Selenium IDE - exporting test scripts - selenium

I'm trying to export my test automation created in Selenium IDE, but I can't find the option to export. I have a few test scenarios where the tests are the same but I need to make a copy of an existing test and swap some IDs for it to work.
I can only save it as a .side file and not as individual Python scripts for Selenium. I'd like to export an existing script and re import it into Selenium IDE as a copy (where I can make some changes, while keeping the majority of the commands the same).
My Selenium IDE looks like this:
How can I export my test scripts (to Python) or how can I make a copy of an existing test script inside Selenium IDE (ex. make a copy of UAT FCC-A Application, such that it makes another Test with all the same commands)?
I'm on Chrome.

You have Export option on Selenium IDE
But only Java JUnit at the moment.
I hope that helps.

The newest Katalon Recorder (Selenium IDE for Chrome) has covered the feature of exporting test script to Java,C#,Python 2,Ruby and so on.
Followed is the link to view these features.
Katalon Automation Recorder Quickstart


selenium IDE without Export Test Case As

I want to test a web project. install the chrome extension
but I want to export test case as python code but it seems the extension does not have this option.
Is there any good way to test web project?
You may use Katalon Recorder extension to export code instead of using selenium IDE. Advantage of this extension is allowed user to export code in the different unit test [eg. Nunit,Junit] and also language syntax to export such as Java, C# and so on.
See Details and Download at

Katalon - export recorded test script to java/junit

Is there an option to export recorded test script to Java/JUuit(similar to slenium IDE) in Katalon studio? Because the application I'm working on is compatible only with IE; so I couldn't use selenuim IDE. so I'm forced to find someother tools to play/record sessions.
Appreciate your help in advance! Thanks!
As of version 4.8 Katalon Studio does not support export test cases to other frameworks. But if you want more control on your project, you can modify test cases directy in the Script Mode using Groovy/Java. It is also possible to import 3rd party Java libraries to your project if need be.
After creating the test case with some steps, we could view the script and adjusting it, for examples:
From here, we could add more codes to handle our testing flows.
However, since the code uses some Katalon libraries, so it might not posible to copy the script and run somewhere else.
you can export code into java/ python using Katalon browser plugin. Just import existing test case recording into the plugin and click on "export" option.
Yes you can export it Java (Junit, TestNg), python, C#, Ruby.
Download the chrome pluging
Follow the guide screen
Create a Maven Java project, create a new Test class file and copy paste the code and run the project to test the browser test.
Done !
You can record your test and export in the following language and framework:
Robot Framework
It is an extension for chrome like Selenium IDE
you can find it here

Is it possible to package Selenium test cases into a runnable appliction

I am creating selenium test to test a web app. I also want to be able to use these test cases as a way for non technical users to automate the first few steps of the process. ~Is this possible?
If you are using testng, generate command to run XML from the command line and then copy the same command to .bat or .cmd file. By a click any user can run those tests/suite.
Of course you can, Selenium automates browsers, it is not a 'test library' you can use it in any program. Just write java program where you use selenium.
You can also write tests (in JUnit or TestNG or any other test runner) and run tests programmatically.

How to automate export of Selenium IDE scripts into rspec

I have a QA person creating Selenium scripts inside Selenium IDE for Rails 3 app.
I am trying to find way to automate the export from Selenium IDE into rspec so they will be run automatically on our CI server. Basically, I don't want to manually export scripts from Selenium IDE. Has anyone done this or have suggestions on an approach?
Yes, you can export your selenium test to rspec. But you need to install another firefox add on call php formatters.
When you had installed this add on your firefox, you can convert your selenium ide tests to rspec.

Launching Selenium test from bookmark?

I have some Selenium IDE scripts for automating tasks (deploying to an internal server via it's web interface), and I want to have bookmarks to launch them.
Don't want go to Tools -> Selenium IDE -> search test -> launch test, just want to click a bookmark and let the script run.
How can I achieve this? Am I missing a point?
Don't know if it makes a difference, but I'm currently using Firefox (if I have to change browser for this, it wouldn't be a problem).
Not sure whether you be able to run tests pressing on a bookmark as browser plugins are usually run with a key combo. And bookmark is URL. Well the main issue in your question how to associate bookmark
with browser addon launching.
Well, I've investigated a lil bit workaround. Speaking about getting Selenium HTML Test Suites Running Automatically (i mean an alternative to bookmarks) some solutions are possible:
solution 1:
Patch the Selenium server code to support HTML suites.
Build a script to execute your HTML test suites.
Build a script to read the suites’ output reports and consolidate
the information for inclusion into your CC.NET report.
Setup details you can get here
Solution 2:
Selenium IDE plugin for Firefox to create tests
Java to run Selenium Server
Selenium Server to run test suites
Nant to generate reports for CruiseControl.NET
CruiseControl.Net as a continuous integration engine
Setup details here
Hope this be useful for you.
Bookmarks are nothing else than URLs, which makes it impossible to "bookmark" a functionality of a plugin, such as the Selenium IDE.
However, there might be other plugins out there that do what you want. I haven't had a closer look at it, but one candidate could be the Favorites (Selenium IDE) Firefox Add-on.