Get list of queries to oracle database - sql

I use EF and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess to get/update/delete data from Oracle database.
How can I get history list of PL/SQL queries for this Oracle database ?

You can use this sql statement to get the history for any date:
SELECT * FROM V$SQL V where first_load_time LIKE '2015-05-04%';
Repeated: Find out the history of SQL queries
I don't know how to set the question as duplicated...


Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle SQL Developer

I linked an Oracle Database to my SQL Server in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18. Server Objects -> Linked Servers.
I have a SQL Statement that when I run on the Oracle Developer Tool/Platform it returns the information as expected. But when I run the exact same query on the SQL Server it returns the incorrect results (The actual values in the rows and columns do not match).
What I know.
The table I am query in lives in the Oracle Database.
I can get the same/matching results on the Oracle Developer and SQL Server if I exclude in my WHERE statement anything involving a DATE.
Any thoughts?
The example of the query below.
Works on Oracle Developer but not on MSSQL
WHERE status = 'Deviation' and trunc(SRC_ROW_UPDT) BETWEEN TO_DATE('01/03/2020', 'DD/MM/YYYY') AND TO_DATE('10/12/2020','DD/MM/YYYY');
The example of the query below.
Works on both Oracle Developer and MSSQL
WHERE status = 'Deviation' and BATCHID = 'ThisBAtchID';
You cannot use ORACLE specific functions like TO_DATE in SQL Server calls. You have to execute them remotely using OPENQUERY. OPENQUERY in MSDN
WHERE status = ''Deviation'' and trunc(SRC_ROW_UPDT) BETWEEN TO_DATE(''01/03/2020'', ''DD/MM/YYYY'') AND TO_DATE(''10/12/2020'',''DD/MM/YYYY'');');

Oracle system information query - Database instance level

I am writing a performance/system monitoring tool to augment load testing for my team's product and I am trying to store database system information with the results bundle but do not know how to write the query to capture this in Oracle (I'm a developer not a DBA).
I have this all working the way I want for SQL Server, but I need to do the same for Oracle. Below is a query I found online for this is SQL Server:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(128),SERVERPROPERTY('ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS')) AS 'computerNamePhysicalNetBIOS',
CONVERT(varchar(128),SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName')) AS 'machineName',
CONVERT(varchar(128),SERVERPROPERTY('Edition')) AS 'edition',
CONVERT(varchar(128),SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel')) AS 'productLevel',
CONVERT(varchar(128),SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion')) AS 'productVersion',
CONVERT(varchar(128),SERVERPROPERTY('BuildClrVersion')) AS 'buildClrVersion',
CONVERT(INT,SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition')) AS 'engineEdition',
CONVERT(INT,SERVERPROPERTY('HadrManagerStatus')) AS 'hadrManagerStatus',
CONVERT(INT,SERVERPROPERTY('IsHadrEnabled')) AS 'hadrEnabled',
CONVERT(INT,SERVERPROPERTY('IsAdvancedAnalyticsInstalled')) AS 'advancedAnalyticsInstalled',
CONVERT(INT,SERVERPROPERTY('IsClustered')) AS 'clustered',
CONVERT(INT,SERVERPROPERTY('IsPolybaseInstalled')) AS 'polybaseInstalled',
CONVERT(INT,SERVERPROPERTY('IsXTPSupported')) AS 'xtpSupported',
CONVERT(varchar(128),SERVERPROPERTY('ResourceVersion')) AS 'resourceVersion',
CONVERT(varchar(128),SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName')) AS 'serverName',
CONVERT(varchar(128),APP_NAME() )AS 'appName',
CONVERT(varchar(128),DB_NAME()) AS 'dbName'
I don't really expect a one-to-one column match between the above query and Oracle's version, but in general, how can I get very similar information from Oracle?
I don't really expect a one-to-one column match between the above
query and Oracle's version, but in general, how can I get very similar
information from Oracle?
Most of that stuff, if it exists at all in the Oracle database, will be accessible through V$ views in the Oracle database. To get you started, here are some that are going to be most relevant to answering your question:
select * from v$instance;
select * from v$version;
select * from v$sql_feature;
select * from v$license;
select * from v$option;
If you want to get a complete list of V$ views to look around better,
select * from dict where table_name like 'V$%';
Some of those things are specific to MSSQL and have no meaning in Oracle. But you can get many of them with sys_context() using the userenv namespace.
For instance, to get the database name:
select sys_context('userenv', 'DB_NAME') as db_name
from dual;

query oracle database for availability

Is there a lightweight sql statement that I can against an oracle database to test if the database is up, available and able to exceute sql?
FROM dual
is a common one. You could select any constant value from DUAL as well.
If you don't want to connect first, you could query through a link, for example, I have a set of links to an external system and I run SQL of the following form:
select * from global_name#myLink01.WORLD;
If you write the sql statement to describe dual table, then also you will get to know it whether db is up and running.
desc dual;

Oracle and Sybase compatibility for create table new_table as

I am trying to write an SQL query which needs to be compatible on both a Sybase and Oracle database. The query looks like the following :
INTO new_table
FROM other_table
This query is working great on a Sybase database but not on an Oracle one. I found the equivalent for Oracle :
CREATE table new_table AS
FROM other_table
Is there a way to write a third query that would do the same and that can be executed on a Sybase and on an Oracle database?
As you found, Oracle supports INTO but doesn't use it like Sybase/SQL Server do. Likewise, Sybase doesn't support Oracle's extension of the CREATE TABLE syntax.
The most reliable means of creating a table & importing data between the systems is to use two statements:
CREATE TABLE new_table (
INSERT INTO new_table
Even then, syntax is different because Oracle requires each statement to be delimited by a semi-colon when TSQL doesn't.
Creating a table & importing all the data from another table is a red flag to me - This is not something you'd do in a stored procedure for a production system. TSQL and PLSQL are very different, so I'd expect separate scripts for DML changes.
There is no query that would do what you want. These environments are very different.
It is possible.
SELECT * INTO new_table FROM existing_table;

SQL Server: How to get a subitem of sp_helplanguage?

Question: I can get the SQL Server database language by querying:
SELECT ##language
And I can get further info via
EXEC sp_helplanguage
How can I query for a column of sp_helplanguage where name= ##language
I do SELECT * FROM sp_helplanguage WHERE name='DEUTSCH'
but that obviously doesn't work.
What's the correct way to query it ?
You need to query the underlying system catalog table directlry:
SELECT * FROM sys.syslanguages WHERE name='DEUTSCH'