which is very handy.
It's not the perfect solution for me but it appears to be working so far. I still need to test what happens when I change the date and get updated data. It would still be interesting to know if I can move this formatting into my macro though. Any tips?

Copy cells if specific text is found

I seem to have a problem and currently have not found a solution to it, which is why I address this question to you:
Each day I have a list of invoices and orders coming from different suppliers, and the orders are based on part numbers and types.
This list is imported as text and then goes through a macro I made, to arrange everything in cells.
I also need to go through some steps to format this list based on the type of order (ex: windshield, carpets, wheels, etc ). what I usually do is to filter everything and select the order type that I am interested, and then copy on the same row cells with text and formulas from another worksheet, named "template", which is a list of conditions .
Since it varies from day to day, it may not necessarily contain all part types, which is I couldn't use a macro, and I have to continue by hand, and sometimes the list exceeds 200-300 lines.
To give you an example, if E2 has "windshield" I copy in M2 to Q2 a selection of cells from "Template" (M2 to Q2), if "carpets" I copy M3 to Q3, and so on. the list of conditions is around 15 - 20 rows, and sometimes 2 conditions may apply (if order exceeds $5000 I mark it red, if overdue I bold everything, etc) but mainly I copy based on text in coll E.
If this could be copied into a macro, I would really appreciate it, as I need to take some steps every time, like auto-fit, copy header, format the amounts as number (from text), change text color based on order type, etc, and this too takes time.
I hope this information is enough to make an idea about this, and if not, I could post an example of the list I have to work with.
Many thanks in advance for your support
Use Application.Worksheetfunction.Match to find in which row in Template the to-be-copied cells can be found, then copy range M-Q for this row and paste in your file
You are asking too much in one question to get help here. We are best at single issue questions. The text and code below is intended you give you some ideas. If your code does not work, post the relevant part here and explain the difference between what it does and what you want it to do.
The problems you mention do not sound difficult. I would expect basic VBA to be enough to get you started. Are you looking for bits of relevant code without learning VBA. If you are, this is a big mistake. Search the web for "Excel VBA tutorial" or visit a large library and review their Excel VBA Primers. There are many tutorials and books to choose from so select one that is right for you. The time spent learning the basics will quickly repay itself.
Dim RowCrnt As Long
Dim RowLast As Long
With Worksheets("xxxx")
RowLast = .Cells(Rows.Count,"E").End(xlUp).Row
For RowCrnt = 2 to RowLast
' Code to process each row goes here
End With
The above is probably the structure of your code. The For loop will examine each row in turn which will allow you to take relevant actions.
I have used "E" as a column letter because your question suggests column "E" is the most important. However, code that references columns in this way can be very confusing. Worse, if the column positions change, you will have to work carefully through your code changing the column letters. Better to have some statements at the top like this:
Const ColDate As String = "A"
Const ColAmtInv As string = "B"
Const ColAmtPaid As string = "C"
Const ColProdType As String = "E"
With these constants every reference to a column uses a name not a letter. The code is easier to read and, if a column moves, one change to the constant statement will fix the problem.
The Select Case statement is useful:
Select Case .Cells(RowCrnt, ColProdType).Value
Case "carpets"
' code for carpets
Case "windshield"
' code for carpets
Case Else
' Unknown product type
.Cells(RowCrnt, ColProdType).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
End Select
You can have a string of If statements so multiple actions can occur on a single row:
If DateAdd("m", 1, .Cells(RowCrnt,ColDate).Value) < Now() And _
.Cells(RowCrnt,ColAmtInv).Value) > .Cells(RowCrnt,ColAmtPaid).Value Then
' Invoice overdue
.Rows(RowCrnt).Font.Bold = True
End If
If .Cells(RowCrnt,ColAmtInv).Value) > 5000 Then
' Large invoice
.Rows(RowCrnt).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
End If
You do not have to write the entire macro in one go. If most action is because of the product type then try that first.
Hope this helps get you started.

External Data Pull: Pull more specific data or change macro based on data

This question is somewhat difficult to explain, so bear with me.
I am pulling data from a large table for my company and am trying to create a macro to make this data easier to read/understand. The data that is on the site changes every day based on what caused certain failures in our plant, which causes my macro to analyze data that isn't there or wrong cells (due to rows getting shifted/moved/added/removed). Because I don't think that was really clear, here is an example:
The macro says to select cells J5, J13, and J25. These were, when I was creating the macro, the values I wanted to be put in a list. However, when I pulled the data and ran the macro today, these values were in different spots on my sheet (the value for cell J13 is now in J12). This completely messes up all of the analysis and renders my macro / data pull useless.
Is there a way to have the macro select the data more intelligently? Perhaps have it check for the group name, then select the value from the cell next to it? I wish I could word this better... Thanks if you've gotten this far!
Simply put... yes. Here's a code exert for looking for a groupname and getting the adjacent cell:
Dim Group1Range As Range
'Look in ThisWorkbook
With ThisWorkbook
'Look in Sheet1
With .Sheets(1)
'Look in Column I
With .Columns("I:I")
'Find the text Group1
Set Group1Range = .Find(What:="Group1").Offset(0, 1)
End With
End With
End With
'Indicate the address of the found range
Debug.Print Group1Range.Address
End Sub
Now here are ways that you can improve your question:
Explain how you know that cell J13 is no longer valid, and that J12 is now.
Give us some sample data.
Give us your code.
Tell us what your end result would be, possibly with an example.