Is there any performance-wise better option for exporting data to local than Redshift unload via s3? - amazon-s3

I'm working on a Spring project that needs exporting Redshift table data into local a single CSV file. The current approach is to:
Execute Redshift UNLOAD to write data across multiple files to S3 via JDBC
Download said files from S3 to local
Joining them together into one single CSV file
FROM target_audience
WHERE #{#TYPE_ID} is not null
AND #{#TYPE_ID} != \'\'
TO '#{#s3basepath}#{#s3jobpath}target_audience#{#unique}_'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=#{#accesskey};aws_secret_access_key=#{#secretkey}'
The above approach has been fine and all. But i think the overall performance can be improved by, for example skipping the S3 part and get data directly from Redshift to local.
After searching through online resources, i found that you can export data from redshift directly through psql or to perform SELECT queries and move the result data myself. But neither option can top Redshift UNLOAD performance with parallel writing.
So is there any way i can mimic UNLOAD parallel writing to achieve the same performance without having to go through S3 ?

You can avoid the need to join files together by using UNLOAD with the PARALLEL OFF parameter. It will output only one file.
This will, however, create multiple files if the filesize exceeds 6.2GB.
See: UNLOAD - Amazon Redshift
It is doubtful that you would get better performance by running psql, but if performance is important for you then you can certainly test the various methods.

We do exactly same as you'r trying to do here. In our performance comparison, it found to be almost same or even better in some cases in our user case. Hence programming and debugging wise its easy. As there is practically one step.
//replace user/password,host,region,dbname appropriately in given command
psql postgresql:// -c "select C1,C2 from sch1.tab1" > ABC.csv
This enables us to avoid 3 steps,
Unload using JDBC
Download the exported Data from S3
Decompress gzip file, (this we used to save network Input/Output).
On other hand also saving some cost(S3 storing, though its negligible).
By the way, pgsql(9.0+) onwards, sslcompression is bydefault on.


creating a single parquet file in s3 pyspark job

I have written a pyspark program that is reading data from cassandra and writing into aws s3 . Before writing into s3 I have to do repartition(1) or coalesce(1) as this creates one single file otherwise it creates multiple parquet files in s3 .
using repartition(1) or coalesce(1) has performance issue and I feel creating one big partition is not good option with huge data .
what are ways to create one single file in s3 but without compromising on performance ?
coalesce(1) or repartition(1) will put all your data on 1 partition (with a shuffle step when you use repartition compare to coalesce). In that case, only 1 worker will have to write all your data, which is the reason why you have performance issues - you already figured it out.
That is the only way you can use Spark to write 1 file on S3. Currently, there is no other way using just Spark.
Using Python (or Scala), you can do some other things. For example, you write all your files with spark without changing the number of partitions, and then :
you acquire your files with python
you concatenate your files as one
you upload that one file on S3.
It works well for CSV, not that well for non-sequential file type.

How to fix the block size in external databricks tables?

I have a SQL notebook to change data and insert into another table.
I have a situation when I'm trying to change the storaged block size in blobStorage, I want to have less and bigger files. I try change a lot of parameters.
So i found a behaviour.
When I run the notebook the command create the files with almost 10MB for each.
If I create the table internaly in databricks and run another comand
create external_table as
select * from internal_table
the files had almost 40 MB...
So my question is..
There is a way to fix the minimal block size in external databricks tables?
When i'm transforming data in a SQL Notebook we have best pratices? like transform all data and store locally so after that move the data to external source?
Spark doesn't have a straightforward way to control the size of output files. One method people use is to call repartition or coalesce to the number of desired files. To use this to control the size of output files, you need to have an idea of how many files you want to create, e.g. to create 10MB files, if your output data is 100MB, you could call repartition(10) before the write command.
It sounds like you are using Databricks, in which case you can use the OPTIMIZE command for Delta tables. Delta's OPTIMIZE will take your underlying files and compact them for you into approximately 1GB files, which is an optimal size for the JVM in large data use cases.

loading a pg_dump off of s3 into redshift

I'm trying to load a complete database dump into Redshift. Is there a single command to restore the data from a pg_dump living on s3 into Redshift? If not, what are the best steps for tackling this?
If you have a non compressed pg_dump this should be possible using a psql command (you may need to manually edit to get the right syntax, depending on your versions and options set).
However this is a very inefficient and slow way to load redshift and I do not recommend it. If your tables are large it could take days or weeks!
What you need to do is this:
create target tables on redshift based upon the source table, but
considering sort keys and distribution.
unload you postgres source tables into csv files using postgres
"copy" command
If the source csv files are very big (e.g. more than say 100MB),
consider splitting these into separate files as they will load
faster (redshift will parallelize)
gzip the csv files (recommended but not essential)
upload these csv files to s3, with a separate folder per table
load the data into redshift from s3 by using the redshift copy

is Parquet predicate pushdown works on S3 using Spark non EMR?

Just wondering if Parquet predicate pushdown also works on S3, not only HDFS. Specifically if we use Spark (non EMR).
Further explanation might be helpful since it might involve understanding on distributed file system.
I was wondering this myself so I just tested it out. We use EMR clusters and Spark 1.6.1 .
I generated some dummy data in Spark and saved it as a parquet file locally as well as on S3.
I created multiple Spark jobs with different kind of filters and column selections. I ran these tests once for the local file and once for the S3 file.
I then used the Spark History Server to see how much data each job had as input.
For the local parquet file: The results showed that the column selection and filters were pushed down to the read as the input size was reduced when the job contained filters or column selection.
For the S3 parquet file: The input size was always the same as the Spark job that processed all of the data. None of the filters or column selections were pushed down to the read. The parquet file was always completely loaded from S3. Even though the query plan (.queryExecution.executedPlan) showed that the filters were pushed down.
I will add more details about the tests and results when I have time.
Yes. Filter pushdown does not depend on the underlying file system. It only depends on the spark.sql.parquet.filterPushdown and the type of filter (not all filters can be pushed down).
See for the pushdown logic.
Here's the keys I'd recommend for s3a work
spark.sql.parquet.filterPushdown true
spark.sql.parquet.mergeSchema false
spark.hadoop.parquet.enable.summary-metadata false
spark.sql.orc.filterPushdown true
spark.sql.orc.splits.include.file.footer true
spark.sql.orc.cache.stripe.details.size 10000
spark.sql.hive.metastorePartitionPruning true
For committing the work. use the S3A "zero rename committer" (hadoop 3.1+) or the EMR equivalent. The original FileOutputCommitters are slow and unsafe
Recently I tried this with Spark 2.4 and seems like Pushdown predicate works with s3.
This is the spark sql query:
explain select * from default.my_table where month = '2009-04' and site = '' limit 100;
And here is the part of output:
PartitionFilters: [isnotnull(month#6), (month#6 = 2009-04)], PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(site), EqualTo(site,
Which clearly stats that PushedFilters is not empty.
Note: The used table was created on top of AWS S3
Spark uses the HDFS parquet & s3 libraries so the same logic works.
(and in spark 1.6 they've added even a faster shortcut for flat schema parquet files)

Exporting query results as JSON via Google BigQuery API

I've got jobs/queries that return a few hundred thousand rows. I'd like to get the results of the query and write them as json in a storage bucket.
Is there any straightforward way of doing this? Right now the only method I can think of is:
set allowLargeResults to true
set a randomly named destination table to hold the query output
create a 2nd job to extract the data in the "temporary" destination table to a file in a storage bucket
delete the random "temporary" table.
This just seems a bit messy and roundabout. I'm going to be wrapping all this in a service hooked up to a UI that would have lots of users hitting it and would rather not be in the business of managing all these temporary tables.
1) As you mention the steps are good. You need to use Google Cloud Storage for your export job. Exporting data from BigQuery is explained here, check also the variants for different path syntax.
Then you can download the files from GCS to your local storage.
Gsutil tool can help you further to download the file from GCS to local machine.
With this approach you first need to export to GCS, then to transfer to local machine. If you have a message queue system (like Beanstalkd) in place to drive all these it's easy to do a chain of operation: submit jobs, monitor state of the job, when done initiate export to GCS, then delete the temp table.
Please also know that you can update a table via the API and set the expirationTime property, with this aproach you don't need to delete it.
2) If you use the BQ Cli tool, then you can set output format to JSON, and you can redirect to a file. This way you can achieve some export locally, but it has certain other limits.
this exports the first 1000 line as JSON
bq --format=prettyjson query --n=1000 "SELECT * from publicdata:samples.shakespeare" > export.json