if condition between from time and to time vb.net - vb.net

i am trying to write a if condition in Vb.net where i would like to call a SQL procedure if the IF condition is satisfied.But the below condition which I am using is not working . Please let me know when i am wrong.
Dim dt As DateTime, hh As Integer, mm As Integer
dt = DateTime.Now
hh = dt.Hour
mm = dt.Minute
If ((hh > 00 or mm > 30) and (hh <= 9 or mm < 30 )) Then
End if
Need help if the if condition is correct .

I guess the condition is that the current time is between 0:30 and 9:30.
Dim now = DateTime.Now
Dim startTime = DateTime.Today.AddMinutes(30)
Dim endTime = DateTime.Today.AddHours(9).AddMinutes(30)
If now > startTime AndAlso now < endTime Then
End If
Note that you should use AndAlso and OrElse instead of And and Or


Exclude weekends in delivery date

I have a code that gets an ETA (estimated time of arrival) but I want it to exclude weekends. I also have it to change the ETA if its past 2:30PM.
Dim ETA1 As Date = Date.Today.AddDays(1)
Dim ETA2 As Date = Date.Today.AddDays(2)
Dim ETA3 As Date = Date.Today.AddDays(3)
Dim day As String = Format(Today, "dddd")
Dim time As Date
Dim CurrHour As Integer
Dim CurrMinute As Integer
time = DateTime.Now
CurrHour = time.Hour
CurrMinute = time.Minute
If StoreBox.Text Like "25*" Then
MicroLabel.Visible = True
If CurrHour >= 2 AndAlso CurrMinute >= 30 Then
ETABox.Text = ETA2
ETABox.Text = ETA1
End If
MicroLabel.Visible = False
If CurrHour >= 2 AndAlso CurrMinute >= 30 Then
ETABox.Text = ETA2
ETABox.Text = ETA1
End If
End If
DateTime is a very flexible type which allows you to easily perform many date/time related actions. You don't need to perform a string-like analysis (what your code is doing).
For example, to take care of the two requested functionalities, just do something like:
Dim curTime As DateTime = Now
Dim goAhead As Boolean = True
If curTime.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Saturday OrElse curTime.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Sunday Then
goAhead = False
ElseIf curTime > New DateTime(curTime.Year, curTime.Month, curTime.Day, 14, 30, 0) Then
goAhead = False
End If
If goAhead Then
'Weekday before 2:30 PM
End If

VB.NET - Given a date, how can I get the date of last four fridays?

Given today's date want to get the date of the each Friday for the last four weeks.
Here is an easy LINQ approach:
Dim today = Date.Today
Dim lastFridays = From d In Enumerable.Range(0, Int32.MaxValue)
Let dt = today.AddDays(-d)
Where dt.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Friday
Select dt
Dim lastFourFridays As Date() = lastFridays.Take(4).ToArray()
Since it's not the most efficient approach, here is a query that is still readable and maintainable but only searches the first friday and then takes only every 7th day:
Dim lastFriday = lastFridays.First() ' reuse of above query '
Dim fridays = From d In Enumerable.Range(0, Int32.MaxValue)
Let dt = lastFriday.AddDays(-d * 7)
Select dt
Dim lastFourFridays As Date() = fridays.Take(4).ToArray()
You may consume this one, which returns a list of such dates and excludes the one if the specifiedDate date is Friday:
Public Shared Function GetLastFourFridays(specifiedDate As DateTime) As List(Of DateTime)
Dim dtm As New List(Of DateTime)()
Dim dt As DateTime = specifiedDate
For i As Integer = 0 To 6
dt = dt.AddDays(-1)
If dt.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Friday Then
Exit For
End If
Return dtm
End Function
and the way you use it is:
Dim dtm As List(Of DateTime) = GetLastFourFridays(DateTime.Now)
For Each d As var In dtm
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Date: {0}, Day: {1}", d.ToString(), [Enum].Parse(GetType(DayOfWeek), d.DayOfWeek.ToString())))
Here is my way:
Function Last4Friday(ByVal StartDate As Date) As array
Dim L4F()
Dim mDate as date = StartDate
For value As Integer = 1 To 7
mDate = mDate.AddDays(-1)
If mDate.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Friday Then
L4F = {mDate, mDate.AddDays(-7), mDate.AddDays(-14), mDate.AddDays(-21)}
exit for
End If
Return L4F
End Function
Edit: If you need to check the inserted date and you want it returned in the array you may simply use:
Dim mDate as date = StartDate.AddDays(1)
instead of
Dim mDate as date = StartDate
Try this. It doesn't use a loop to find the starting Friday.
Dim someDate As DateTime = DateTime.Now
If someDate.DayOfWeek <> DayOfWeek.Friday Then
'do the math to get a Friday
someDate = someDate.AddDays(DayOfWeek.Friday - someDate.AddDays(1).DayOfWeek - 6)
End If
Dim last4Fridays As New List(Of DateTime) From {someDate, someDate.AddDays(-7), someDate.AddDays(-14), someDate.AddDays(-21)}
All of the other suggestions have used a loop to find the starting Friday. If this code is used infrequently then how the starting Friday is determined might not matter.
edit: as function
Function FindLastFourFridays(someDate As DateTime) As List(Of DateTime)
'Find first Friday to include
If someDate.DayOfWeek <> DayOfWeek.Friday Then
someDate = someDate.AddDays(DayOfWeek.Friday - someDate.AddDays(1).DayOfWeek - 6)
' uncomment these two lines if you do not want initial someDate.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Friday to be included
' someDate = someDate.AddDays(-7)
End If
'build the return (four fridays)
Dim last4Fridays As New List(Of DateTime) From {someDate, someDate.AddDays(-7), someDate.AddDays(-14), someDate.AddDays(-21)}
Return last4Fridays
End Function
This function does not need to be passed a date it picks up today's date and gets the last four Friday's from today. It can be changed around to get any day of the week.
Dim todaysDate As Date = Date.Today
Dim oldDay As Integer
Dim thisWeek As Date
Dim firstWeek As Date
Dim secondWeek As Date
Dim thirdWeek As Date
Dim fourthWeek As Date
'finds the Friday of the end of the current week No mattter what day you are working
Dim daycount As Integer
'use this to check specific dates "Dim datetime As New DateTime(2015, 4, 13)"
oldDay = Weekday(todaysDate)
thisWeek = todaysDate
If oldDay < 6 Then
daycount = 6 - oldDay
thisWeek = thisWeek.AddDays(+daycount)
ElseIf oldDay > 6 Then
daycount = oldDay - 6
thisWeek = thisWeek.AddDays(-daycount)
End If
Dim currentDate As Date = Now
Do While Not currentDate.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Friday
currentDate = currentDate.AddDays(-1)
fourthWeek = currentDate.AddDays(-21)
thirdWeek = currentDate.AddDays(-14)
secondWeek = currentDate.AddDays(-7)
firstWeek = currentDate

how to compare 2 datetimepicker vb.net

I'd like to compare 2 DateTimePicker's value
Dim dd1 As Date, dd2 As Date
Dim diff As Integer
dd1 = DateTimePicker1.Value
dd2 = DateTimePicker2.Value
diff = DateDiff("d", dd1, dd2)
If diff > 0 Then
End If
but it doesn't work could you help me please
Another way to compare would be to use the DateTime.Compare function. For a simple "Are they the same?" you could try:
If Not DateTime.Compare(dd1,dd2) = 0 then
'they are diffent
End If
Or if you want to be more specific then you might go with something like this:
If Not DateTime.Compare(dd1,dd2) = 0 then
'they are same
ElseIf DateTime.Compare(dd1,dd2) > 0 then
'dd1 is later than dd2
'dd1 is prior to dd2
End If
You can see more about DateTime.Comare here on MSDN
If You are using DateDiff() then there are three case can be possible:-
1) DatePicker1 date is bigger than DatePicker2
2) DatePicker1 date is lower than DatePicker2
3) DatePicker1 date is equal to DatePicker2
To handle this, You have to use this
diff = DateDiff("d", dd1, dd2)
If diff > 0 Then
MsgBox("datetimpicker1 is greater than datetimepicker2")
Else If diff < 0 Then
MsgBox("datetimpicker1 is lesser than datetimepicker2")
MsgBox("datetimpicker1 is equal to datetimepicker2")
End If

Obtain period by subtract start datetime and end datetime with workday

I am trying to implement a method in VB.NET that could subtract a start datetime and datetime, and result this specific string period "D.HH:mm:ss", observing that the day doesn't have 24 hours, but only 8 hours.
My function to do the subtract return only the diff in hours and as decimal:
Public Function WH(ByVal date1 As Date, ByVal date2 As Date,
Optional ByVal considerwk As Boolean = True) As Decimal
Dim ini_tim As DateTime = DateTime.Parse("08:00")
Dim end_tim As DateTime = DateTime.Parse("18:00")
Dim _res As Integer
Do While date1 <= date2
If Hour(date1) >= Hour(ini_tim) And Hour(date1) <= Hour(end_tim) Then
If considerwk = True Then
If Weekday(date1) <> vbSaturday And Weekday(date1) <> vbSunday Then
_res += 1
End If
_res += 1
End If
End If
date1 = DateAdd("n", 1, date1)
Return CDec(_res / 60)
End Function
Hope that you can help me!
Something to consider...
With your current code:
Hour(date1) <= Hour(end_tim)
A time of 18:01 would be considered "inside the interval" when it's actually after the end time!
Try something more like below. It'll be accurate down to the second and can handle it if your start/stop times are not exactly at the top of the hour (like 08:30 to 18:30):
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim dt1 As DateTime = DateTime.Now
Dim dt2 As DateTime = dt1.AddDays(5).AddHours(4).AddMinutes(39).AddSeconds(17)
Dim ts As TimeSpan = WH(dt1, dt2, True)
Dim strFormattedTotal As String = String.Format("{0}.{1}:{2}:{3}", ts.Days, ts.Hours.ToString("00"), ts.Minutes.ToString("00"), ts.Seconds.ToString("00"))
Label1.Text = "Total: " & strFormattedTotal
Label2.Text = "Total Hours: " & ts.TotalHours
End Sub
Public Function WH(ByVal date1 As Date, ByVal date2 As Date, Optional ByVal considerwk As Boolean = True) As TimeSpan
Static ini_tim As DateTime = DateTime.Parse("08:00")
Static end_tim As DateTime = DateTime.Parse("18:00")
Dim TS As New TimeSpan
Do While date1 < date2
If date1.TimeOfDay >= ini_tim.TimeOfDay AndAlso date1.TimeOfDay <= end_tim.TimeOfDay Then
If considerwk Then
If date1.DayOfWeek <> DayOfWeek.Saturday AndAlso date1.DayOfWeek <> DayOfWeek.Sunday Then
TS = TS.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
End If
TS = TS.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
End If
End If
date1 = date1.AddSeconds(1)
Return TS
End Function

Simplest method to determine if the current time is AM or PM?

What is the best method to determine if the current time is AM or PM using VB.NET?
Currently I'm using If Date.Today.ToString.Contains("AM") but I'm sure there is a better method.
Good <%If Date.Today.ToString.Contains("AM") Then Response.Write("Morning") Else Response.Write("Afternoon")%>
If Date.Now.Hour < 12 Then ... perhaps?
Now.ToString("t") == "A" //or //"P"
How about this:
Now.Hour > 17 ' Night
Now.Hour < 5 ' Day
The afternoon check needs to be <= otherwise at hour 17 str nevers gets set
dim hours as int = DateTime.Now.Hour
dim str as string
if hours < 12 Then
str = "Morning"
else if hours <= 17 then
str = "Afternoon"
else if hours > 17 then
str = "Evening"
End If
How about this:
dim hours as int = DateTime.Now.Hour
dim str as string
if hours < 12 Then
str = "Morning"
else if hours < 17 then
str = "Afternoon"
else if hours > 17 then
str = "Evening"
End If
Private Function IsMidnight(ByVal value As DateTime) As Boolean
Return value.Hour = 0 And _
value.Minute = 0 And _
value.Second = 0 And _
value.Millisecond = 0
End Function
Dim isAM as Boolean = (IsMidnight(current) Or current.Hour < 12)
Dim dateValue = Dtp.Value.ToString()
If dateValue.EndsWith("AM") Then
MsgBox("Its AM")
MsgBox("Its PM")
End If
You can do something like this.