How to get the list of my bank related of Credit and Debit cards added to Apple Wallet. - objective-c

In In-App Provisioning how to get the added my bank related cards list from my banking application? Is it possible? If possible can anyone share you the code snippet?

It is possible.
NSArray *passes = [[[PKPassLibrary alloc] init] passes]; will return all payment passes from your bank. But you have to do the below requirements:-
Enable Wallet capability for your app id
Add pass types added in the developer portal to your entitlement file
Use the updated profile with this entitlement

Your PNO (payment network operator - MasterCard, for example) has to correctly configure the card when the backends communicate with Apple.
They can specify App IDs that have access to the payment passes (these are not usual PKPasses) and App IDs that the card can open from the detail.
So there's not much you can do about it on the client side. You should be able to get all associated cards through PKPassLibrary's passes() method, when your backend is set up correctly.


Handling payments in react-native

So I am building an app with react-native (expo) where a user fixes appointment with some other person and to do so, he has pay the other person.
Now how can I handle payments here. What i want is the user makes the payment and the receiver should be the other person but how much i understood the payment gateways, the payment is received by the app owner or in simple words, receiver is a single person.
I also tried deep linking to directly take the user to some UPI app like google pay or paytm but it seems that those apps require some special type of account (merchant account) to make the transaction if we access them using deep links (which is a problem as it is not necessary that every user will have a merchant account).
As I said, it is always better that you have your own payment gateway account, and all the transaction goes through your gateway, meaning you get the money and you build a system which will forward the payment to the receiver. I have worked on 2 such apps:
1: Where we have our own razorpay account, and we get the payment first, and then we forward it.
2: Where in we were directly having transaction between 2 users, but not through app, instead we display them the account details of the receiver and give them 48hrs time to pay that account. But we had to manually handle this scenario since one cannot know if the user has paid to the said account, since it's not your account.
3: There is one more method where in payment gateway has a webhook which consists of a virtual account number, and every user that lands on your app, you can create a virtual account number for him/her and store the user-virtual account number relationship in your db, whenever there is a payment, you can find out about the user through this virtual account number. Read about this.
The deep link is a good idea, but again, as you mentioned, it will require the end user to be a merchant user(have a merchant account), you can find more details here
Maybe you can ask your users to create a merchant account, which again I am not sure if it's possible, and if it's possible, if it's feasible?
The best way according to me is, you handle this through your payment gateway, and instantly forward it to the user who should have received it. Again there are some rules and clause to it(some commission is taken by those payment gateway,etc), check those things out.
I think the most close answer to my question is to use razorpay routes where we can link multiple accounts with our account and transfer money accordingly.
More details here

In-App Payment, is it possible to save a list of user's credit card in Android App

I'm trying to build up an android platform that takes in user credit card info and charge it on use without inserting the credit card details after saving one. But I don't seem to actually see any possible work ways in the "In-App Payment" SDK and I think I see it under Square's java SDK. But as researched in github, their official reply is that I'm unable to use java SDK in android app.
So I'm trying to figure out has anyone done this before or face the same issue?
In-App Payments SDK is solely meant for generating a card nonce on your mobile application. All other API endpoints must be done on a server or service due to security reasons (you don't want to store your personal access token within your application). Once you have that nonce, you need a server or service running that your mobile application will talk to. Ie the most basic is passing the nonce to the Charge endpoint to charge a customer.
On that same note, we have another endpoint called CreateCustomerCard, which you can pass the nonce as well as customer_id to in order to save the card to this particular customer's profile. So, at the very least you'll need to create a customer in order to have their id.
For info around saving cards on file, see this post: Hot to generate card nonce for repeated transactions without making users to enter card details?

Yodlee FastLink API

We are building an iOS app that uses Yodlee API's to retrieve credit card transactions for our users.
Right now, we are using FastLink API to connect.
Once accounts are added to a users profile, is there a way to filter the transactions for a specific account by credit card? (For credit card accounts that have multiple cards associated with them)
For example: I have one credit card account with 4 cards associated with it. I am trying to retrieve only the information for a single card. Can this be done?
Yes, you can get a particular credit card account by calling Get Account Details API-!/accounts/getAccountDetails
by passing the accountId and container as creditCard.
Hope this helps.

"Cannot associate card with accounts on this marketplace" error when adding a card to an account.

I tokenized a card with Balanced.js, and am attempting to create a buyer with the buyer email and the tokenized card URI. I'm seeing this error:
Balanced::Conflict(409)::Conflict:: POST cannot-associate-card: Cannot associate card with accounts on this marketplace. Your request id is xxxxxx
Any ideas on the source of the error and how to fix it?
This is usually an indicator that you're trying to associate a Card that was tokenized on one marketplace with an Account that exists on another marketplace. Cards tokenized in Balanced can only be associated accounts on the same marketplace.
The often happens if you're moving between test and production environments. The most obvious place to look is at the marketplace_uri parameter that you're passing through to balanced.js.
You'll see some code in your javascript that looks like
That uri must be the same as the marketplace that is associated with the API key that you're using to process payments.
You need to change the api key
require 'balanced'
To find it go to dashboard > settings > api key secret

Integrating credit/debit card transactions

I am working on one app. In this app to buy some non digital items i have to give access to users to do transactions using credit card / debit card. I have seen some apps in app store which accepts credit card / debit card . Those apps are Pay Anywhere , Rev COIN.
1) Can we know which third party API's they are using. 2)While using these apps do we need any card reader(another device) to swipe the card.
As well how to get those API's. Can any one help me please. This plays majority role in my app. Any suggestions please.
Doing some transactions with ZOOZ are ok . But coming to my app i have one requirement. i.e user can send order for one item and user can say expiry time(i.e in how many days product has to be delivered) at the time of offering an item payment will be done. before delivering the product user can cancel the order. whenever the order is cancelled some amount has to be deducted and remaining has to be refunded.
For example user sending request for pepsi which is worth of 10$ and expiry time is 3days payment will be done immediately. Next day he may want to cancel the order in such a case user 2$ will be deducted and remaining 8$ has to be credited back to user account. Can we do any these type of transactions using some API's.
Zooz is one way that you can do in-app payments. It's supposed to be easy. That kind of model would be for you using an app as a kind of online "store" like amazon.
If you're talking about using an iOS device to record transactions (using a single unit as a cash-register system) then you would need a card swipe add-on unless you want the customer to input all of their credit information when they pay.
Or, as jgervin pointed out you could use to let the users take a picture of their credit card. The company charges you per-scan however.
Important note: Apple will reject your app from the app-store. See the linked questions.
Pay for a physical product with in-app purchase
Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?
Which PayPal iPhone SDK should I use?
So hopefully you're planning to deploy with airwatch or something similar.