React Select 2 - Portal menu positioning - react-select

Is it possible to take control of React-Select 2's menu positioning? I'm using it inside React Virtualized table rows but then I'm rendering the dropdown to a portal outside of the row. I have set menuPosition to fixed but React-Select 2 has delayed automatic positioning which is far too slow, so I would like to take control of the positioning myself.

You can override the Components styles by adding a styles prop to your Select, targeting the component. React-Select uses emotionCSS for styling, rather than classes, so it can key off of state changes.
const styles = {
menuPortal: (base, state) => {
let overrideProps = {};
// do something here
return Object.assign(base, overrideProps);
<Select styles={styles} />
You can find additional info in the Styles section of the documentation.


how to switch the theme of self created react page by click the switch button on the nav bar

Already Wrap my page with
When switch the button, the color of nav bar changes, but not the page content.
I can change the content theme by importing the following files from ant design;
import 'antd/dist/antd.css'; //white mode
//import 'antd/dist/antd.dark.css'; //dark mode
so how to import different css file by click on the switch button?
Create two separate components for darkMode and whiteMode and use conditional rendering with states or context provider with onClick function.
import darkMode styles inside <DarkModeComponent/> and whiteMode styles in <WhiteModeComponent/>.
const [darkmode,setDarkmode]=useState(false)
and onClick function in like below:
function onClick(){ setState (s => !s) };
and in your components:
return ({darkmode ? <DarkModeComponent/> : <WhiteModeComponent/>})
Also, you can use context Provider for handling this state and pass it to child this : context.provider for swithing theme

React Native - What's the best way to provide a global theme?

I've started using RN recently and have been doing some research on the implementation of themes and/or a dark-light mode. Here's roughly how I understand the two main options so far:
Context: Easy setup and can be accessed via hook inside the component that needs it. I count things like the React Navigation themes since that works, in essence, the same way(?)
Styled Components: Essentially just replacing the components with custom ones that access the current theme and that can then be set up to change their props on toggle if needed.
What I don't like about context, is that (the way I understand it) it wouldn't let me access the theme when using a StyleSheet, since that's outside the component. With the styled components on the other hands I'm not sure if I can cover all options inside my custom components, wouldn't I still need some sort of hook in each component anyway?
I was also thinking about just saving the current theme into my Store (in my case Zustand), together with an action that lets me toggle to a dark-mode. But so far, I haven't really seen anyone else do that, is there a downside to doing it that way?
It's not hard to pass context to your stylesheet, it just requires a bit of extra boilerplate. Something like the below:
import ThemeContext from '<path>';
export default () => {
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
const stylesWithTheme = styles(theme);
return <Text style={stylesWithTheme.text>Hi</Text>;
const styles = theme => StyleSheet.create({
text: {
color: themeStyles.color[theme];
const themeStyles = {
color: {
dark: '#FFF',
light: '#000',
I don't think using styled components would be a big departure from the above scheme.
If you did store your theme in state, and define your styles within the body of the component, that could be a savings in boilerplate. It's up to you whether having your styles in the component body is acceptable.
Side note, if you're already using a state manager, I would recommend not mixing it with the Context API without knowing more. It's simpler to have one solution there.

'Watching` localStorage for a change

I have a vue app which has a feature than can change the theme, for example, light/dark,
Initially, I've set in my localStorage.setItem['app_theme', 'light'],
I have my app theme changer function in the Header.vue component, and after clicking the theme changer toggle button, it also changes the localStorage['app_theme'] = 'dark'.
Now, in my other components, I have some computed values/variables/properties like this:
computed() {
app_card() {
return localStorage.getItem('app_theme') === 'dark' ? 'card-dark' : 'card-light'; //these are some classes with their respective theme css
app_text() {
return localStorage.getItem('app_theme') === 'dark' ? 'text-dark' : 'text-light'; //these are some classes with their respective theme css
I've thought about using polling to get the localStorage.getItem('app_theme') value every 2 secs, but I think this'll slow down my app.
Are there any other alternatives to listen for localstorage item change without polling?
This is exactly what the observer pattern is for.
You create an event "OnAppThemeChange". You can subscribe to that event with all your components.
Then whenever your App Theme changed you call your event, and all the components will refresh their App Theme.
This removes the need of Refreshing the theme every 2 seconds. It will only refresh when you actually change the theme.
Usefull links:

Insert scopedSlot into d3 svg using foreignObject

I'm creating a chart component using d3js and Vue (v2). In some parts, I want to support custom user content using scoped slots (in this case, custom tooltips)
<template slot="tooltip" slot-scope="{ data }">
<span>{{ data }}</span>
But I'm struggling to render this using d3js on a vuejs component render function. I'm trying to do something like:
Obviously, the html method isn't appropriated. I can't find anything like this online. All other examples use the component template to insert the foreignObject and Vue component on the SVG. Nothing using d3js
As user I refer to developers. This code is for a lib.
Just in case anyone wants to implement something like this, I manage to resolve my issue.
SVG has a concept of foreignObject which allows me to inject HTML inside an SVG. The next step is, somehow, to render the Vue component to HTML.
I'm using vue2, Vuetify, and d3js v6
Rendering the component
returns a VNode[], so using Vue.extend I create a new component, instantiate it and mount it to a div inside the foreignObject like this:
// Call the scoped slot, which returns a vnode[]
const vnodes = this.$scopedSlots["tooltip"]({
// Append a foreignObject to an g
const fo = g?.append("foreignObject");
// Append a div to the foreignObject, which will be the vue component mount point
fo?.append("xhtml:div").attr("id", id);
// Create a new component which only render our vnodes inside a div
const component = Vue.extend({
render: (h) => {
return h(
{staticClass: "foreign-object-container"}
// Create a instance of this new component
const c = new component();
// I'm using vuetify, so I inject it here
c.$vuetify = this.$vuetify;
// Mount the component. This call will render the HTML
c.$mount("#" + id);
// Get the component rect
const bbox = c?.$el.getBoundingClientRect();
// Resize the ForeignObject to match our injected component size
return fo
?.attr("width", bbox?.width ?? 0)
.attr("height", bbox?.height ?? 0);
This successfully renders our component inside an SVG using d3js. At least it appears inside the DOM.
At this point, I faced 2 new problems.
Invalid component size
After rendering the Vue component inside the foreignObject it reported width equals 0. So, based on this I used the next styles:
.foreign-object-container {
display: inline-flex;
overflow: hidden;
And voilá, habemus a visible Vue component.
Scroll, ForeignObject, and the old Webkit Bug
My use case is this: The chart is responsive, so it re-renders after every container resizes (with some debounce), but to prevent deformations I set a minimum width to every element. With some screen sizes, this provokes some overflow, which inserts a scrollbar (browser behavior).
This is exactly what I want. But I'm using some Vuetify components on my scopedSlot which have a position: relative style.
Enters, an old bug on WebKit (Google Chrome, Safari, and Edge Chromium). This is better explained here and here
The solution in my case is simple. As I stated before, my foreignObject was resized to match the rendered component. So, to prevent my components to be wrongly drawn, I change my styles a little bit.
.foreign-object-container {
display: inline-flex;
overflow: hidden;
position: sticky;
position: -webkit-sticky;
Now, my teammates can use a generic chart with scroll support and customize some pieces of it using any Vue component (at least for now )

Change state from other component (without passing setState function)

I have a quite decent background in android but now I am starting digging into react native and I am really confused with the ways to change the state of a component through hooks and set state function.
To the point, I have my main screen and I have many small components which change visibility. This is done by letting the user change some filter settings within dialogs. So the suggested way to do that is by having a hook in my main screen with a list that holds the values for the visibility of each component. But since I change the visibility of the components from inside the modals, every time I want to show a modal I will have to pass in a different function(for example setComponentEnable or setComponentDisabled) to set the state for each component. So my main screen will be polluted from all these small functions. Also I should not forget to mention that my modals are consisted from many smaller components and I will have to pass as deep as it goes the proper function to match the user action.
So my question is, is there a way to do this thing without polluting my main with all these small functions and make it possible for the main screen to update every time the user change the filters within the modals?
I already read about context but the docs say:
Context is designed to share data that can be considered “global” for a tree of React components, such as the current authenticated user, theme, or preferred language.
So I dont think that this should be a great case for context use.
What I am trying to do now is create a hook with a list
const [isibility, setVisibility] = useState([]);
create visibility handler functions
const setVisibilityEnable = () => {
and pass it into my modal.
Is there a way to manipulate the state without passing all these callbacks to the modals? Or maybe is there anyone that can suggest a better and clean solution to avoid end up having a really huge main screen?
you can include all the settings in one object and pass that object to all the components. Then each component will then modify that object accordingly.
const defaultVisibility = {
childComponentOne: true,
childComponentTwo: true,
const [visibilityObject, setVisibilityObject] = useState(defaultVisibility);
pass both the function and the object into your child components:
<ChildComponentOne visibilityObject={visibilityObject} setVisibilityObject={setVisibilityObject} />
Then in your child component, you set the visibility like so:
setVisibilityObject({...visibilityObject, childComponentOne: false});
Why you don't just pass a property to your modal and check if changed in oncomponentdidchange method?
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.props.yourPoperty!== prevProps.yourPoperty) {
//do your visibility stuff
Alternatively you can do it with redux when you connect your components to the store.