Extracting Variables and storing as a separate file out of watson - variables

I want to be able to store context variables into a text file. Im using this code:
"context" : {
"number_extract" : "<? input.text.extract('[\\d]+',0) ?>"
to extract variables into and store in context variable. I want to extract variables completely out of watson and into a a folder on my computer.
I also know you can make a database driven bot using this:
This will only store variables into the database but i want the variables extracted and put into a file out of watson.


Writing text data from PCollection to GCS with custom file name

In a dataflow job written in Kotlin
using a PubSub subscription as input i receive a Proto object (Event) and map this object to Strings.
My pipeline has type:
PCollection<KV<Event, String>>
These strings are the lines of a file that must be written in GCS.
The Event Object has a "Id" that must be used to set the filename, and a "name" to set the folder.
Is it possible using FileIO ?
FileIO.writeDynamic<String, String>()
// withNaming?
My goal is to write the right lines in the right files, based on the information in the Event object
File-names can be customized by providing a FileNaming implementation to the withNaming() API.
However this currently does not support mapping input elements directly to final file names. Input elements can be mapped to groups using the dynamic destinations API and for each group you can provide a file-naming strategy.
To fully customize naming using input element values you might need to implement a new sink transform.

dynamic path in Keystone file using keystone-storage-adapter-s3

How do you generate a path based on dynamic data inside the model the file is being saved to? An example would be having a User model with a fileAttachment field. If one instance of the User model has a registrationNumber of 123, I want to store their file at /123/fileName.pdf. If another user has a registrationNumber of 456, I want to store their file at 456/fileName.pdf. The path field accepts a string, and unfortunately during the time it is set, there's no access to the model fields. In addition, the file is named and uploaded to AWS by the time the pre('save', ...) hook is executed which prevents renaming there.

Adding tags to logstash events based on the md5 of the filename

I'm trying to link logstash events with the eventual file location on AWS S3. We have the logstash agent indexing files directly, and when the file has finished being written to, we send it to S3.
To increase S3 performance, we're fanning out files by storing them like so:
This takes the first 3 characters of the md5 hexdigest, and stores the file in the folder with that prefix, providing a fairly solid fan out of files. Unfortunately, I can't work out how to tag each log event with this information.
There is the ruby filter type which allows you to execute ruby code, but I don't think it allows you to use the result of the computation.
filter {
ruby {
code => "require 'digest/md5'; Digest::MD5.hexdigest("mylong.file.name")[0..2]"
# now what?
Is there a way of attaching a tag or field based on a prefix of the md5?
Your code will have a variable event which is the event itself.
To add a field "foo" with value "bar", you could write something like this:
event["foo"] = "bar"
See how the file input does it, for example.
If you find your code is a bit unwieldy, in a config file, you could write your own input or filter plugin.
Try this:
filter {
ruby {
code => "require 'digest/md5';
event['md5'] = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("mylong.file.name")[0..2]"
The "md5" field is what you want.

Read Velocity Tokens/Tag from .vm file

I have an application where in I am trying to create a velocity template repository which will help me centralise all my email templates and will allow me to create a communication hub. All templates will be called at runtime and populates with data via services.
My problem is that I need to provide users with optional and compulsory params list when they define the template inputs for the velocity template.
Is there a way to read the tokens/tags from the velocity template file and extract them??
Like I want a list of tokens $name.address.streetName to be available to me from .vm file.
I do not want to go for Regex .
I do not have to cache or reuse them , its just going to be a one time read and store the default,compulsory & optional params in the database.
I am following these patterns : http://kickjava.com/src/org/apache/velocity/test/view/TemplateNodeView.java.htm
How to use String as Velocity Template?
Please advice.
I got it working like this
RuntimeServices runtimeServices = RuntimeSingleton.getRuntimeServices();
StringReader reader = new StringReader(String velocityTemplateBodu);
SimpleNode node = runtimeServices.parse(reader, "dummyOne.vm");
for(int i=0; i<node.jjtGetNumChildren();i++){
if(node.jjtGetChild(i) instanceof org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.ASTReference ){
System.out.println("Node -----------------"+i +"---"+node.jjtGetChild(i).literal());
Using SimpleNode class you get all the nodes on the .vm file.
The Nodes are read using javaCC as ASTReference and ASTText (both extend SimpleNode). To get the tokens you need to get the ASTReference and to get HTML text use the ASTText.

Getting the data from backend to display it on Front end in X-CART

I am working on a X-Cart Module. I need the backend configuration values to the front end. In admin/configuration file I have created an array which contains the value which I need to use it in adv_search.php which is in the root folder. I don't know how to pass that array to adv_search.php.
Thanks in advance.
It is not quite clear how you store the configuration values. It may be easier to store them in the table xcart_config and access them directly as $config['Option-category']['option_name'] in php files and {$config.Option-category.option_name} in the Smarty-templates.
Or just define an array in module's config.php file and this array will be available everywhere in php-scripts. Look at the modules/UPS_OnLine_Tools/config.php file for example.