Loop and Add Range in a place holder - vba

First of all, thanks for everyone who's helped me with my previous concern. I have another loop issue though. What I'm trying to do is store a certain range on a place holder and use for Charts. My code loops through column A to check cells that contain Product/URL and if found, will offset to the next column and will store the range highlighted on a place holder.
What I was able to do so far is to just select the cell with content in-line with cell with Product/URL. Here's my code so far.
Dim ProdCell as Range
For Each ProdCell in [A:A].SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
If Not IsEmpty(Prodcell) and Prodcell.Cells.Value = [A1] Then
End if
Next ProdCell
I believe that if I can find a way to highlight the range using VBA coding, I will be able to loop through it. Please help.


Vba email generator, subject from excel spreadsheet

I have a vba code that generates an email. I would like the subject to be the data from the first and last cells in my list. The thing is, my list isnt of a set length, sometimes it contains 5 pieces of data sometimes 8 etc. How do i tell vba to pick the first and last cell no matter the length of the list?
For me, best practice is to just have cells on your sheet that calculate the first and last row (different ways you can do that), then give those cells a range name such as FirstRow and LastRow. In your vba then you refer to these cells to make your code dynamic.
firstRow = Range("FirstRow)
lastRow = Range("lastRow")
test = range(cells(firstRow,lastRow))
-- Note I have not written VBA in many many years so am writing the above from memory so it may be not be exact.
Of course you can do it all entirely in VBA using the xlDown method mentioned previously but I prefer the transparency of it being on the main page so that easily spot if something breaks.
Where the cell is where you want to start and the End part moves all the way to the end

Macro to find and delete column based on cell value

I have two sheets in an Excel workbook. I would like a VBA code to search for the content of cell J19 in Sheet2 and delete the column with the matching cell in Sheet1. I have been searching all around Google to look for some VBA codes, but I haven't found anything yet that works.
Does anybody here know how to do this? I have zero experience in VBA.
You could try this code to perform such a task.
Sub FindMatchAndThenDeleteColumn()
FindContent = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("J19")
For Each Cell In Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Cells
If Cell.Value = FindContent Then Columns(Cell.Column).Delete
End Sub
Put the code above in your workbook's module. Note that FindContent and Cell are randomly chosen here, you can use any names. I use
For Each Cell In Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Cells
to loop through every cell that is in use in Sheet1. It will check everything in the range from cell A1 to the last cell with data (the bottom right-most cell). If the content of cell J19 is a text, you can declare the variable FindContent as a String type, i.e. Dim FindContent As String. If it's a number, you can declare it as a Long type or a Single type or any number type that fits the content. Here I don't declare it which means it defaulting to a Variant type. And since you're a beginner in VBA, you may learn it from Excel Easy. Hope this helps.

Excel VBA how to select all cells in a dynamic range were the colour index is not 0

I have a SAP Report embedded in a worksheet, it is refreshed via a macro using variables defined in another worksheet. That all works fine, but i am having trouble selecting the data the report generates.
The headings of the report are in and always will fall in this range ("A17:K17"), but the results rows will vary making the total range I want to capture anywhere from ("A17:K18") to (A17:K1000").
The solutions I've already tried didn't work i think because there is almost no consistency in the result data, it's a mixture of text and numbers with empty cells all over the place, in both the rows and columns. Including the occasional completely empty row. This means the methods I have tried before reach a point where it thinks it's reached the end of the populated rows - but it hasn't.
The only factor that remains the same throughout the report is that the cells in the range I want to capture are all filled with a color as default and anything outside the range is unfilled.
To me the simplest solution would be to use VBA to select all the cells beneath and including the headers on ("A17:K17") where the color index is not 0 (blank?) regardless of their contents as I don't mind capturing empty cells. Except I don't know how to do this.
At this point I'd just like to select this range I haven't decided if I'm going to copy it into a new workbook or into an email yet, but that I can do. I've just hit a dead end selecting it.
Quite unsure exactly what it is you require but here's a solution. It's worth noting that both the ColorIndex and Color properties are not necessarily zero with no fill, so if you just change blankCell to a cell with the fill which you define to be blank you'll be good to go.
Sub test()
Set blankCell = Range("A1") ' change this to a cell that you define to be blank
blankIndex = blankCell.Interior.Color
Set cellsDesired = Range("A17:K17")
For Each cell In Range("A17:K1000")
If cell.Interior.Color <> blankIndex Then
Set cellsDesired = Application.Union(cellsDesired, Range(cell.Address))
End If
Next cell
End Sub

For each cell in a range, if a value in a seperate range is found in the next cell do stuff

This Macro I have built works but I am hoping for a faster version or a Formula that will do the same in less time.
What I Have:
For Each cell In Range("Table_Query_1[[#Data],[Reason2]]")
For Each PossibleValue In Range("F2", Range("F2").End(xlDown))
If Len(cell) = 0 Then
If (InStr(UCase(cell.Offset(0, 1)), UCase(PossibleValue)) <> 0) Then
cell.Value = PossibleValue.Value
End If
Exit For
End If
If Len(cell) = 0 Then
cell.Value = cell.Offset(0, -1)
End If
The only other way I could get anything to work way with the following Array Formula
=IF(ISNA(MATCH($F$3:$F$10,[#Extra Info],0)),[#Reason],$F$3:$F$10)
but this doesn't work for Partial matches as in the case of Row 4 and 9. I also have my doubts that this array formula would be that much faster then a vba macro along with the fact it would also require more upkeep with the test values range (F2:f3) in this case as I would have to constantly update that formula OR I wouild have to make the original range like F2:F100 witch would cause it to take that much longer.
So, what i'd like is if ANY value in my range of values (F2:F3 in this case), Is found inside of the Extra Info Column on the current Row , Then Reason2 of that row (Offset(0, -1)) equals the Value that was matched. But if nothing is found then just use the Reason in that row(Offset(0,1)).
And the second Issue is that I need the Macro to Run After the QueryTable refreshes but if I set it as a Cell Change Event on a cell the is in the query that will change, the macro runs and finishes before the Final querytable is imported and sorted.
This is post the comment that I posted above which had the initial formula.
=IF(COUNT(FIND($F$2:$F$3,C1)),"What Will Go Here",A1)
The below tells you what has to go in place of "What Will Go Here"
Put this formula in cell B2. Note that this is an Array Formula. You will have to press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER after you enter the formula.
FIND($F$2:$F$4,C2,1) when used with an array returns an array. To check the values you can highlight it and press F9 and it will tell you the position at which the match is found. See this screenshot
So it tells us that it found the match at the 3rd position in 4532. It yet doesn't tell us with what did it find a match.
Now the next step is to retrieve the position of that number from the array. So in the above example it will be position 2 and to find that position we will use MATCH() and to use MATCH we will need that 3
So to retrieve 3 from the array we use this formula
Now we have that 3 so we will use it in Match to find the position in the Possible Value
This will give us 2
Now we know the position of the number in the Possible Value. To find that number we will use INDEX
SAMPLE Workbook
This is a solution I came across that does not have to be Array Entered and seems to run faster then Siddharth Rout's solution. I am using the formula
Where I am looking for any word in C2 that is in the range F2:F4. If none found it will throw an ERROR and in that situation I know nothing was found and simply return the original reason.
Not shown in the picture I also turn F2:F4 into a named range called Reasons and change the formula too:

Incrementing the row and Deleting a row using vba IN EXCEL

The above statement selects the 25th row of H column.Now The thing I want to know is,
How do i increment the row putting H constant?
yeah I have seen these on the google $h24 where column stays constant and row keeps on incrementing.
But i have to increment it from H25 to the end I dont know where does H column end. how do i make that?We can declare a variable right using VBA and incremenet it?
I was thinkin to put it like these Range("Hvariablename")?
The actual Task I need to do is I have to check rows from H25 to the end and get their values to my VBA and make some calcutaions then right it back to them Im stucked at incrementing the rows.And could anyone please let me know the macro to delete a row from the vba itself?Thank you
I believe you can provide some further details about how this range is supposed to looks like. When you mean "have to check rows from H25 to the end and" what's the END here?
If you're manually copying the formula down, it will automatically goes until the last row with values in column G. Is that your case? I'm not assuming the H rows below row 25 already have some values. Is this the case?
If you use as END the last row with values in column G, you can use Selection.AutoFill.
If you already have values in column H and want to go through them, you can define a dynamic range and loop through it in VBA.
To define a dynamic range: Add a new range, based in this formula (you may need to adapt it according to your needs, obviously)
And then, in VBA, go through it.
Sub TEST()
Dim oCell As Excel.Range
Dim oRange As Excel.Range
Set oRange = [TestRange]
For Each oCell In oRange
Debug.Print oCell.VALUE
Next oCell
End Sub
In time: To delete an entire row in Excel, you'll use
A Do While() Loop sounds like what you might need.
Do While(cells(row,col)<>"")
'Some code to be executed on cell(row,col)
Or you could do the same thing with for loop
and find the last cell using lastRow=Cells("H24").End(xlDown).Row. (It is the same thing as pressing Ctrl+Down. so if there are empty cells between cell H25 and the end you will need to account for that).
Either way I'd definitely look into using the R1C1 cell reference style for moving through cells instead of the A1 style. You moving through lettered columns is much more difficult than numbered columns. Also you should keep in mind that the "last row" in Excel 2007 is a very high number and looping all the way until the end can take a lot longer than looping until the last important cell.
I hope that's on the right track.